=begin rdoc Base dependency_resolver =end module DependencyResolvers class Chef < Base class << self attr_reader :cookbook_directory, :base_cookbook_directory def before_compile @cookbook_directory = compile_directory/"cookbooks"/"poolparty" @base_cookbook_directory = compile_directory/"cookbooks" raise PoolParty::PoolPartyError.create("ChefCompileError", "No compile_directory is specified. Please specify one.") unless compile_directory FileUtils.mkdir_p cookbook_directory unless ::File.directory?(cookbook_directory) end def after_compile(o) compile_default_recipe(o) compile_variables compile_files compile_recipes write_dna_json write_solo_dot_rb end def compile_command "/usr/bin/chef-solo -c /etc/chef/solo.rb -j /etc/chef/dna.json#{ " -l debug" if very_debugging?}" end # compile the resources # Compiles the resource appropriately against the type # If the resource is a variable, then we don't have any output # as the output will be handled in after_compile with compile_variables # If the resource is a file, then add it to the files array and run the # compile_resource command (on super) for the output. The file will later # be turned into a .erb template file in the compile_directory # Otherwise just run the output to get the default.rb recipe def compile_resource(res) # Apply meta_functions here o = case res when PoolParty::Resources::Variable # do variable stuff variables << res "" when PoolParty::Resources::FileResource files << res super when PoolParty::Resources::ChefAttributesFile attribute_files << res "" when PoolParty::Resources::ChefRecipe recipes << res super else super end apply_meta_functions(res, o) if res.is_a?(PoolParty::Resource) && res.print_to_chef != :no_print end default_attr_reader :variables, [] default_attr_reader :files, [] default_attr_reader :attribute_files, [] default_attr_reader :recipes, [] def require_chef_only_resources # Require the chef-only resources $:.unshift("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/chef") to_define_resoures = [] %w( http_request remote_directory remote_file route script chef_attributes_file chef_recipe).each do |res| require "resources/#{res}" PoolParty::Resource.define_resource("PoolParty::Resources::#{res.classify}".constantize) end end private # Take the print_to_chef string and apply metafunctions to the string on the resource # If there are no meta functions on the resource, do not touch the resulting # string def apply_meta_functions(resource, str) regex = /[(.*)do(\w*)?(.*)]?(\w)*end$/ add = [] apply_meta_notifies(resource, add) if resource.meta_notifies apply_meta_subscribes(resource, add) if resource.meta_subscribes if resource.meta_not_if tmp = " not_if " tmp += resource.meta_not_if[1] == :block ? "do #{resource.meta_not_if[0]} end" : "\"#{resource.meta_not_if[0]}\"" add << tmp end if resource.meta_only_if tmp = " only_if " tmp += resource.meta_only_if[1] == :block ? "do #{resource.meta_only_if[0]} end" : "\"#{resource.meta_only_if[0]}\"" add << tmp end add << " ignore_failure #{resource.print_variable(resource.ignore_failure)}" if resource.ignore_failure add << " provider #{resource.print_variable(resource.provider)}" if resource.provider return str if add.empty? newstr = str.chomp.gsub(regex, "") "#{newstr}#{add.join("\n")}\nend" end def apply_meta_notifies(resource, add) # The meta_notifies is a hash that looks like: {:file => [["pool_name", :reload]]} resource.meta_notifies.each do |ty, arr| arr.each do |nm, action| add << " notifies :#{action}, resources(:#{chef_safe_resource(ty)} => \"#{nm}\")" end end end def apply_meta_subscribes(resource, add) # The meta_subscribes is a hash that looks like: {:file=>[["pool_name", :reload, :immediately]] resource.meta_subscribes.each do |ty, arr| arr.each do |nm, action, at_time| # subscribes :reload, resources\(:service => "apache"\), :delayed add << " subscribes :#{action}, resources(:#{chef_safe_resource(ty)} => \"#{nm}\"), :#{at_time}" end end end # Cleanup for chef resource output # Not particularly clean, but a necessary evil because # certain resources don't reflect the chef output # such as has_exec corresponds to execute def chef_safe_resource(name) case name when :exec "execute" else name end end # Take the variables and compile them into the file attributes/poolparty.rb def compile_variables # Make sure the attributes/ directory is there FileUtils.mkdir_p cookbook_directory/"attributes" unless ::File.directory?(cookbook_directory/"attributes") f = cookbook_directory/"attributes"/"poolparty.rb" # Collect the file pointers that will be using to print out the attributes file_pointers = {:poolparty => File.open(f, "w")} variables.each do |var| if var.parent && !var.parent.is_a?(PoolParty::Cloud) f = cookbook_directory/"attributes"/"#{var.parent.has_method_name}.rb" File.unlink f if File.file?(f) file_pointers[var.parent.has_method_name] = File.open(f, "w+") end end # Make sure the attribute exists in each file file_pointers.each do |n,f| f << "\n#{n} Mash.new unless attribute?(\"#{n}\")\n" end variables.each do |var| if var.parent && !var.parent.is_a?(PoolParty::Cloud) file_pointers[var.parent.has_method_name] << "#{var.parent.has_method_name}[:#{var.name}] =" file_pointers[var.parent.has_method_name] << ProxyObject.new(var, @caller).compile(:value) file_pointers[var.parent.has_method_name] << "\n" else file_pointers[:poolparty] << "poolparty[:#{var.name}] = " file_pointers[:poolparty] << ProxyObject.new(var, @caller).compile(:value) file_pointers[:poolparty] << "\n" end end # Close the files file_pointers.each {|k,v| v.close } end # Compile the files def compile_files FileUtils.mkdir_p cookbook_directory/"files" unless ::File.directory?(cookbook_directory/"files") files.each do |fi| fpath = cookbook_directory/"templates"/"default"/"#{fi.path}.erb" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(fpath) unless File.directory?(File.dirname(fpath)) content = fi.template ? open(fi.template).read : fi.content File.open(fpath, "w") do |f| f << content end end # Compile the attribute files attribute_files.each do |res| fpath = cookbook_directory/"attributes"/"#{File.basename(res.path)}" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(fpath) unless File.directory?(File.dirname(fpath)) File.open(fpath, "a") do |f| f << res.content end end end # compile the recipes def compile_recipes recipes.each do |recipe| ddputs("[Chef recipe] Copying #{recipe.full_path} into the chef directory: #{base_cookbook_directory}") FileUtils.cp_r recipe.full_path, base_cookbook_directory end end # Write the dna.json out def write_dna_json File.open(compile_directory/"dna.json", "w") do |f| f << JSON.generate({:recipes => ["poolparty"]}) end end def compile_default_recipe(content) FileUtils.mkdir_p cookbook_directory/"recipes" unless ::File.directory?(cookbook_directory/"recipes") File.open(cookbook_directory/"recipes"/"default.rb", "w") do |f| f << content end end def write_solo_dot_rb content = <<-EOE cookbook_path "/etc/chef/cookbooks" node_path "/etc/chef/nodes" log_level :info file_store_path "/etc/chef" file_cache_path "/etc/chef" EOE File.open(compile_directory/"solo.rb", "w") do |f| f << content end end end end end