# Copyright (C) 2011 AMEE UK Ltd. - http://www.amee.com
# Released as Open Source Software under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# :title: Class: AMEE::DataAbstraction::Term
require 'bigdecimal'
module AMEE
module DataAbstraction
# Base class for representing quantities which are inputs to, outputs of, or
# metadata associated with, calculations. Typically several instances of the
# Term class (or subclasses) will be associated with instances of the
# Calculation class or its subclasses (PrototypeCalculation,
# OngoingCalculation).
# Instances of Term are represented by several primary attributes:
# label:: Symbol representing the unique, machine-readable name for the
# term (required)
# value:: In principle, any object which represent the desired value
# which the term represents
# name:: String representing a human-readable name for the term
# path:: String representing the AMEE platform path to the AMEE item
# value definition which is associated with self.
# This attribute is required only if the term represents an
# item value definition in the AMEE platform
# Other available attribute-like methods include type,
# interface, note, unit, per_unit,
# default_unit, default_per_unit and parent.
# Subclasses of the Term correspond to:
# * Input
# * * Profile -- corresponds to an AMEE profile item value
# * * Drill -- corresponds to an AMEE drill down choice
# * * Usage -- corresponds to a (runtime adjustable) AMEE usage choice
# * * Metadatum -- represents other arbitrary inputs
# * Output -- corresponds to an AMEE return value
class Term
# Symbol representing the unique (within the parent calculation), machine-
# readable name for self. Set a value by passing an argument.
# Retrieve a value by calling without an argument, e.g.,
# my_term.label :distance
# my_term.label #=> :distance
attr_property :label
# String representing a human-readable name for self. Set a value
# by passing an argument. Retrieve a value by calling without an argument,
# e.g.,
# my_term.name 'Distance driven'
# my_term.name #=> 'Distance driven'
attr_property :name
# Symbol representing the class the value should be parsed to. If
# omitted a string is assumed, e.g.:
# my_term.type :integer
# my_term.value "12"
# my_term.value # => 12
# my_term.value_before_cast # => "12"
attr_property :type
# String representing a the AMEE platform path for self. Set a
# value by passing an argument. Retrieve a value by calling without an
# argument, e.g.,
# my_term.path 'mass'
# my_term.path #=> 'mass'
attr_property :path
# String representing an annotation for self. Set a value by
# passing an argument. Retrieve a value by calling without an argument,
# e.g.,
# my_term.note 'Enter the mass of cement produced in the reporting period'
# my_term.note #=> 'Enter the mass of cement ...'
attr_property :note
# Symbol representing the owning parent calculation of self. Set
# the owning calculation object by passing as an argument. Retrieve it by
# calling without an argument, e.g.,
# my_calculation =
# my_term.parent my_calculation
# my_term.parent #=>
attr_accessor :parent
# Stores pre-cast value
attr_accessor :value_before_cast
# Initialize a new instance of Term.
# The term can be configured in place by passing a block (evaluated in the
# context of the new instance) which defines the term properties using the
# macro-style instance helper methods.
# my_term = Term.new {
# label :size
# path "vehicleSize"
# hide!
# ...
# }
# The parent calculation object associated with self can be assigned
# using the :parent hash key passed as an argument.
# Unless otherwise configured within the passed block, several attributes
# attempt to take default configurations if possible using rules of thumb:
# * value => nil
# * enabled => true
# * visible => true
# * label => underscored, symbolized version of path
# * path => stringified version of label
# * name => stringified and humanised version of label
# * unit => default_unit
# * per_unit => default_per_unit
def initialize(options={},&block)
