/* * This is a manifest file that'll automatically include all the stylesheets available in this directory * and any sub-directories. You're free to add application-w ide styles to this file and they'll appear at * the top of the compiled file, but it's generally better to create a new file per style scope. *= require_self *= require twitter/bootstrap */ .page{ margin-top: 50px; } .content{ width: 940px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .link_white, a{ color: #ffffff; } .link_white, a:hover, a:active, a:focus{ color: #ffffff; } form .input { margin-left: 10px; } .form{ margin-left: -150px; } /* It's *strongly* suggested that you don't modify this file. Instead, load a new stylesheet after this one in your layouts (eg formtastic_changes.css) and override the styles to suit your needs. This will allow you to update formtastic.css with new releases without clobbering your own changes. This stylesheet forms part of the Formtastic Rails Plugin (c) 2008-2011 Justin French --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* NORMALIZE AND RESET - obviously inspired by Yahoo's reset.css, but scoped to just .formtastic * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic, .formtastic ul, .formtastic ol, .formtastic li, .formtastic fieldset, .formtastic legend, .formtastic input, .formtastic button, .formtastic textarea, .formtastic select, .formtastic p { margin:0; padding:0; } .formtastic fieldset { border:0; } .formtastic em, .formtastic strong { font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; } .formtastic ol, .formtastic ul { list-style:none; } .formtastic abbr, .formtastic acronym { border:0; font-variant:normal; } .formtastic input, .formtastic button, .formtastic textarea { font-family:sans-serif; font-size:inherit; font-weight:inherit; } .formtastic input, .formtastic textarea, .formtastic select { font-size:100%; } .formtastic legend { white-space:normal; color:#000; } /* SEMANTIC ERRORS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .errors { color:#cc0000; margin:0.5em 0 1.5em 25%; list-style:square; } .formtastic .errors li { padding:0; border:none; display:list-item; } /* BUTTONS & ACTIONS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .buttons, .formtastic .actions { overflow:hidden; /* clear containing floats */ padding-left:25%; } .formtastic .button, .formtastic .action { float:left; padding-right:0.5em; } .formtastic .button_action button { padding:3px 8px; } .formtastic .link_action a { display:block; padding:3px 0; } /* INPUTS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .inputs { overflow:hidden; /* clear containing floats */ } .formtastic .input { overflow:hidden; /* clear containing floats */ padding:0.5em 0; /* padding and negative margin juggling is for Firefox */ margin-top:-0.5em; margin-bottom:1em; } /* LEFT ALIGNED LABELS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .input .label { display:block; width:10%; float:left; padding-top:.2em; } .formtastic .fragments .label, .formtastic .choices .label { position:absolute; width:95%; left:0px; } .formtastic .fragments .label label, .formtastic .choices .label label { position:absolute; } /* NESTED FIELDSETS AND LEGENDS (radio, check boxes and date/time inputs use nested fieldsets) * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .choices { position:relative; } .formtastic .choices-group { float:left; width:74%; margin:0; padding:0 0 0 25%; } .formtastic .choice { padding:0; border:0; } /* INLINE HINTS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .input .inline-hints { color:#666; margin:0px; } /* INLINE ERRORS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .inline-errors { color:#cc0000; margin:0.5em 0 0 25%; } .formtastic .errors { color:#cc0000; margin:0.5em 0 0 25%; list-style:square; } .formtastic .errors li { padding:0; border:none; display:list-item; } /* STRING, NUMERIC, PASSWORD, EMAIL, URL, PHONE, SEARCH (ETC) OVERRIDES * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .stringish input { width:85%; } .formtastic .stringish input[size] { width:auto; max-width:85%; } /* TEXTAREA OVERRIDES * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .text textarea { width:85%; } .formtastic .text textarea[cols] { width:auto; max-width:85%; } /* HIDDEN OVERRIDES * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .hidden { display:none; } /* BOOLEAN LABELS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .boolean label { padding-left:10%; display:block; } /* CHOICE GROUPS * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .choices-group { margin-bottom:-0.5em; } .formtastic .choice { margin:0.1em 0 0.5em 0; } .formtastic .choice label { float:none; width:100%; line-height:100%; padding-top:0; margin-bottom:0.6em; } /* ADJUSTMENTS FOR INPUTS INSIDE LABELS (boolean input, radio input, check_boxes input) * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .choice label input, .formtastic .boolean label input { margin:0 0.3em 0 0.1em; line-height:100%; } /* FRAGMENTED INPUTS (DATE/TIME/DATETIME) * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .formtastic .fragments { position:relative; } .formtastic .fragments-group { float:left; width:84%; margin:0; padding:0 0 0 25%; } .formtastic .fragment { float:left; width:auto; margin:0 .3em 0 0; padding:0; border:0; } .formtastic .fragment label { display:none; } .formtastic .fragment label input { display:inline; margin:0; padding:0; }