/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ // author Kevin Lang, Oath Research #ifndef U32_TABLE_IMPL_HPP_ #define U32_TABLE_IMPL_HPP_ #include #include #include namespace datasketches { template u32_table::u32_table(): lg_size(0), num_valid_bits(0), num_items(0), slots() {} template u32_table::u32_table(uint8_t lg_size, uint8_t num_valid_bits): lg_size(lg_size), num_valid_bits(num_valid_bits), num_items(0), slots(1 << lg_size, UINT32_MAX) { if (lg_size < 2) throw std::invalid_argument("lg_size must be >= 2"); if (num_valid_bits < 1 || num_valid_bits > 32) throw std::invalid_argument("num_valid_bits must be between 1 and 32"); } template size_t u32_table::get_num_items() const { return num_items; } template const uint32_t* u32_table::get_slots() const { return slots.data(); } template uint8_t u32_table::get_lg_size() const { return lg_size; } template void u32_table::clear() { std::fill(slots.begin(), slots.end(), UINT32_MAX); num_items = 0; } template bool u32_table::maybe_insert(uint32_t item) { const size_t index = lookup(item); if (slots[index] == item) return false; if (slots[index] != UINT32_MAX) throw std::logic_error("could not insert"); slots[index] = item; num_items++; if (U32_TABLE_UPSIZE_DENOM * num_items > U32_TABLE_UPSIZE_NUMER * (1 << lg_size)) { rebuild(lg_size + 1); } return true; } template bool u32_table::maybe_delete(uint32_t item) { const size_t index = lookup(item); if (slots[index] == UINT32_MAX) return false; if (slots[index] != item) throw std::logic_error("item does not exist"); if (num_items == 0) throw std::logic_error("delete error"); // delete the item slots[index] = UINT32_MAX; num_items--; // re-insert all items between the freed slot and the next empty slot const size_t mask = (1 << lg_size) - 1; size_t probe = (index + 1) & mask; uint32_t fetched = slots[probe]; while (fetched != UINT32_MAX) { slots[probe] = UINT32_MAX; must_insert(fetched); probe = (probe + 1) & mask; fetched = slots[probe]; } // shrink if necessary if (U32_TABLE_DOWNSIZE_DENOM * num_items < U32_TABLE_DOWNSIZE_NUMER * (1 << lg_size) && lg_size > 2) { rebuild(lg_size - 1); } return true; } // this one is specifically tailored to be a part of fm85 decompression scheme template u32_table u32_table::make_from_pairs(const uint32_t* pairs, size_t num_pairs, uint8_t lg_k) { uint8_t lg_num_slots = 2; while (U32_TABLE_UPSIZE_DENOM * num_pairs > U32_TABLE_UPSIZE_NUMER * (1 << lg_num_slots)) lg_num_slots++; u32_table table(lg_num_slots, 6 + lg_k); // Note: there is a possible "snowplow effect" here because the caller is passing in a sorted pairs array // However, we are starting out with the correct final table size, so the problem might not occur for (size_t i = 0; i < num_pairs; i++) { table.must_insert(pairs[i]); } table.num_items = num_pairs; return table; } template size_t u32_table::lookup(uint32_t item) const { const size_t size = 1 << lg_size; const size_t mask = size - 1; const uint8_t shift = num_valid_bits - lg_size; size_t probe = item >> shift; if (probe > mask) throw std::logic_error("probe out of range"); while (slots[probe] != item && slots[probe] != UINT32_MAX) { probe = (probe + 1) & mask; } return probe; } // counts and resizing must be handled by the caller template void u32_table::must_insert(uint32_t item) { const size_t index = lookup(item); if (slots[index] == item) throw std::logic_error("item exists"); if (slots[index] != UINT32_MAX) throw std::logic_error("could not insert"); slots[index] = item; } template void u32_table::rebuild(uint8_t new_lg_size) { if (new_lg_size < 2) throw std::logic_error("lg_size must be >= 2"); const size_t old_size = 1 << lg_size; const size_t new_size = 1 << new_lg_size; if (new_size <= num_items) throw std::logic_error("new_size <= num_items"); vector_u32 old_slots = std::move(slots); slots = vector_u32(new_size, UINT32_MAX); lg_size = new_lg_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < old_size; i++) { if (old_slots[i] != UINT32_MAX) { must_insert(old_slots[i]); } } } // While extracting the items from a linear probing hashtable, // this will usually undo the wrap-around provided that the table // isn't too full. Experiments suggest that for sufficiently large tables // the load factor would have to be over 90 percent before this would fail frequently, // and even then the subsequent sort would fix things up. // The result is nearly sorted, so make sure to use an efficient sort for that case template vector_u32 u32_table::unwrapping_get_items() const { if (num_items == 0) return vector_u32(); const size_t table_size = 1 << lg_size; vector_u32 result(num_items); size_t i = 0; size_t l = 0; size_t r = num_items - 1; // special rules for the region before the first empty slot uint32_t hi_bit = 1 << (num_valid_bits - 1); while (i < table_size && slots[i] != UINT32_MAX) { const uint32_t item = slots[i++]; if (item & hi_bit) { result[r--] = item; } // this item was probably wrapped, so move to end else { result[l++] = item; } } // the rest of the table is processed normally while (i < table_size) { const uint32_t item = slots[i++]; if (item != UINT32_MAX) result[l++] = item; } if (l != r + 1) throw std::logic_error("unwrapping error"); return result; } // This merge is safe to use in carefully designed overlapping scenarios. template void u32_table::merge( const uint32_t* arr_a, size_t start_a, size_t length_a, // input const uint32_t* arr_b, size_t start_b, size_t length_b, // input uint32_t* arr_c, size_t start_c // output ) { const size_t length_c = length_a + length_b; const size_t lim_a = start_a + length_a; const size_t lim_b = start_b + length_b; const size_t lim_c = start_c + length_c; size_t a = start_a; size_t b = start_b; size_t c = start_c; for ( ; c < lim_c ; c++) { if (b >= lim_b) { arr_c[c] = arr_a[a++]; } else if (a >= lim_a) { arr_c[c] = arr_b[b++]; } else if (arr_a[a] < arr_b[b]) { arr_c[c] = arr_a[a++]; } else { arr_c[c] = arr_b[b++]; } } if (a != lim_a || b != lim_b) throw std::logic_error("merging error"); } // In applications where the input array is already nearly sorted, // insertion sort runs in linear time with a very small constant. // This introspective version of insertion sort protects against // the quadratic cost of sorting bad input arrays. // It keeps track of how much work has been done, and if that exceeds a // constant times the array length, it switches to a different sorting algorithm. template void u32_table::introspective_insertion_sort(uint32_t* a, size_t l, size_t r) { // r points past the rightmost element const size_t length = r - l; const size_t cost_limit = 8 * length; size_t cost = 0; for (size_t i = l + 1; i < r; i++) { size_t j = i; uint32_t v = a[i]; while (j >= l + 1 && v < a[j - 1]) { a[j] = a[j - 1]; j--; } a[j] = v; cost += i - j; // distance moved is a measure of work if (cost > cost_limit) { knuth_shell_sort3(a, l, r); return; } } } template void u32_table::knuth_shell_sort3(uint32_t* a, size_t l, size_t r) { size_t h; for (h = 1; h < (r - l) / 9; h = 3 * h + 1); for ( ; h > 0; h /= 3) { for (size_t i = l + h; i < r; i++) { size_t j = i; const uint32_t v = a[i]; while (j >= l + h && v < a[j - h]) { a[j] = a[j - h]; j -= h; } a[j] = v; } } } } /* namespace datasketches */ #endif