# Intrinio::OwnersApi All URIs are relative to *https://api-v2.intrinio.com* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**get_all_owners**](OwnersApi.md#get_all_owners) | **GET** /owners | All Owners [**get_owner_by_id**](OwnersApi.md#get_owner_by_id) | **GET** /owners/{identifier} | Owner by ID [**insider_transaction_filings_by_owner**](OwnersApi.md#insider_transaction_filings_by_owner) | **GET** /owners/{identifier}/insider_transaction_filings | Insider Transaction Filings by Owner [**institutional_holdings_by_owner**](OwnersApi.md#institutional_holdings_by_owner) | **GET** /owners/{identifier}/institutional_holdings | Institutional Holdings by Owner [**search_owners**](OwnersApi.md#search_owners) | **GET** /owners/search | Search Owners [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OwnersApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_all_owners) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOwners) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOwners.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_all_owners_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/owners) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OwnersApi.md#get_all_owners) ## **get_all_owners** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_all_owners_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOwners get_all_owners(opts) #### All Owners Returns all owners and information for all insider and institutional owners of securities covered by Intrinio. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end owners_api = Intrinio::OwnersApi.new opts = { institutional: nil, page_size: 100, next_page: nil } result = owners_api.get_all_owners(opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **institutional** | BOOLEAN| Returns insider owners who have filed forms 3, 4, or 5 with the SEC only. Possible values are true, false, or omit for both. | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]   **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOwners**](ApiResponseOwners.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OwnersApi) [//]: # (METHOD:get_owner_by_id) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::Owner) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:Owner.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:get_owner_by_id_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/owners/{identifier}) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OwnersApi.md#get_owner_by_id) ## **get_owner_by_id** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/get_owner_by_id_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > Owner get_owner_by_id(identifier) #### Owner by ID Returns the Owner with the given ID [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end owners_api = Intrinio::OwnersApi.new identifier = "0000001800" result = owners_api.get_owner_by_id(identifier) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **identifier** | String| An Intrinio ID or CIK of an Owner |   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**Owner**](Owner.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OwnersApi) [//]: # (METHOD:insider_transaction_filings_by_owner) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOwnerInsiderTransactionFilings) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOwnerInsiderTransactionFilings.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:insider_transaction_filings_by_owner_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/owners/{identifier}/insider_transaction_filings) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OwnersApi.md#insider_transaction_filings_by_owner) ## **insider_transaction_filings_by_owner** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/insider_transaction_filings_by_owner_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOwnerInsiderTransactionFilings insider_transaction_filings_by_owner(identifier, opts) #### Insider Transaction Filings by Owner Returns a list of all insider transaction filings by an owner in as many companies as the owner may be considered an insider. Criteria for being an insider include being a director, officer, or 10%+ owner in the company. Transactions are detailed for both non-derivative and derivative transactions by the insider. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end owners_api = Intrinio::OwnersApi.new identifier = "0001494730" opts = { start_date: Date.parse("2018-01-01"), end_date: Date.parse("2019-01-01"), page_size: 100, next_page: nil } result = owners_api.insider_transaction_filings_by_owner(identifier, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **identifier** | String| The Central Index Key issued by the SEC, which is the unique identifier all owner filings are issued under. |   **start_date** | Date| Return Owner's insider transaction filings on or after this date | [optional]   **end_date** | Date| Return Owner's insider transaction filings on or before this date | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]   **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOwnerInsiderTransactionFilings**](ApiResponseOwnerInsiderTransactionFilings.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OwnersApi) [//]: # (METHOD:institutional_holdings_by_owner) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOwnerInstitutionalHoldings) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOwnerInstitutionalHoldings.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:institutional_holdings_by_owner_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/owners/{identifier}/institutional_holdings) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OwnersApi.md#institutional_holdings_by_owner) ## **institutional_holdings_by_owner** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/institutional_holdings_by_owner_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOwnerInstitutionalHoldings institutional_holdings_by_owner(identifier, opts) #### Institutional Holdings by Owner Returns a list of all ownership interests and the value of their interests by a single institutional owner. [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end owners_api = Intrinio::OwnersApi.new identifier = 430692 opts = { page_size: 100, as_of_date: Date.parse("2021-01-05"), next_page: nil } result = owners_api.institutional_holdings_by_owner(identifier, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **identifier** | String| The Central Index Key issued by the SEC, which is the unique identifier all owner filings are issued under. |   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]   **as_of_date** | Date| Return only holdings filed before this date. | [optional]   **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOwnerInstitutionalHoldings**](ApiResponseOwnerInstitutionalHoldings.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION) [//]: # (START_OPERATION) [//]: # (CLASS:Intrinio::OwnersApi) [//]: # (METHOD:search_owners) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE:Intrinio::ApiResponseOwners) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_KIND:object) [//]: # (RETURN_TYPE_DOC:ApiResponseOwners.md) [//]: # (OPERATION:search_owners_v2) [//]: # (ENDPOINT:/owners/search) [//]: # (DOCUMENT_LINK:OwnersApi.md#search_owners) ## **search_owners** [**View Intrinio API Documentation**](https://docs.intrinio.com/documentation/ruby/search_owners_v2) [//]: # (START_OVERVIEW) > ApiResponseOwners search_owners(query, opts) #### Search Owners Searches for Owners matching the text `query` [//]: # (END_OVERVIEW) ### Example [//]: # (START_CODE_EXAMPLE) ```ruby # Load the gem require 'intrinio-sdk' require 'pp' # Setup authorization Intrinio.configure do |config| config.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY' config.allow_retries = true end owners_api = Intrinio::OwnersApi.new query = "Cook" opts = { institutional: nil, page_size: 100, next_page: nil } result = owners_api.search_owners(query, opts) pp result ``` [//]: # (END_CODE_EXAMPLE) [//]: # (START_DEFINITION) ### Parameters [//]: # (START_PARAMETERS) Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **query** | String| |   **institutional** | BOOLEAN| Returns insider owners who have filed forms 3, 4, or 5 with the SEC only. Possible values are true, false, or omit for both. | [optional]   **page_size** | Integer| The number of results to return | [optional] [default to 100]   **next_page** | String| Gets the next page of data from a previous API call | [optional]   [//]: # (END_PARAMETERS) ### Return type [**ApiResponseOwners**](ApiResponseOwners.md) [//]: # (END_OPERATION)