module Georgia module UiHelper def avatar_url(email='', options={}) gravatar_id = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.downcase) if email size = options.fetch(:size, '32') "//{gravatar_id}.png?s=#{size}&d=mm" end def caret_tag content_tag :span, nil, class: 'caret' end # FIXME: Turn into a Hash def asset_icon_tag extension icon_name = case extension.downcase when 'avi' then 'file-movie-o' when 'css' then 'file-text-o' when 'csv' then 'file-excel-o' when 'doc' then 'file-word-o' when 'docx' then 'file-word-o' when 'eps' then 'file-powerpoint-o' when 'gif' then 'file-image-o' when 'gz' then 'file-archive-o' when 'html' then 'file-code-o' when 'jpeg' then 'file-image-o' when 'jpg' then 'file-image' when 'mp3' then 'file-audio-o' when 'ods' then 'file-excel-o' when 'odt' then 'file-word-o' when 'pdf' then 'file-pdf-o' when 'png' then 'file-image-o' when 'ppt' then 'file-powerpoint-o' when 'pptx' then 'file-powerpoint-o' when 'rar' then 'file-archive-o' when 'tar' then 'file-archive-o' when 'txt' then 'file-text-o' when 'wav' then 'file-audio-o' when 'xls' then 'file-excel-o' when 'zip' then 'file-archive-o' else 'file' end icon_tag(icon_name) end def link_to_back url=:back link_to icon_tag('level-up fa-rotate-270'), url, class: 'btn btn-back' end def link_to_delete url, options={} text = options.delete(:text) { "#{icon_tag('trash-o')} Delete".html_safe } link_to text, url, options.reverse_merge(data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger') end # Link to close modal box def link_to_close content_tag :button, icon_tag('times'), class: 'close', data: {dismiss: 'modal'}, aria: {hidden: true}, type: 'button' end def tooltip_tag icon, tooltip, options={} content_tag(:span, icon, options.reverse_merge(title: tooltip, class: 'js-tooltip', data: {placement: 'right'})) end def welcomed? session[:welcomed] || !(session[:welcomed] = true) end def button_to_settings return unless policy(@page).settings? link_to "#{icon_tag('cogs')} Settings".html_safe, [:settings, @page], class: 'btn btn-info' end def button_to_edit return unless policy(@page).update? link_to "#{icon_tag('pencil')} Edit".html_safe, [:edit, @page], class: 'btn btn-info' end def page_actions_tag page, revision=nil, options={} revision ||= page.current_revision, page, revision, options) end def page_url_minus_slug @page_full_url ||= (Georgia.url + @page.url).gsub(@page.slug, '') end def revision_status_message page, revision, options={}, page, revision, options) end def picture_tag picture, options={} return unless picture and picture.url.present? format = options.fetch(:format, :tiny) link_to picture.url_content, class: 'media-link bg-transparent', rel: 'shadowbox[gallery]' do image_tag(picture.url(format), title: picture.data_file_name, class: 'media-image') end end def link_to_available_locales return unless I18n.available_locales.length > 1 links = do |locale| content_tag(:li, link_to(t("georgia.#{locale}"), params.merge(locale: locale) )) end content_tag(:p, class: 'hint') do content_tag(:div, class: 'dropdown') do link_to("Change language ".html_safe, '#', class: 'btn btn-warning', data: {toggle: 'dropdown'}, role: :button) + content_tag(:ul, links.join('').html_safe, class: 'dropdown-menu', role: 'menu') end end end end end