require 'spec_helper' module Autoscope describe ActiveRecord do before(:all) do Object.const_set('Post', Post.connection.create_table(:posts, force: true) do |t| t.string :title t.text :body t.integer :user_id t.string :protected_field t.string :private_field t.timestamps end Post.class_eval do scope :user_id_scope, lambda { |user_id| where(user_id: user_id) } scope :vararg_scope, lambda { |*ids| where(['id IN (?)', args.flatten]) } scope :two_param_scope, lambda { |id1,id2| where(['id IN (?)', [id1, id2]]) } scope :no_param_scope, -> { where('x = 1') } scope :empty_lambda_scope, lambda{ where(['date > ?',])} scope :optional_arg_scope, lambda{|a, b = 5|} protected_scope :nonsense, lambda{|id, test| where(user_id: id)} end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table(:users, force: true) do |t| t.string :name :bday t.string :type t.timestamps end Object.const_set('User', User.class_eval do scope :by_name, lambda { |name| where(name: name) } end Object.const_set('Admin', end context '.add_scopes' do it 'adds all types of scopes to the supplied collection' do scope = Post.all scope.expects(:user_id_scope) .with('1') .returns(scope) scope.expects(:two_param_scope) .with('1', '2') .returns(scope) scope.expects(:vararg_scope) .with('1', '2', '3') .returns(scope) scope.expects(:optional_arg_scope) .with('req') .returns(scope) Post.add_scopes( { user_id_scope: { user_id: '1' }, two_param_scope: { id1: '1', id2: '2' }, vararg_scope: { ids: %w{1 2 3} }, optional_arg_scope: { a: 'req' } }, scope ) end context 'Type filter' do it 'applies a filter on the type when a type key is passed in' do scope = User.add_scopes(type: 'Admin') expect(scope.where_values_hash[:type]).to eql(['Admin']) end it 'handles invalid class names' do expect { scope = User.add_scopes(type: 'InvalidClass') }.not_to raise_error end it 'merges with the scope that was passed in' do scope = User.add_scopes({ type: 'Admin' }, User.where(name: 'Dan')) where_values = scope.where_values_hash.with_indifferent_access expect(where_values["name"]).to eql('Dan') expect(where_values["type"]).to eql(['Admin']) end it 'does not apply a scope unless a descendant class is supplied' do original_scope = User.where(name: 'Dan') scope = User.add_scopes({ type: 'Post' }, original_scope) # shouldn't do anything expect(scope).to eql(original_scope) end end context 'Pagination' do it 'adds pagination' do scope = Post.all scope.expects(:paginate) .with(page: 3, per_page: 20) .returns(scope) Post.add_scopes({ page: 3, per_page: 20 }, scope) end end end end end