#index-table.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'index_table') %p Tables responsible for listing objects on admin index pages. %ul %li This class is intended to be applied to table elements. %li You can control the alignment of th or td elements by applying alignment classes, eg. align-center. %li The first column (index-table__control-cell) is reserved for bulk action checkboxes, which are visible below. %li The last column is always aligned to the right. %li You may use the index-table__row--inactive modifier class on rows to show a deactivated state .style-guide__example-block %table.index-table %thead %tr %th.index-table__control-cell .checkbox.checkbox--indeterminate = check_box_tag 'global_id', nil, false, class: 'checkbox__input', id: "index_table_row_header" = label_tag "index_table_row_header", '', class: 'checkbox__label' %th Name %th Breadcrumbs %th.align-center Featured Products %th.align-center Rules %th.align-center Insights %th Updated At %tbody - prng = Random.new - 10.times do |index| %tr.index-table__row{ class: ('index-table__row--inactive' if (index + 1) % 3 == 0) } %td.index-table__control-cell .checkbox = check_box_tag 'global_id', nil, index % 3 == 0, class: 'checkbox__input', id: "index_table_row_#{index}" = label_tag "index_table_row_#{index}", '', class: 'checkbox__label' %td Product Number #{index + 1} - if index % 4 == 0 = link_to '#', class: 'link link--no-underline' do = inline_svg('workarea/admin/icons/timeline.svg', class: 'svg-icon svg-icon--small svg-icon--link-color') - if index % 3 == 0 = link_to '#', class: 'link link--no-underline' do = inline_svg('workarea/admin/icons/comments.svg', class: 'svg-icon svg-icon--small svg-icon--link-color') %td Foo > Bar > Baz %td.align-center= prng.rand(50) %td.align-center= prng.rand(50) %td.align-center = link_to '#', class: 'link link--no-underline' do %span.spark {#{12.times.map{ prng.rand(10) }.join(',')}} %td #{index + 10} minutes ago