[o] PUT [o] DELETE [o] POST [o] :prefix [o] :raw [o] POST/PUT cache if etag is given back (couch) [o] get('/x', :cache => false) [o] get('x') vs get('/x') ? [o] Net::HTTP (when no Patron) [x] couch : attachments [o] put_doc(h) where _id is set ? [o] :update_rev => true... [o] long polling/continuous change (patron ?) [x] don't abuse exceptions ! (especially with couch) [o] couch.attach [o] couch.detach ? [o] net http persistent http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/net-http-persistent/Net/HTTP/Persistent.html [o] HttpResponse : DRY net and netp [x] patron : http can steal each other's patron session (inside the same thread) [o] why not a :force_json ? [o] netp : close() impl [o] views : couch#query(view, opts) ? [ ] HEAD [ ] OPTIONS [ ] redirections ? (Patron seem to understand them) [ ] make HttpCore detect do_request [ ] timeout per request ? [ ] caching [ ] digest auth (as for rufus-verbs) ?