
GtkSourceCompletionProposal — Completion proposal interface


#include <gtksourceview/gtksource.h>

struct              GtkSourceCompletionProposalIface;
gchar *             gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_label
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
gchar *             gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_markup
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
gchar *             gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_text
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
GdkPixbuf *         gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_icon
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
gchar *             gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_info
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
void                gtk_source_completion_proposal_changed
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
guint               gtk_source_completion_proposal_hash (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
gboolean            gtk_source_completion_proposal_equal
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal,
                                                         GtkSourceCompletionProposal *other);

Object Hierarchy



GtkSourceCompletionProposal requires GObject.

Known Implementations

GtkSourceCompletionProposal is implemented by GtkSourceCompletionItem.


  "changed"                                        : Action


The proposal interface represents a completion item in the completion window. It provides information on how to display the completion item and what action should be taken when the completion item is activated.



typedef struct _GtkSourceCompletionProposal GtkSourceCompletionProposal;

struct GtkSourceCompletionProposalIface

struct GtkSourceCompletionProposalIface {
	GTypeInterface parent;

	/* Interface functions */
	gchar		*(*get_label) (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
	gchar		*(*get_markup) (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
	gchar		*(*get_text) (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

	GdkPixbuf *(*get_icon) (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
	gchar		*(*get_info) (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

	guint		 (*hash) (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);
	gboolean	 (*equal) (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal,
					 GtkSourceCompletionProposal *other);

	/* Signals */
	void		 (*changed) (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

The virtual function table for GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

GTypeInterface parent;

The parent interface.

get_label ()

The virtual function pointer for gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_label(). By default, NULL is returned.

get_markup ()

The virtual function pointer for gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_markup(). By default, NULL is returned.

get_text ()

The virtual function pointer for gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_text(). By default, NULL is returned.

get_icon ()

The virtual function pointer for gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_icon(). By default, NULL is returned.

get_info ()

The virtual function pointer for gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_info(). By default, NULL is returned.

hash ()

The virtual function pointer for gtk_source_completion_proposal_hash(). By default, it uses a direct hash (g_direct_hash()).

equal ()

The virtual function pointer for gtk_source_completion_proposal_equal(). By default, it uses direct equality (g_direct_equal()).

changed ()

The function pointer for the "changed" signal.

gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_label ()

gchar *             gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_label
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

Gets the label of proposal. The label is shown in the list of proposals as plain text. If you need any markup (such as bold or italic text), you have to implement gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_markup(). The returned string must be freed with g_free().

proposal :

a GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

Returns :

a new string containing the label of proposal.

gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_markup ()

gchar *             gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_markup
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

Gets the label of proposal with markup. The label is shown in the list of proposals and may contain markup. This will be used instead of gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_label() if implemented. The returned string must be freed with g_free().

proposal :

a GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

Returns :

a new string containing the label of proposal with markup.

gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_text ()

gchar *             gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_text
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

Gets the text of proposal. The text that is inserted into the text buffer when the proposal is activated by the default activation. You are free to implement a custom activation handler in the provider and not implement this function. For more information, see gtk_source_completion_provider_activate_proposal(). The returned string must be freed with g_free().

proposal :

a GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

Returns :

a new string containing the text of proposal.

gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_icon ()

GdkPixbuf *         gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_icon
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

Gets the icon of proposal.

proposal :

a GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

Returns :

The icon of proposal. [transfer none]

gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_info ()

gchar *             gtk_source_completion_proposal_get_info
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

Gets extra information associated to the proposal. This information will be used to present the user with extra, detailed information about the selected proposal. The returned string must be freed with g_free().

proposal :

a GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

Returns :

a new string containing extra information of proposal or NULL if no extra information is associated to proposal.

gtk_source_completion_proposal_changed ()

void                gtk_source_completion_proposal_changed
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

Emits the "changed" signal on proposal. This should be called by implementations whenever the name, icon or info of the proposal has changed.

gtk_source_completion_proposal_hash ()

guint               gtk_source_completion_proposal_hash (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal);

Get the hash value of proposal. This is used to (together with gtk_source_completion_proposal_equal()) to match proposals in the completion model. By default, it uses a direct hash (g_direct_hash()).

proposal :

a GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

Returns :

The hash value of proposal.

gtk_source_completion_proposal_equal ()

gboolean            gtk_source_completion_proposal_equal
                                                        (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal,
                                                         GtkSourceCompletionProposal *other);

Get whether two proposal objects are the same. This is used to (together with gtk_source_completion_proposal_hash()) to match proposals in the completion model. By default, it uses direct equality (g_direct_equal()).

proposal :

a GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

other :

a GtkSourceCompletionProposal.

Returns :

TRUE if proposal and object are the same proposal

Signal Details

The "changed" signal

void                user_function                      (GtkSourceCompletionProposal *proposal,
                                                        gpointer                     user_data)      : Action

Emitted when the proposal has changed. The completion popup will react to this by updating the shown information.

proposal :

The GtkSourceCompletionProposal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.