class Array def equality_uniq uniq_elements = [] self.each {|e| uniq_elements.push(e) unless uniq_elements.index(e)} uniq_elements end def delete_at_indices(indices = []) not_deleted = self.each_with_index {|e,i| not_deleted.push(e) if !indices.include?(i)} not_deleted end end class DefaultInitArray < Array def initialize(*args, &initblock) super(*args) @initblock = initblock end def [](index) super(index) || (self[index] = end end class ArrayOfArrays < DefaultInitArray @@create_array = proc{|i|} def initialize(*args) super(*args, &@@create_array) end end class ArrayOfHashes < DefaultInitArray @@create_hash = proc{|i|} def initialize(*args) super(*args, &@@create_hash) end end # Hash which takes a block that is called to give a default value when a key # has the value nil in the hash. class DefaultInitHash < Hash def initialize(*args, &initblock) super(*args) @initblock = initblock end def [](key) #super(key) || (self[key] = fetch(key) { store(key, } end end unless Object.constants.include?("TimesClass") TimesClass = (RUBY_VERSION < "1.7") ? Time : Process end def time_and_puts(string, &block) if $TIME_AND_PUTS_VERBOSE print string; STDOUT.flush end starttime = [, TimesClass.times] endtime = [, TimesClass.times] duration = endtime[0] - starttime[0] begin load = [((endtime[1].utime+endtime[1].stime)-(starttime[1].utime+starttime[1].stime))/duration*100.0, 100.0].min puts " (%.2f s %.2f%%)" % [duration, load] if $TIME_AND_PUTS_VERBOSE rescue FloatDomainError end end