# encoding: UTF-8 module Stringex module Localization module DefaultConversions CHARACTERS = { :and => "and", :at => "at", :degrees => "degrees", :divide => "divided by", :dot => '\1 dot \2', :ellipsis => "dot dot dot", :equals => "equals", :number => "number", :percent => "percent", :plus => "plus", :slash => "slash", :star => "star", } CURRENCIES_SIMPLE = { :dollars => '\1 dollars', :euros => '\1 euros', :pounds => '\1 pounds', :yen => '\1 yen', } CURRENCIES_COMPLEX = { :dollars_cents => '\1 dollars \2 cents', :euros_cents => '\1 euros \2 cents', :pounds_pence => '\1 pounds \2 pence', } CURRENCIES = CURRENCIES_SIMPLE.merge(CURRENCIES_COMPLEX) HTML_ENTITIES = { :amp => "and", :cent => " cents", :copy => "(c)", :deg => " degrees ", :divide => " divided by ", :double_quote => '"', :ellipsis => "...", :en_dash => "-", :em_dash => "--", :frac14 => "one fourth", :frac12 => "half", :frac34 => "three fourths", :gt => ">", :lt => "<", :nbsp => " ", :pound => " pounds ", :reg => "(r)", :single_quote => "'", :times => "x", :trade => "(tm)", :yen => " yen " } TRANSLITERATIONS = {} # Ordered by denominator then numerator of the value VULGAR_FRACTIONS = { :half => "half", :one_third => "one third", :two_thirds => "two thirds", :one_fourth => "one fourth", :three_fourths => "three fourths", :one_fifth => "one fifth", :two_fifths => "two fifths", :three_fifths => "three fifths", :four_fifths => "four fifths", :one_sixth => "one sixth", :five_sixths => "five sixths", :one_eighth => "one eighth", :three_eighths => "three eighths", :five_eighths => "five eighths", :seven_eighths => "seven eighths", } class << self %w{characters currencies html_entities transliterations vulgar_fractions}.each do |conversion_type| define_method conversion_type do const_get conversion_type.upcase end end end end end end