# encoding: utf-8 require 'json' require 'erb' require 'pathname' require 'yaml' def spec_v8_0_0?(spec) spec['major'] == '8' && spec['minor'] == '0' && spec['revision'] == '0' end def spec_details(spec) meta = {} meta['major'] = spec['major-version'] meta['minor'] = spec['minor-version'] meta['revision'] = spec['revision'] || '0' meta['port'] = spec['port'] meta['comment'] = "AMQ Protocol version #{meta['major']}.#{meta['minor']}.#{meta['revision']}" meta end def process_constants(spec) # AMQP constants frame_constants = {} other_constants = {} spec['constants'].each do |constant| if constant['name'].match(/^frame/i) frame_constants[constant['value'].to_i] = constant['name'].sub(/^frame./i,'').split(/\s|-/).map{|w| w.downcase.capitalize}.join else other_constants[constant['value']] = constant['name'] end end [frame_constants.sort, other_constants.sort] end def domain_types(spec, major, minor, revision) # AMQP domain types # add types that may be missing in the spec version dt_arr = add_types(spec) spec["domains"].each do |domain| # JSON spec gives domain types as two element arrays like ["channel-id", "longstr"] dt_arr << domain.last end # Return sorted array dt_arr.uniq.sort end def classes(spec, major, minor, revision) # AMQP classes spec['classes'].map do |amqp_class| cls_hash = {} cls_hash[:name] = amqp_class['name'] cls_hash[:index] = amqp_class['id'] # Get fields for class cls_hash[:fields] = fields(amqp_class) # are these amqp_class["properties"] ? # Get methods for class meth_arr = class_methods(amqp_class) # Add missing methods add_arr =[] add_arr = add_methods(spec) if cls_hash[:name] == 'queue' method_arr = meth_arr + add_arr # Add array to class hash cls_hash[:methods] = method_arr cls_hash end end # Get methods for class def class_methods(amqp_class) amqp_class['methods'].map do |method| meth_hash = {} meth_hash[:name] = method['name'] meth_hash[:index] = method['id'] # Get fields for method meth_hash[:fields] = fields(method) meth_hash end end # Get the fields for a class or method def fields(element) # The JSON spec puts these in "properties" for a class and "arguments" for a # method (element['arguments'] || element['properties'] || []).map do |field| field_hash = {} field_hash[:name] = field['name'].tr(' ', '-') field_hash[:domain] = field['type'] || field['domain'] # Convert domain type if necessary conv_arr = convert_type(field_hash[:domain]) field_hash[:domain] = conv_arr.last unless conv_arr.empty? field_hash end end def add_types(spec) spec_v8_0_0?(spec) ? ['long', 'longstr', 'octet', 'timestamp'] : [] end def add_methods(spec) meth_arr = [] if spec_v8_0_0?(spec) # Add Queue Unbind method meth_hash = {:name => 'unbind', :index => '50', :fields => [{:name => 'ticket', :domain => 'short'}, {:name => 'queue', :domain => 'shortstr'}, {:name => 'exchange', :domain => 'shortstr'}, {:name => 'routing_key', :domain => 'shortstr'}, {:name => 'arguments', :domain => 'table'} ] } meth_arr << meth_hash # Add Queue Unbind-ok method meth_hash = {:name => 'unbind-ok', :index => '51', :fields => [] } meth_arr << meth_hash end # Return methods meth_arr end def convert_type(name) type_arr = @type_conversion.select {|k,v| k == name}.flatten end # Start of Main program # Read in config options CONFIG = YAML::load(File.read('config.yml')) # Get path to the spec file and the spec file name on its own specpath = CONFIG[:spec_in] path = Pathname.new(specpath) specfile = path.basename.to_s # Read in the spec file spec = JSON.parse(IO.read(specpath)) # Declare type conversion hash @type_conversion = {'path' => 'shortstr', 'known hosts' => 'shortstr', 'known-hosts' => 'shortstr', 'reply code' => 'short', 'reply-code' => 'short', 'reply text' => 'shortstr', 'reply-text' => 'shortstr', 'class id' => 'short', 'class-id' => 'short', 'method id' => 'short', 'method-id' => 'short', 'channel-id' => 'longstr', 'access ticket' => 'short', 'access-ticket' => 'short', 'exchange name' => 'shortstr', 'exchange-name' => 'shortstr', 'queue name' => 'shortstr', 'queue-name' => 'shortstr', 'consumer tag' => 'shortstr', 'consumer-tag' => 'shortstr', 'delivery tag' => 'longlong', 'delivery-tag' => 'longlong', 'redelivered' => 'bit', 'no ack' => 'bit', 'no-ack' => 'bit', 'no local' => 'bit', 'no-local' => 'bit', 'peer properties' => 'table', 'peer-properties' => 'table', 'destination' => 'shortstr', 'duration' => 'longlong', 'security-token' => 'longstr', 'reject-code' => 'short', 'reject-text' => 'shortstr', 'offset' => 'longlong', 'no-wait' => 'bit', 'message-count' => 'long' } # Spec details spec_info = spec_details(spec) # Constants constants = process_constants(spec) # Frame constants frame_constants = constants[0].select {|k,v| k <= 8} frame_footer = constants[0].select {|k,v| v == 'End'}[0][0] # Other constants other_constants = constants[1] # Domain types data_types = domain_types(spec, spec_info['major'], spec_info['minor'], spec_info['revision']) # Classes