require 'base64' module Appium module Device extend Forwardable NoArgMethods = { post: { open_notifications: 'session/:session_id/appium/device/open_notifications', shake: 'session/:session_id/appium/device/shake', launch_app: 'session/:session_id/appium/app/launch', close_app: 'session/:session_id/appium/app/close', reset: 'session/:session_id/appium/app/reset', toggle_airplane_mode: 'session/:session_id/appium/device/toggle_airplane_mode', device_locked?: 'session/:session_id/appium/device/is_locked' }, get: { device_time: 'session/:session_id/appium/device/system_time', current_activity: 'session/:session_id/appium/device/current_activity', current_context: 'session/:session_id/context', get_network_connection: 'session/:session_id/network_connection' } } # @!method app_strings # Return the hash of all localization strings. # ```ruby # app_strings #=> "TransitionsTitle"=>"Transitions", "WebTitle"=>"Web" # ``` # @!method background_app # Backgrounds the app for a set number of seconds. # This is a blocking application # @param seconds (int) How many seconds to background the app for. # @!method current_activity # @!method launch_app # Start the simulator and application configured with desired capabilities # @!method reset # Reset the device, relaunching the application. # @!method shake # Cause the device to shake # @!method toggle_flight_mode # Toggle flight mode on or off # @!method device_locked? # @!method hide_keyboard # Hide the onscreen keyboard # @param close_key (String) the name of the key which closes the keyboard. # Defaults to 'Done'. # ```ruby # hide_keyboard # Close a keyboard with the 'Done' button # hide_keyboard('Finished') # Close a keyboard with the 'Finished' button # ``` # @!method press_keycode # Press keycode on the device. # # @param key (integer) The key to press. # @param metastate (String) The state the metakeys should be in when pressing the key. # @!method long_press_keycode # Long press keycode on the device. # # @param key (integer) The key to long press. # @param metastate (String) The state the metakeys should be in when long pressing the key. # @!method push_file # Place a file in a specific location on the device. # @param path (String) The absolute path on the device to store data at. # @param data (String) Raw file data to be sent to the device. # @!method pull_file # Retrieve a file from the device. This can retrieve an absolute path or # a path relative to the installed app (iOS only). # @param path (String) Either an absolute path OR, for iOS devices, a path relative to the app, as described. # # ```ruby # pull_file '/local/data/some/path' #=> Get the file at that path # pull_file '' #=> Get 'some/file' from the install location of # ``` # @!method pull_folder # Retrieve a folder from the device. # @param path (String) absolute path to the folder # # ```ruby # pull_folder '/data/local/tmp' #=> Get the folder at that path # ``` # @!method end_coverage # Android only; Ends the test coverage and writes the results to the given path on device. # @param path (String) Path on the device to write too. # @param intent (String) Intent to broadcast when ending coverage. # @!method get_settings # Get appium Settings for current test session # @!method update_settings # Update appium Settings for current test session # @param settings (hash) Settings to update, keys are settings, values to value to set each setting to class << self def extended(_mod) extend_webdriver_with_forwardable NoArgMethods.each_pair do |verb, pair| pair.each_pair { |command, path| add_endpoint_method command, path, verb } end add_endpoint_method(:available_contexts, 'session/:session_id/contexts', :get) do def available_contexts # return empty array instead of nil on failure execute(:available_contexts, {}) || [] end end add_endpoint_method(:app_strings, 'session/:session_id/appium/app/strings') do def app_strings(language = nil) opts = language ? { language: language } : {} execute :app_strings, {}, opts end end add_endpoint_method(:lock, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/lock') do def lock(duration) execute :lock, {}, seconds: duration end end add_endpoint_method(:install_app, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/install_app') do def install_app(path) execute :install_app, {}, appPath: path end end add_endpoint_method(:remove_app, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/remove_app') do def remove_app(id) execute :remove_app, {}, appId: id end end add_endpoint_method(:app_installed?, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/app_installed') do def app_installed?(app_id) execute :app_installed?, {}, bundleId: app_id end end add_endpoint_method(:background_app, 'session/:session_id/appium/app/background') do def background_app(duration) execute :background_app, {}, seconds: duration end end # @!method start_activity # Start a new activity within the current app or launch a new app and start the target activity. # # Android only. # @param [String] The package owning the activity [required] # @param [String] The target activity [required] # @param [String] The package to start before the target package [optional] # @param [String] The activity to start before the target activity [optional] # # ```ruby # start_activity app_package: '', # app_activity: '.