# The dot operator calls methods on objects. Power Dots are dots with extra features # # .? calls a method if the reciever is not nil, returns nil # otherwise. We have to write it ._?. in order to be valid Ruby # # .try. calls a mehod only if the recipient resonds to that method require 'delegate' require 'singleton' require 'blankslate' module HoboSupport def self.hobo_try(this, *args, &block) if args.length==0 # Hobo style try CallIfAvailable.new(this) else # activesupport 2.3 style try this.send(*args, &block) end end end class Object def _?() self end def try(*args, &block) HoboSupport.hobo_try(self, *args, &block) end end class NilClass def _?() SafeNil.instance end def try(*args) if args.length==0 # Hobo style try CallIfAvailable.new(self) else # activesupport 2.3 style try nil end end end class SafeNil include Singleton DONT_REDEFINE_METHODS = "__id__", "__send__", "object_id" NIL_RESPONSE_METHODS = ["to_s", "to_json", "to_yaml", "__id__", "__is_a__", "__metaclass__", "__send__"] (NIL_RESPONSE_METHODS - DONT_REDEFINE_METHODS).each do |method| # can't use define_method with a block eval " def #{method}(*args, &b) nil.send(:#{method}, *args, &b) end" end (instance_methods.map{|m| m.to_s} - NIL_RESPONSE_METHODS - DONT_REDEFINE_METHODS).each do |method| # can't use define_method with a block eval " def #{method}(*args, &b) nil end" end def to_s "" end def method_missing(method, *args, &b) return nil end end alias DelegateClass_without_safe_nil DelegateClass def DelegateClass(klass) c = DelegateClass_without_safe_nil(klass) c.class_eval do def _? self end end c end class CallIfAvailable < BlankSlate def initialize(target) @target = target end def method_missing(name, *args, &b) @target.send(name, *args, &b) if @target.respond_to?(name) end end module ActiveRecord module Associations class AssociationProxy # we need to make sure we don't trigger AssociationCollections' method_missing def try(*args, &block) HoboSupport.hobo_try(self, *args, &block) end end end end