class_defs = classes(spec, spec_info['major'], spec_info['minor'], spec_info['revision']) # Generate spec.rb spec_rb = File.open(CONFIG[:spec_out], 'w') spec_rb.puts( ERB.new(%q[ #:stopdoc: # this file was autogenerated on <%= Time.now.to_s %> # using <%= specfile.ljust(16) %> (mtime: <%= File.mtime(specpath) %>) # # DO NOT EDIT! (edit ext/qparser.rb and config.yml instead, and run 'ruby qparser.rb') module Qrack module Protocol HEADER = "AMQP".freeze VERSION_MAJOR = <%= spec_info['major'] %> VERSION_MINOR = <%= spec_info['minor'] %> REVISION = <%= spec_info['revision'] %> PORT = <%= spec_info['port'] %> RESPONSES = { <%- other_constants.each do |value, name| -%> <%= value %> => :<%= name.gsub(/\s|-/, '_').upcase -%>, <%- end -%> } FIELDS = [ <%- data_types.each do |d| -%> :<%= d -%>, <%- end -%> ] class Class class << self FIELDS.each do |f| class_eval %[ def #{f} name properties << [ :#{f}, name ] unless properties.include?([:#{f}, name]) attr_accessor name end ] end def properties() @properties ||= [] end def id() self::ID end def name() self::NAME end end class Method class << self FIELDS.each do |f| class_eval %[ def #{f} name arguments << [ :#{f}, name ] unless arguments.include?([:#{f}, name]) attr_accessor name end ] end def arguments() @arguments ||= [] end def parent() Protocol.const_get(self.to_s[/Protocol::(.+?)::/,1]) end def id() self::ID end def name() self::NAME end end def == b self.class.arguments.inject(true) do |eql, (type, name)| eql and __send__("#{name}") == b.__send__("#{name}") end end end def self.methods() @methods ||= {} end def self.Method(id, name) @_base_methods ||= {} @_base_methods[id] ||= ::Class.new(Method) do class_eval %[ def self.inherited klass klass.const_set(:ID, #{id}) klass.const_set(:NAME, :#{name.to_s}) klass.parent.methods[#{id}] = klass klass.parent.methods[klass::NAME] = klass end ] end end end def self.classes() @classes ||= {} end def self.Class(id, name) @_base_classes ||= {} @_base_classes[id] ||= ::Class.new(Class) do class_eval %[ def self.inherited klass klass.const_set(:ID, #{id}) klass.const_set(:NAME, :#{name.to_s}) Protocol.classes[#{id}] = klass Protocol.classes[klass::NAME] = klass end ] end end end end module Qrack module Protocol <%- class_defs.each do |h| -%> class <%= h[:name].capitalize.ljust(12) %> < Class( <%= h[:index].to_s.rjust(3) %>, :<%= h[:name].ljust(12) %> ); end <%- end -%> <%- class_defs.each do |c| -%> class <%= c[:name].capitalize %> <%- c[:fields].each do |p| -%> <%= p[:domain].ljust(10) %> :<%= p[:name].tr('-','_') %> <%- end if c[:fields] -%> <%- c[:methods].each do |m| -%> class <%= m[:name].capitalize.gsub(/-(.)/){ "#{$1.upcase}"}.ljust(12) %> < Method( <%= m[:index].to_s.rjust(3) %>, :<%= m[:name].tr('- ','_').ljust(14) %> ); end <%- end -%> <%- c[:methods].each do |m| -%> class <%= m[:name].capitalize.gsub(/-(.)/){ "#{$1.upcase}"} %> <%- m[:fields].each do |a| -%> <%- if a[:domain] -%> <%= a[:domain].ljust(16) %> :<%= a[:name].tr('- ','_') %> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> end <%- end -%> end <%- end -%> end end ].gsub!(/^ /,''), nil, '>-%').result(binding) ) # Close spec.rb file spec_rb.close # Generate frame.rb file frame_rb = File.open(CONFIG[:frame_out], 'w') frame_rb.puts( ERB.new(%q[ #:stopdoc: # this file was autogenerated on <%= Time.now.to_s %> # # DO NOT EDIT! (edit ext/qparser.rb and config.yml instead, and run 'ruby qparser.rb') module Qrack module Transport class Frame FOOTER = <%= frame_footer %> ID = 0 @types = { <%- frame_constants.each do |value, name| -%> <%= value %> => '<%= name %>', <%- end -%> } attr_accessor :channel, :payload def initialize payload = nil, channel = 0 @channel, @payload = channel, payload end def id self.class::ID end def to_binary buf = Transport::Buffer.new buf.write :octet, id buf.write :short, channel buf.write :longstr, payload buf.write :octet, FOOTER buf.rewind buf end def to_s to_binary.to_s end def == frame [ :id, :channel, :payload ].inject(true) do |eql, field| eql and __send__(field) == frame.__send__(field) end end def self.parse buf buf = Transport::Buffer.new(buf) unless buf.is_a? Transport::Buffer buf.extract do id, channel, payload, footer = buf.read(:octet, :short, :longstr, :octet) Qrack::Transport.const_get(@types[id]).new(payload, channel) if footer == FOOTER end end end class Method < Frame ID = 1 def initialize payload = nil, channel = 0 super unless @payload.is_a? Protocol::Class::Method or @payload.nil? @payload = Protocol.parse(@payload) end end end class Header < Frame ID = 2 def initialize payload = nil, channel = 0 super unless @payload.is_a? Protocol::Header or @payload.nil? @payload = Protocol::Header.new(@payload) end end end <%- frame_constants.each do |value, name| -%> <%- if value > 2 -%> class <%= name %> < Frame ID = <%= value %> end <%- end -%> <%- end -%> end end ].gsub!(/^ /,''), nil, '>-%').result(binding) ) # Close frame.rb file frame_rb.close