<% messages_id ||= active_scaffold_messages_id %> <% if successful? %> <% if render_parent? %> <% if render_parent_action == :row %> <%# TODO: That s not working with delete.... %> <% current_id = controller_id(params[:eid] || params[:parent_sti]) -%> ActiveScaffold.delete_record_row('<%= element_row_id(:controller_id => current_id, :action => 'list', :id => params[:id]) %>', '<%= url_for(params_for(:action => :index, :id => nil, :page => [active_scaffold_config.list.user.page.to_i - 1, 1].max)) %>'); <% messages_id = active_scaffold_messages_id(:controller_id => current_id) %> <%= render :partial => 'update_calculations', :locals => {:calculations_id => active_scaffold_calculations_id(:controller_id => current_id)}, :formats => [:js] %> <% elsif render_parent_action == :index %> <% if controller.respond_to?(:render_component_into_view, true) %> <%= escape_javascript(controller.send(:render_component_into_view, render_parent_options)) %> <% else %> ActiveScaffold.reload('<%= url_for render_parent_options %>'); <% end %> <% end %> <% elsif (active_scaffold_config.delete.refresh_list) %> <%= render :partial => 'refresh_list' %> <% else %> <% url = main_path_to_return url[:page] = [active_scaffold_config.list.user.page.to_i - 1, 1].max if url.is_a?(Hash) && active_scaffold_config.actions.include?(:list) %> ActiveScaffold.delete_record_row('<%= element_row_id(:action => 'list', :id => params[:id]) %>', '<%= url_for(url) %>'); <%= render :partial => 'update_calculations', :formats => [:js] %> <% end %> <% else %> <% flash[:error] = active_scaffold_error_messages_for(@record, :object_name => "#{@record.class.model_name.human.downcase}#{@record.new_record? ? '' : ": #{@record.to_label}"}", :header_message => '', :message => "#{@record.class.model_name.human.downcase}#{@record.new_record? ? '' : ": #{@record.to_label}"}", :container_tag => nil, :list_type => :br) if @record.errors.present? %> <% end %> <%= render :partial => 'update_messages', :locals => {:messages_id => messages_id} %>