instance_eval(&block) if block
label path.to_s.underscore.to_sym unless path.blank?||label
path label.to_s unless path
name label.to_s.humanize unless name
unit default_unit unless unit
per_unit default_per_unit unless per_unit
# Valid choices for suggested interfaces for a term.
# Dynamic boolean methods (such as text_box?) are generated for
# checking which value is set.
# my_term.drop_down? #=> true
Interfaces.each do |inf|
define_method("#{inf.to_s}?") {
# Symbolized attribute representing the expected interface type for
# self. Set a value by passing an argument. Retrieve a value by
# calling without an argument, e.g.,
# my_term.interface :drop_down
# my_term.interface #=> :drop_down
# Must represent one of the valid choices defined in the
# Term::Interfaces constant
# If the provided interface is not valid (as defined in Term::Interfaces)
# an InvalidInterface exception is raised
def interface(inf=nil)
if inf
raise Exceptions::InvalidInterface unless Interfaces.include? inf
return @interface
# Object representing the value which self is considered to
# represent (e.g. the quantity or name of something). Set a value by
# passing an argument. Retrieve a value by calling without an argument,
# e.g.,
# my_term.value 12
# my_term.value #=> 12
# my_term.value 'Ford Escort'
# my_term.value #=> 'Ford Escort'
# my_term.value DateTime.civil(2010,12,31)
# my_term.value #=>
def value(*args)
unless args.empty?
@value_before_cast = args.first
@value = @type ? self.class.convert_value_to_type(args.first, @type) : args.first
# Symbols representing the attributes of self which are concerned
# with quantity units.
# Each symbol also represents dynamically defined method name for
# setting and retrieving the default and current units and per units. Units
# are initialized as instances of Quantify::Unit::Base is required.
# Set a unit attribute by passing an argument. Retrieve a value by calling
# without an argument. Unit attributes can be defined by any form which is
# accepted by the Quantify::Unit#for method (either an instance of
# Quantify::Unit::Base (or subclass) or a symbolized or string
# representation of the a unit symbol, name or label). E.g.,
# my_term.unit :mi
# my_term.unit #=>
# my_term.default_unit 'feet'
# my_term.default_unit #=>
# my_time_unit = Unit.hour #=>
# my_term.default_per_unit my_time_unit
# my_term.default_per_unit #=>
# Dynamically defined methods are also available for setting and retrieving
# alternative units for the unit and per_unit attributes.
# If no alternative units are explicitly defined, they are instantiated by
# default to represent all dimensionally equivalent units available in the
# system of units defined by Quantify. E.g.
# my_term.unit :kg
# my_term.alternative_units #=> [ ,
# ,
# ,
# ... ]
# my_term.unit 'litre'
# my_term.alternative_units :bbl, :gal
# my_term.alternative_units #=> [ ,
# ]
UnitFields = [:unit,:per_unit,:default_unit,:default_per_unit]
UnitFields.each do |field|
define_method(field) do |*unit|
instance_variable_set("@#{field}",Unit.for(unit.first)) unless unit.empty?
[:unit,:per_unit].each do |field|
define_method("alternative_#{field}s") do |*args|
ivar = "@alternative_#{field}s"
default = send("default_#{field}".to_sym)
unless args.empty?
args << default if default
units = args.map {|arg| Unit.for(arg) }
instance_variable_set(ivar, units)
return instance_variable_get(ivar) if instance_variable_get(ivar)
return instance_variable_set(ivar, (default.alternatives << default)) if default
# Returns true if self has a populated value attribute.
# Otherwise, returns false.
def set?
# Returns true if self does not have a populated value
# attribute. Otherwise, returns false.
def unset?
# Declare that the term's UI element should be disabled
def disable!
# Declare that the term's UI element should be enabled
def enable!
# Returns true if the UI element of self is disabled.
# Otherwise, returns false.
def disabled?
# Returns true if the UI element of self is enabled.
# Otherwise, returns false.
def enabled?
# Returns true if self is configured as visible.
# Otherwise, returns false.
def visible?
# Returns true if self is configured as hidden.
# Otherwise, returns false.
def hidden?
# Declare that the term's UI element should not be shown in generated UIs.
def hide!
# Declare that the term's UI element should be shown in generated UIs.
def show!
