Author: Jan Odvarko,, Home page: Issue list: Project home: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAR Viewer 2.0.17 ----------------- Contributors: * gitgrimbo ( * David Bengoa ( * Matt DeMoss ( * Rodrigo López Dato ( Fixed issues: * Remove duplicate assertion #18 * Port tests to Intern #20 * Charset in MIME type causes content preview to fail #22 * Use feature detection for text selection rather than IE userAgent test #25 * Race condition when using the same callback name and jQuery JSONP #28 * Test stability #29 * Upgrade to Requirejs 2 and jQuery 2 #30 * Support inputURL via hash fragment in addition to query string #32 * Lib.getPrettyDomain now avoids data URIs. Also placed a limit in case… #34 * String.prototype.startsWith absent in IE #36 * Update Intern from 2.2.2 to 3.0.0 and some test tidyup #37 * Upgrade jsdoc #38 * GET params values get dropped from URL #39 * GET params values get dropped from URL #40 * Fix checkbox handling - replace jQ attr with prop #45 * HAR Viewer redeclares functions; not ES6 compatible #50 * Rename pageStats to harStats so uBlock doesn't block it #53 HAR Viewer 2.0.16 ----------------- Contributors: * James Pickering ( Fixed issue: * Issue 90: errors with google chrome har file. It should show the latency. * Issue 73: Entries are not sorted in Chrome HAR Viewer 2.0.15 ----------------- * Search in HAR based on JSON Query * Displaying search results using table layout * Issue 63: API to set the visible columns without using an HTTP cookie * Issue 64: Single-page waterfalls aren't expanded in the preview * Issue 65: Can use the web based preview to view this file, but not the embed * Issue 66: HAR viewer should recognize gif as an image. * Validation extended (negative timings not allowed and summary of timings must be correct) * Only *.har can be dropped onto the page. HAR Viewer 2.0.14 ----------------- * Issue 59: Reduce columns in waterfall chart * Issue 61: Search in HAR HAR Viewer 2.0.13 ----------------- * Issue 24: blocked in between connect and wait * Issue 55: harViewer in IE8 shows timing bars squeezed * Issue 58: Embedding HAR previews on pages HAR Viewer 2.0.12 ----------------- * Issue 53: Simple API for loading HAR files. * Issue 57: Online HAR viewer does no longer show the graph HAR Viewer 2.0.11 ----------------- * Issue 31: Visual separator between two phases in the waterfal graph. * Issue 46: Patch: Fix CSS warnings * Issue 47: Patch: Sprite the expand/collapse icon * Issue 48: Patch: add events to the Preview application as well * Issue 49: Patch: allow multiple HAR files to be loaded via inputUrl * Issue 51: Support for console.timeStamp() introduced in Firebug 1.8b3 HAR Viewer 2.0.10 ----------------- * See: HAR Viewer 2.0.9 ---------------- * Update to RequireJS 0.24.0 * Resizeable HTML preview * Better tooltips for unknown size * Disable phase-break in the UI by setting phaseInterval to zero or less Issue 45: Properly handle data:text URLs HAR Viewer 2.0.8 ---------------- Issue 34: Feature request: make tabs go away? Issue 35: Feature request: arbirtary vertical lines Issue 36: API enhancement: make pies and timeline chart show onload Issue 38: Enhancment: add ability to hide/show downloaddify icon Issue 40: Patch: Build failure on linux system (aboutTab.html) Issue 41: Build system feature request: use automatically on *nix systems? Issue 42: Patch: Control click to view resource in new window New API, doc updated: HAR Viewer 2.0.6 ---------------- Bug Fixes: Issue 25: Printing prints one page only Issue 29: Downloadify icon disappears Issue 30: connect, dns, blocked should be optional Issue 32: unused placeholder HAR Viewer 2.0 ============== * Significant refactoring of the source code (all modularized now). * Include RequireJS ( to support asynchronous modules. * Stop using Dojo and include jQuery instead * Support for localization. * Support for print (from the browser) * Generating JSDoc from source code comments. * Fix HAR input validation according to the HAR schema. * Remember the validation option (the Home tab) in a cookie. * Context menu for individual requests - Break timeline layout - Open Request in New Window - Open Response in New Window. HAR Viewer 1.1-13 ----------------- Issue 23: start time of subsequent entry not displayed correctly ? HAR Viewer 1.1-12 ----------------- Issue 22: Timing bars disproportional HAR Viewer 1.1-11 ----------------- Issue 20: pageTimings without onLoad or with onLoad equals -1 HAR Viewer 1.1-10 ----------------- Issue 16: Content-Type with charset issue Issue 17: Infotip with neg. timings show up Issue 18: Typo in "pageSstartedDateTime" Issue 19: PAGES are optional HAR Viewer 1.1-9 ---------------- == Refactoring == - Source files use different underlying structure. lib: directory for JS and PHP files. images: contains even CSS files. - Deploy process doesn't use XSLT anymore. Different includes - Selenium tests (PHPUnit), see: selenium/readme.txt - New global.php file used as a configuration file. - Customization of Google Analytics (using config.php and == Bug Fixes == Issue 1: Flash content not reported Issue 3: HEAD request shows an error Issue 4: KB total is wrong Issue 7: No Images in Summary of Content Types Issue 8: ant build fails because Windows specific path locations in build.xml Issue 9: [Patch] Fix undefined error when no text is passed in Issue 10: Add addtional Installation requirement information Issue 11: xslt Processing markup and rendering issues Issue 12: Remove or add config flag for Google Analytics Issue 13: [Patch] Fix IE syntax error Issue 15: forgot to add global.php in r109