module ActsAsLoggable extend ActiveSupport::Concern module Base def log_changes(*options) @acts_as_loggable_options = options.try(:first) || {} unless @acts_as_loggable_options.kind_of?(Hash) raise'invalid arguments passed to (effective_logging) log_changes. Example usage: log_changes except: [:created_at]') end if (unknown = (@acts_as_loggable_options.keys - [:to, :prefix, :only, :except])).present? raise"unknown keyword: #{unknown.join(', ')}") end include ::ActsAsLoggable end end included do has_many :logged_changes, -> { order(:id).where(status: EffectiveLogging.log_changes_status) }, as: :changes_to, class_name: 'Effective::Log' log_changes_options = { to: @acts_as_loggable_options[:to], prefix: @acts_as_loggable_options[:prefix], only: Array(@acts_as_loggable_options[:only]), except: Array(@acts_as_loggable_options[:except]) } if name == 'User' log_changes_options[:except] += %i(sign_in_count current_sign_in_at current_sign_in_ip last_sign_in_at last_sign_in_ip encrypted_password remember_created_at reset_password_token invitation_sent_at invitation_created_at invitation_token) end self.send(:define_method, :log_changes_options) { log_changes_options } after_create(unless: -> { EffectiveLogging.supressed? }) do, log_changes_options).created! end after_destroy(unless: -> { EffectiveLogging.supressed? }) do, log_changes_options).destroyed! end after_update(unless: -> { EffectiveLogging.supressed? }) do, log_changes_options).updated! end end module ClassMethods def acts_as_loggable?; true; end end # Regular instance methods # Format the title of this attribute. Return nil to use the default attribute.titleize def log_changes_formatted_attribute(attribute) 'Roles' if attribute == :roles_mask && defined?(EffectiveRoles) && respond_to?(:roles) end # Format the value of this attribute. Return nil to use the default to_s def log_changes_formatted_value(attribute, value) EffectiveRoles.roles_for(value) if attribute == :roles_mask && defined?(EffectiveRoles) && respond_to?(:roles) end def log_changes_datatable id, changes_to_type: if persisted? end end