# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'helper' class TestRegressionTable10 < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup setup_dir_var end def teardown @tempfile.close(true) end def test_table10 @xlsx = 'table10.xlsx' workbook = WriteXLSX.new(@io) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet format = workbook.add_format(:num_format => 2) # Set the column width to match the taget worksheet. worksheet.set_column('B:K', 10.288) # Add some strings to order the string table. worksheet.write_string('A1', 'Column1') worksheet.write_string('B1', 'Column2') worksheet.write_string('C1', 'Column3') worksheet.write_string('D1', 'Column4') worksheet.write_string('E1', 'Column5') worksheet.write_string('F1', 'Column6') worksheet.write_string('G1', 'Column7') worksheet.write_string('H1', 'Column8') worksheet.write_string('I1', 'Column9') worksheet.write_string('J1', 'Column10') worksheet.write_string('K1', 'Total') # Populate the data range. data = [0, 0, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] worksheet.write_row('B4', data) worksheet.write_row('B5', data) # Add the table. worksheet.add_table( 'B3:K6', { :total_row => 1, :columns => [ {:total_string => 'Total'}, {}, {:total_function => 'Average'}, {:total_function => 'COUNT'}, {:total_function => 'count_nums'}, {:total_function => 'max'}, {:total_function => 'min'}, {:total_function => 'sum'}, {:total_function => 'std Dev'}, {:total_function => 'var', :formula => 'SUM(Table1[[#This Row],[Column1]:[Column3]])', :format => format } ] } ) workbook.close compare_for_regression( [ 'xl/calcChain.xml', '[Content_Types].xml', 'xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels' ], { 'xl/workbook.xml' => ['