require 'bundler' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'rspec/core/rake_task' task :default => :spec namespace :spec do desc "Run all specs on multiple ruby versions (requires rvm)" task :portability do command = <<-BASH source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm; rvm #{ENV['RUBIES'] || 'all'} do bundle exec rake spec BASH system "bash -c '#{command}'" end namespace :portability do desc 'Installs bundler/rake and runs bundle install for all rubies' task :prepare do # FIXME: This isn't working for me when it gets to JRuby, specs are running fine - RL command = <<-BASH source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm; rvm #{ENV['RUBIES'] || 'all'} do gem install bundler rake; rvm #{ENV['RUBIES'] || 'all'} do bundle install BASH system "bash -c '#{command}'" end end end