# frozen_string_literal: true module Orchestration module DockerCompose class AppService def initialize(config, environment) @environment = environment @config = config end class << self def command server = env.web_server %w[bundle exec] + case env.web_server when 'puma' %w[puma -C config/puma.rb] when 'unicorn' %w[unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb] else unsupported_web_server(server) end end def entrypoint ["/app/#{orchestration}/entrypoint.sh"] end def healthcheck { 'test' => ['bundle', 'exec', 'rake', 'orchestration:healthcheck'], # Defaults according to # https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#healthcheck # Except start_period which cannot be set to 0s 'interval' => '30s', 'timeout' => '30s', 'start_period' => '5s', 'retries' => 3 } end private def orchestration env.orchestration_dir_name end def env @env ||= Environment.new end def unsupported_web_server(server) raise ArgumentError, I18n.t( 'orchestration.rake.app.unspported_web_server', server: server, expected: %w[puma unicorn] ) end end def definition { 'image' => image, 'environment' => environment, 'ports' => ports, 'deploy' => deploy, 'logging' => logging } end private def image '${DOCKER_ORGANIZATION}/${DOCKER_REPOSITORY}:${DOCKER_TAG}' end def deploy { 'mode' => 'replicated', 'replicas' => '${REPLICAS}' } end def logging { 'driver' => 'json-file', 'options' => { 'max-size' => '10m', 'max-file' => '5' } } end def environment { 'RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT' => '1', 'RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES' => '1', 'WEB_PRELOAD_APP' => '1', 'WEB_HEALTHCHECK_PATH' => '/' }.merge(Hash[inherited_environment.map { |key| [key, nil] }]) end def inherited_environment %w[ DATABASE_URL HOST_UID RAILS_ENV SECRET_KEY_BASE WEB_CONCURRENCY WEB_TIMEOUT WEB_WORKER_PROCESSES ] end def ports ['${CONTAINER_PORT:?CONTAINER_PORT must be provided}:8080'] end end end end