daengine - Digital Asset File parsing and search for OFI

daengine is a rails engine plugin gem that provides access to digital assets, aka
SSC documents/pdfs such as fund documents from the rails applications.  It also
includes the parser code that reads digital-asset metadata produced by the 
Teamsite legacy CMS and ingests it into a MongoDB instance for use by the client


To install the gem for use as a server process

    $ gem install daengine

To install within a rails app as an engine (for client API use)

    # Use the digital-asset api
    gem "daengine"

daengine Server Process

The server process of daengine is packaged as an executable inside the gem called
`process_assets`.  You execute the server portion of the gem on a single-instance
where the Teamsite tuple .xml files are accessible and you must provide a configuration
.yml file to the executable that specifies the location of the tuple files and the 
MongoDB connection settings ala...

    $ cat config_prod.yml
    hosts: [[prod-db1,22785], [prod-db3,22785]]
    database: the_database_where_you_want_stuff_to_go
    assets_path: /tmp/some/teamsite/tuple/file/dir/

You then execute the server process as so:

    $ process_assets config_prod.yml

daengine Client API

The data produced by the daengine server process can be consumed by any rails app
that includes the daengine gem and has an existing Mongoid connection to the MongoDB
database that the producer side writes to.  Client access is either directly thru
the *DigitalAssets* model class, or via the engine-provided REST API 
ie *http://localhost:3000/digital_assets.json*

Querying for Digital Assets

Querying assets via the Model Class...


Query via the REST API...

    get 'http://localhost:3000/digital_assets/search?sami=FOOBAR.001'
    get 'http://localhost:3000/digital_assets/search?funds=12345'

To test the app locally as a project from irb console
Update your #{RAILS_ROOT}/client/config.yml

1. Ensure mongo is running locally
2. Provide a database name. Asset metadata records will be stored in edist database in mongo.
3. Ensure mongo port is correct in config.yml
4. Ensure assets_path info is correct. [Sample deploy files provided under #{RAILS_ROOT}/client/digital-assets/*.xml]
5. Set paths for daengine.yml, daengine.log in config.yml

%%% Sample config.yml %%%
host: localhost
database: edist
port: 27017
assets_path: c:/tmp/daengine/digital_assets
daengine_yml_file: c:/tmp/daengine/daengine.yml
logfile_location: c:/tmp/daengine.log

Start the irb using the command from your project root directory:
C:\dev\daengine> irb -Ilib -rdaengine
irb(main): config = YAML.load_file('#{RAILS_ROOT}\client\config.yml')
irb(main): Daengine.execute(config)

At the end of this, "digital_assets" collection will be created with all asset metadata records in "edist" database.