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProviderActivity' # ``` add_endpoint_method(:start_activity, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/start_activity') do def start_activity(opts) fail 'opts must be a hash' unless opts.is_a? Hash app_package = opts[:app_package] fail 'app_package is required' unless app_package app_activity = opts[:app_activity] fail 'app_activity is required' unless opts[:app_activity] app_wait_package = opts.fetch(:app_wait_package, '') app_wait_activity = opts.fetch(:app_wait_activity, '') unknown_opts = opts.keys - [:app_package, :app_activity, :app_wait_package, :app_wait_activity] fail "Unknown options #{unknown_opts}" unless unknown_opts.empty? execute :start_activity, {}, appPackage: app_package, appActivity: app_activity, appWaitPackage: app_wait_package, appWaitActivity: app_wait_activity end end add_endpoint_method(:set_context, 'session/:session_id/context') do def set_context(context = null) execute :set_context, {}, name: context end end add_endpoint_method(:hide_keyboard, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/hide_keyboard') do def hide_keyboard(close_key = nil) # Android can only tapOutside. if $driver.device_is_android? return execute :hide_keyboard, {}, strategy: :tapOutside end close_key ||= 'Done' # default to Done key. $driver.hide_ios_keyboard close_key end end add_endpoint_method(:press_keycode, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/press_keycode') do def press_keycode(key, metastate = nil) args = { keycode: key } args[:metastate] = metastate if metastate execute :press_keycode, {}, args end end add_endpoint_method(:long_press_keycode, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/long_press_keycode') do def long_press_keycode(key, metastate = nil) args = { keycode: key } args[:metastate] = metastate if metastate execute :long_press_keycode, {}, args end end # TODO: TEST ME add_endpoint_method(:set_immediate_value, 'session/:session_id/appium/element/:id/value') do def set_immediate_value(element, value) execute :set_immediate_value, { id: element.ref }, value: value end end add_endpoint_method(:push_file, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/push_file') do def push_file(path, filedata) encoded_data = Base64.encode64 filedata execute :push_file, {}, path: path, data: encoded_data end end add_endpoint_method(:pull_file, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/pull_file') do def pull_file(path) data = execute :pull_file, {}, path: path Base64.decode64 data end end # TODO: TEST ME add_endpoint_method(:pull_folder, 'session/:session_id/appium/device/pull_folder') do def pull_folder(path) data = execute :pull_folder, {}, path: path Base64.decode64 data end end # TODO: TEST ME add_endpoint_method(:end_coverage, 'session/:session_id/appium/app/end_test_coverage') do def end_coverage(path, intent) execute :end_coverage, {}, path: path, intent: intent end end add_endpoint_method(:get_settings, 'session/:session_id/appium/settings', :get) do def get_settings execute :get_settings, {} end end add_endpoint_method(:update_settings, 'session/:session_id/appium/settings') do def update_settings(settings) execute :update_settings, {}, settings: settings end end # @!method get_network_connection # Get the device network connection current status # See set_network_connection method for return value # @!method set_network_connection # Set the device network connection mode # @param path (String) Bit mask that represent the network mode # Value (Alias) | Data | Wifi | Airplane Mode # ------------------------------------------------- # 1 (Airplane Mode) | 0 | 0 | 1 # 6 (All network on) | 1 | 1 | 0 # 4 (Data only) | 1 | 0 | 0 # 2 (Wifi only) | 0 | 1 | 0 # 0 (None) | 0 | 0 | 0 # add_endpoint_method(:set_network_connection, 'session/:session_id/network_connection') do def set_network_connection(mode) execute :set_network_connection, {}, type: mode end end add_touch_actions extend_search_contexts end # def extended # @private def add_endpoint_method(method, path, verb = :post) if block_given? # & with no args passes the passed_in block # Because creating Procs from blocks is slow create_bridge_command method, verb, path, & else create_bridge_command method, verb, path end delegate_driver_method method delegate_from_appium_driver method end # @private def extend_webdriver_with_forwardable return if Selenium::WebDriver::Driver.is_a? Forwardable Selenium::WebDriver::Driver.class_eval do extend Forwardable end end # @private def delegate_driver_method(method) return if Selenium::WebDriver::Driver.method_defined? method Selenium::WebDriver::Driver.class_eval { def_delegator :@bridge, method } end # @private def delegate_from_appium_driver(method, delegation_target = :driver) def_delegator delegation_target, method end # @private def create_bridge_command(method, verb, path) Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge.class_eval do command method, verb, path if block_given? class_eval(& else define_method(method) { execute method } end end end # @!method accessiblity_id_find # find_element/s with their accessibility_id # # ```ruby # find_elements :accessibility_id, 'Animation' # ``` def extend_search_contexts Selenium::WebDriver::SearchContext.class_eval do Selenium::WebDriver::SearchContext::FINDERS[:accessibility_id] = 'accessibility id' end end def add_touch_actions add_endpoint_method(:touch_actions, 'session/:session_id/touch/perform') do def touch_actions(actions) actions = { actions: [actions].flatten } execute :touch_actions, {}, actions end end add_endpoint_method(:multi_touch, 'session/:session_id/touch/multi/perform') do def multi_touch(actions) execute :multi_touch, {}, actions: actions end end actions = Appium::TouchAction::COMPLEX_ACTIONS actions.each do |method| delegate_from_appium_driver(method, Appium::TouchAction) end delegate_from_appium_driver(:pinch, Appium::MultiTouch) delegate_from_appium_driver(:zoom, Appium::MultiTouch) end end # class << self # @!method set_context # Change the context to the given context. # @param [String] The context to change to # # ```ruby # set_context "NATIVE_APP" # ``` # @!method current_context # @return [String] The context currently being used. # @!method available_contexts # @return [Array] All usable contexts, as an array of strings. # Perform a block within the given context, then switch back to the starting context. # @param context (String) The context to switch to for the duration of the block. # # ```ruby # within_context('NATIVE_APP') do # find_element [:tag, "button"] # ``` def within_context(context) existing_context = current_context set_context context yield if block_given? set_context existing_context end # Change to the default context. This is equivalent to `set_context nil`. def switch_to_default_context set_context nil end end # module Device end # module Appium