require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/test_helper" class PullerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "An authenticated default puller" do setup do $SAVER = @p =$AUTH) @user_info_keys = ["created_at", "description", "favourites_count", "followers_count", "following", "friends_count", "geo_enabled", "id", "location", "name", "notifications", "profile_background_color", "profile_background_image_url", "profile_background_tile", "profile_image_url", "profile_link_color", "profile_sidebar_border_color", "profile_sidebar_fill_color", "profile_text_color", "protected", "screen_name", "status", "statuses_count", "time_zone", "url", "utc_offset", "verified"] db_user_object = TwitterAccount.create({:twitter_id => 15019521,:screen_name => 'sam1vp'}) @test_user = => 15019521, :db_object => db_user_object) $LOG = $LOG.level = Logger::INFO end should "be able to be created" do @p.inspect end should "be able to pull followers for a given user" do @pull_hash = @p.pull(@test_user, &FOLLOWERS) assert_equal 55555, TwitterAccount.find(@pull_hash[:follower_relationship_db_ids].first).twitter_id end should "be able to pull an array of follower ids for a given user_id" do @pull_hash = @p.pull(@test_user, &FOLLOWER_IDS) assert_equal @pull_hash[:follower_relationship_db_ids].class, Array end should "be able to pull friends for a given user" do @pull_hash = @p.pull(@test_user, &FRIENDS) assert_equal 22, TwitterAccount.find(@pull_hash[:friend_relationship_db_ids].first).twitter_id end should "be able to pull an array of friend IDs for a given user_id" do @pull_hash = @p.pull(@test_user, &FRIEND_IDS) assert_equal @pull_hash[:friend_relationship_db_ids].class, Array end should "be able to pull tweets from a user's timeline for a given user" do @pull_hash = @p.pull(@test_user, &TWEETS) assert_equal 5590958294, Tweet.find(@pull_hash[:db_ids].first).status_id end should "be able to pull info from twitter for a user" do @pull_hash = @p.pull(@test_user, &ACCOUNT_INFO) assert_equal @pull_hash[:pull_data].screen_name, 'sam1vp' end end end