[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/dockly.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/dockly) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/swipely/dockly.png?branch=refactor_setup)](https://travis-ci.org/swipely/dockly) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/swipely/dockly.png)](https://gemnasium.com/swipely/dockly) Dockly ======= `dockly` is a gem made to ease the pain of packaging an application. For this gem to be useful, quite a few assumptions can be made about your stack: - You use AWS - You're deploying to a Debian-based system - You want to use [Docker](http://docker.io) for process isolation Although only a specific type of repository may be used, these assumptions allow us to define a simple DSL to describe your repository. The DSL ------- The DSL is broken down into multiple objects, all of which conform to a specific format. Each object starts with the name of the section, followed by a name for the object you're creating, and a block for configuration. ```ruby docker :test_docker do # code here end ``` Each object has an enumeration of valid attributes. The following code sets the `repository` attribute in a `docker` called `test_docker`: ```ruby docker :test_docker do repository 'an-awesome-name' end ``` Finally, each object has zero or more valid references to other DSL objects. The following code sets `deb` that references a `docker`: ```ruby docker :my_docker do repository 'my-name' end deb :my_deb do docker :my_docker end ``` Below is an alternative syntax that accomplishes the same thing: ```ruby deb :my_deb do docker do repository 'my-name' end end ``` `build_cache` ------------- The `build_cache` DSL is used to prevent rebuilding assets every build and used cached assets. - `s3_bucket` - required: `true` - description: the bucket name to download and upload build caches to - `s3_object_prefix` - required: `true` - description: the name prepended to the package; allows for namespacing your caches - `hash_command` - required: `true` - description: command run inside of the Docker image to determine if the build cache is up to date (eg. `md5sum ... | awk '{ print $1 }'`) - `build_command` - required: `true` - description: command run inside of the Docker image when the build cache is out of date - `output_dir` - required: `true` - description: where the cache is located in the Docker image filesystem - `tmp_dir` - required: `true` - default: `/tmp` - description: where the build cache files are stored locally; this should be able to be removed easily since they all exist in S3 as well - `use_latest` - required: `false` - default: `false` - description: when using S3, will insert the S3 object tagged as latest in your "s3://s3_bucket/s3_object_prefix" before running the build command to quicken build times `docker` -------- The `docker` DSL is used to define Docker containers. It has the following attributes: - `import` - required: `true` - description: the location (url or S3 path) of the base image to start building from - `git_archive`: - required: `false` - default: `nil` - description: the relative file path of git repo that should be added to the container - `build` - required: `true` - description: aditional Dockerfile commands that you'd like to pass to `docker build` - `repository` - required: `true` - default: `'dockly'` - description: the repository of the created image - `name` - alias for: `repository` - `tag` - required: `true` - description: the tag of the created image - `build_dir` - required: `true` - default: `./build/docker` - description: the directory of the temporary build files - `package_dir` - required: `true` - default: `/opt/docker` - description: the location of the created image in the Debian package - `timeout` - required: `true` - default: `60` - description: the excon timeout for read and write when talking to docker through docker-api - `build_caches` - required: `false` - default: `[]` - description: a listing of references to build caches to run In addition to the above attributes, `docker` has the following references: - `build_cache` - required: `false` - class: `Dockly::BuildCache` - description: a caching system to stop rebuilding/compiling the same files every time Need finer control of Docker packages? We also wrote [docker-api](https://github.com/swipely/docker-api). `foreman` --------- The `foreman` DSL is used to define the foreman export scripts. It has the following attributes: - `env` - description: accepts same arguments as `foreman start --env` - `procfile` - required: `true` - default: `'Procfile'` - description: the Procfile to use - `type` - required: `true` - default: `'upstart'` - description: the type of foreman script being defined - `user` - required: `true` - default: `'nobody'` - description: the user the scripts will run as - `root_dir` - required: `false` - default: `'/tmp'` - description: set the root directory - `init_dir` - required: `false` - default: `'/etc/init'` - description: the location of the startup scripts in the Debian package - `prefix` - required: `false` - default: `nil` - description: a prefix given to each command from foreman. must be using https://github.com/adamjt/foreman for this to work `deb` ----- The `deb` DSL is used to define Debian packages. It has the following attributes: - `package_name` - required: `true` - description: the name of the created package - `version` - required: `true` - default: `0.0` - description: the version of the created package - `release` - required: `true` - default: `0` - description: the realese version of the created package - `arch` - required: `true` - default: `x86_64` - description: the intended architecture of the created package - `build_dir` - required: `true` - default: `build/deb` - description: the location of the temporary files on the local file system - `pre_install`, `post_install`, `pre_uninstall`, `post_uninstall` - required: `false` - default: `nil` - description: script hooks for package events - `s3_bucket` - required: `false` - default: `nil` - description: the s3 bucket the package is uploaded to - `file SOURCE DEST` - required: `false` - description: places SOURCE at DEST in the Debian package (can have multiple of these) In addition to the above attributes, `deb` has the following references: - `docker` - required: `false` - default: `nil` - class: `Dockly::Docker` - description: configuration for an image packaged with the deb - `foreman` - required: `false` - default: `nil` - class: `Dockly::Foreman` - description: any Foreman scripts used in the deb Demo === ```ruby deb :dockly_package do package_name 'dockly_package' docker do name :dockly_docker import 's3://.../base-image.tar.gz' git_archive '/app' timeout 120 build_cache do s3_bucket "dockly-bucket-name" s3_object_prefix "bundle_cache/" hash_command "cd /app && ./script/bundle_hash" build_command "cd /app && ./script/bundle_package" output_dir "/app/vendor/bundle" use_latest true end build <<-EOF run cd /app && ./configure && make EOF end foreman do name 'dockly' procfile 'Procfile' log_dir '/data/logs' end s3_bucket 'dockly-bucket-name' # ends up in s3://#{s3_bucket}/#{package_name}/#{git_hash}/#{package_name}_#{version}.#{release}_#{arch}.deb end ``` Copyright (c) 2013 Swipely, Inc. See LICENSE.txt for further details.