module Sufia module SufiaHelperBehavior include Sufia::CitationsBehavior include ERB::Util # provides html_escape def application_name t('sufia.product_name', default: super) end def institution_name t('sufia.institution_name') end def institution_name_full t('sufia.institution_name_full', default: institution_name) end def orcid_label(style_class = '') "#{image_tag 'orcid.png', alt: t('sufia.user_profile.orcid.alt'), class: style_class} #{t('sufia.user_profile.orcid.label')}".html_safe end def zotero_label(opts = {}) html_class = opts[:html_class] || '' "#{image_tag 'zotero.png', alt: t('sufia.user_profile.zotero.alt'), class: html_class} #{t('sufia.user_profile.zotero.label')}".html_safe end def zotero_profile_url(zotero_user_id) "{zotero_user_id}" end # Only Chrome supports this # @return [Boolean] # @todo Replace uses with more granular client-side detection (as jQuery-fileuploader already does) def browser_supports_directory_upload? user_agent.include? 'Chrome' end def error_messages_for(object) return '' unless object.try(:errors) && object.errors.full_messages.any? content_tag(:div, class: 'alert alert-block alert-error validation-errors') do content_tag(:h4, I18n.t('sufia.errors.header', model: object.class.model_name.human.downcase), class: 'alert-heading') + content_tag(:ul) do do |message| content_tag(:li, message) end.join('').html_safe end end end # @param [ProxyDepositRequest] req def show_transfer_request_title(req) if req.deleted_work? || req.canceled? req.to_s else link_to(req.to_s, end end # @return [Boolean] def has_collection_search_parameters? !params[:cq].blank? end def number_of_deposits(user) ActiveFedora::Base.where(DepositSearchBuilder.depositor_field => user.user_key).count end # @param item [Object] # @param field [String] # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link def link_to_facet(item, field) path = search_action_path(search_state.add_facet_params_and_redirect(field, item)) link_to(item, path) end # @param values [Array{String}] strings to display # @param solr_field [String] name of the solr field to link to, without its suffix (:facetable) # @param empty_message [String] message to display if no values are passed in # @param separator [String] value to join with # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link def link_to_facet_list(values, solr_field, empty_message = "No value entered".html_safe, separator = ", ") return empty_message if values.blank? facet_field = Solrizer.solr_name(solr_field, :facetable) safe_join( { |item| link_to_facet(item, facet_field) }, separator) end # @param name [String] field name # @param value [String] field value # @param label [String] defaults to value # @param facet_hash [Hash] first argument to # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link # @see Blacklight::SearchState#initialize def link_to_field(name, value, label = nil, facet_hash = {}) label ||= value params = { search_field: 'advanced', name => "\"#{value}\"" } state = search_state_with_facets(params, facet_hash) link_to(label, main_app.search_catalog_path(state)) end ## GROUP: helper_methods # A Blacklight helper_method # @param [Hash] options from blacklight invocation of helper_method # @see #index_field_link params # @return [Date] def human_readable_date(options) Date.parse(options[:value]).to_formatted_s(:standard) end # A Blacklight helper_method # @param options [Hash{Symbol=>Object}] Blacklight sends :document, :field, :config, :value and whatever else was in options # @option options [Array{String}] :value # @option options [Hash] :config including {:field_name => "my_name"} # @option options [Hash] :document # @option options [Array{String}] :value the strings you might otherwise have passed to this method singly # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link def index_field_link(options) raise ArgumentError unless options[:config] && options[:config][:field_name] name = options[:config][:field_name] values = options[:value] safe_join( { |item| link_to_field(name, item, item) }, ", ".html_safe) end # Uses Rails auto_link to add links to fields # # @param field [String,Hash] string to format and escape, or a hash as per helper_method # @option field [SolrDocument] :document # @option field [String] :field name of the solr field # @option field [Blacklight::Configuration::IndexField, Blacklight::Configuration::ShowField] :config # @option field [Array] :value array of values for the field # @param show_link [Boolean] # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] # @todo stop being a helper_method, start being part of the Blacklight render stack? def iconify_auto_link(field, show_link = true) if field.is_a? Hash options = field[:config].separator_options || {} text = field[:value].to_sentence(options) else text = field end # this block is only executed when a link is inserted; # if we pass text containing no links, it just returns text. auto_link(html_escape(text)) do |value| "#{(' ' + value) if show_link}" end end # *Sometimes* a Blacklight helper_method # @param [String,User,Hash{Symbol=>Array}] args if a hash, the user_key must be under :value # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link def link_to_profile(args) user_or_key = args.is_a?(Hash) ? args[:value].first : args user = case user_or_key when User user_or_key when String ::User.find_by_user_key(user_or_key) end return user_or_key if user.nil? text = user.respond_to?(:name) ? : user_or_key link_to text, Sufia::Engine.routes.url_helpers.profile_path(user) end # A Blacklight helper_method # @param [Hash] options from blacklight helper_method invocation. Maps rights URIs to links with labels. # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] rights statement links, html_safe def rights_statement_links(options) options[:value].map { |right| link_to RightsService.label(right), right }.to_sentence.html_safe end def link_to_telephone(user) return unless user link_to user.telephone, "wtai://wp/mc;#{user.telephone}" if user.telephone end # Only display the current search parameters if the user is not in the dashboard. # Otherwise, search defaults to the user's works and not all of Sufia. def current_search_parameters return if on_the_dashboard? params[:q] end # @return [String] the appropriate action url for our search form (depending on our current page) def search_form_action if on_the_dashboard? search_action_for_dashboard else main_app.search_catalog_path end end def render_visibility_link(document) # Anchor must match with a tab in # link_to render_visibility_label(document), edit_polymorphic_path([main_app, document], anchor: "share"), id: "permission_" +, class: "visibility-link" end def user_display_name_and_key(user_key) user = ::User.find_by_user_key(user_key) return user_key if user.nil? user.respond_to?(:name) ? "#{} (#{user_key})" : user_key end def collection_thumbnail(_document, _image_options = {}, _url_options = {}) content_tag(:span, "", class: ["fa", "fa-cubes", "collection-icon-search"]) end private def render_visibility_label(document) if document.registered? content_tag :span, institution_name, class: "label label-info", title: institution_name elsif document.public? content_tag :span, t(''), class: "label label-success", title: t('sufia.visibility.open_title_attr') else content_tag :span, t('sufia.visibility.private'), class: "label label-danger", title: t('sufia.visibility.private_title_attr') end end def user_agent request.user_agent || '' end def search_action_for_dashboard case params[:controller] when "my/works" sufia.dashboard_works_path when "my/collections" sufia.dashboard_collections_path when "my/shares" sufia.dashboard_shares_path when "my/highlights" sufia.dashboard_highlights_path else sufia.dashboard_works_path end end # @param [ActionController::Parameters] params first argument for # @param [Hash] facet # @note Ignores all but the first facet. Probably a bug. def search_state_with_facets(params, facet = {}) state =, CatalogController.blacklight_config) return state.params if facet.none? state.add_facet_params(Solrizer.solr_name(facet.keys.first, :facetable), facet.values.first) end end end