# Returns true if self has a numeric value. That is, can
# it have statistics applied? This method permits handling of term summing,
# averaging, etc. Otherwise, returns false.
def has_numeric_value?
set? and Float(value) rescue false
# Returns a pretty print string representation of self
def inspect
elements = {:label => label, :value => value, :unit => unit,
:per_unit => per_unit, :type => type,
:disabled => disabled?, :visible => visible?}
attr_list = elements.map {|k,v| "#{k}: #{v.inspect}" } * ', '
"<#{self.class.name} #{attr_list}>"
# Returns true if self occurs before the term with a label
# matching lab in the terms list of the parent calculation. Otherwise,
# returns false.
def before?(lab)
# Returns true if self occurs after the term with a label
# matching lab in the terms list of the parent calculation. Otherwise,
# returns false.
def after?(lab)
parent.terms.labels.index(lab)Term, based on self but with
# a change of units, according to the options hash provided, and
# the value attribute updated to reflect the new units.
# To specify a new unit, pass the required unit via the :unit key.
# To specify a new per_unit, pass the required per unit via the
# :per_unit key. E.g.,
# my_term.convert_unit(:unit => :kg)
# my_term.convert_unit(:unit => :kg, :per_unit => :h)
# my_term.convert_unit(:unit => 'kilogram')
# my_term.convert_unit(:per_unit => Quantify::Unit.h)
# my_term.convert_unit(:unit => )
# If self does not hold a numeric value or either a unit or per
# unit attribute, is returned.
def convert_unit(options={})
return self unless has_numeric_value? and (unit or per_unit)
new = clone
if options[:unit] and unit
new_unit = Unit.for(options[:unit])
new.value Quantity.new(new.value,new.unit).to(new_unit).value
new.unit options[:unit]
if options[:per_unit] and per_unit
new_per_unit = Unit.for(options[:per_unit])
new.value Quantity.new(new.value,(1/new.per_unit)).to(Unit.for(new_per_unit)).value
new.per_unit options[:per_unit]
return new
# Return an instance of Quantify::Quantity describing the quantity represented
# by self.
# If self does not contain a numeric value, nil is returned.
# If self contains a numeric value, but no unit or per unit, just
# the numeric value is returned
def to_quantity
return nil unless has_numeric_value?
if (unit.is_a? Quantify::Unit::Base) && (per_unit.is_a? Quantify::Unit::Base)
quantity_unit = unit/per_unit
elsif unit.is_a? Quantify::Unit::Base
quantity_unit = unit
elsif per_unit.is_a? Quantify::Unit::Base
quantity_unit = 1/per_unit
return value
alias :to_q :to_quantity
# Returns a string representation of term based on the term value and any
# units which are defined. The format of the unit representation follows
# that defined by format, which should represent any of the formats
# supported by the Quantify::Unit::Base class (i.e. :name,
# :pluralized_name, :symbol and :label). Default behaviour uses the unit
# symbol atribute, i.e. if no format explcitly specified:
# my_term.to_s #=> "12345 ton"
# my_term.to_s :symbol #=> "12345 ton"
# my_term.to_s :name #=> "12345 short ton"
# my_term.to_s :pluralized_name #=> "12345 tons"
# my_term.to_s :label #=> "12345 ton_us"
def to_s(format=:symbol)
string = "#{value}"
if unit and per_unit
string += " #{(unit/per_unit).send(format)}"
elsif unit
string += " #{unit.send(format)}"
elsif per_unit
string += " #{(1/per_unit).send(format)}"
return string
# Checks that the units included in units are dimensionally
# equivalent, that is, that they represent the same physucal quantity
def self.validate_dimensional_equivalence?(*units)
unless [units].flatten.all? {|unit| unit.dimensions == units[0].dimensions }
raise AMEE::DataAbstraction::Exceptions::InvalidUnits,
"The specified term units are not of equivalent dimensions: #{units.map(&:label).join(",")}"
def self.convert_value_to_type(value, type)
return nil if value.blank?
type = type.downcase.to_sym if type.is_a?(String)
case type
when :string then value.to_s
when :text then value.to_s
when :integer then value.to_i rescue 0
when :fixnum then value.to_i rescue 0
when :float then value.to_f rescue 0
when :decimal then value.to_s.to_d rescue 0
when :double then value.to_s.to_d rescue 0
when :datetime then DateTime.parse(value.to_s) rescue nil
when :time then Time.parse(value.to_s) rescue nil
when :date then Date.parse(value.to_s) rescue nil
else value