Feature: Split Key ```javascript SPLIT_KEY['id_1','id_2','id_3'] ``` Split Key is a simple form of secret sharing. Scenario: Close And Open With Split Key Given the blank contract: """javascript { "header": {}, "vaults": { "a_consent_key":{ "fill_with": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lock_with": "EXTERNAL_KEY['a_secret']", "unlock_with": "EXTERNAL_KEY['a_secret']", "contents": "" }, "b_consent_key":{ "fill_with": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lock_with": "EXTERNAL_KEY['b_secret']", "unlock_with": "EXTERNAL_KEY['b_secret']", "contents": "" }, "c_consent_key":{ "fill_with": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lock_with": "EXTERNAL_KEY['c_secret']", "unlock_with": "EXTERNAL_KEY['c_secret']", "contents": "" }, "abc_joint_consent_key":{ "fill_with": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lock_with": "SPLIT_KEY['a_consent_key','b_consent_key','c_consent_key']", "unlock_with": "SPLIT_KEY['a_consent_key','b_consent_key','c_consent_key']", "contents": "" }, "abc_consent_message":{ "fill_with": "EXTERNAL_INPUT['consent_message']", "lock_with": "KEY['abc_joint_consent_key']", "unlock_with": "KEY['abc_joint_consent_key']", "contents": "" } } } """ And Consent keys for parties A, B, and C When I lock a away the consent keys And I lock a message in a vault using a split key Then I can recover the message if each party gives consent And I cannot recover the message if one party fails to give consent