#import "YapCollectionKey.h" /** * MurmurHash2 was written by Austin Appleby, and is placed in the public domain. * http://code.google.com/p/smhasher **/ static NSUInteger YDB_MurmurHash(NSUInteger hash1, NSUInteger hash2) { if (NSUIntegerMax == UINT32_MAX) // Should be optimized out via compiler since these are constants { // MurmurHash2 (32-bit) // // uint32_t MurmurHash2 ( const void * key, int len, uint32_t seed ) // // Normally one would pass a chunk of data ('key') and associated data chunk length ('len'). // Instead we're going to use our 2 hashes. // And we're going to randomly make up a 'seed'. const uint32_t seed = 0xa2f1b6f; // Some random value I made up const uint32_t len = 8; // 2 hashes, each 4 bytes = 8 bytes // 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline. // They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well. const uint32_t m = 0x5bd1e995; const int r = 24; // Initialize the hash to a 'random' value uint32_t h = seed ^ len; uint32_t k; // Mix hash1 k = hash1; k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h *= m; h ^= k; // Mix khash k = hash2; k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h *= m; h ^= k; // Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few // bytes are well-incorporated. h ^= h >> 13; h *= m; h ^= h >> 15; return (NSUInteger)h; } else { // MurmurHash2 (64-bit) // // uint64_t MurmurHash64A ( const void * key, int len, uint64_t seed ) // // Normally one would pass a chunk of data ('key') and associated data chunk length ('len'). // Instead we're going to use our 3 hashes. // And we're going to randomly make up a 'seed'. const uint32_t seed = 0xa2f1b6f; // Some random value I made up const uint32_t len = 16; // 2 hashes, each 8 bytes = 16 bytes // 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline. // They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well. const uint64_t m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995LLU; const int r = 47; // Initialize the hash to a 'random' value uint64_t h = seed ^ (len * m); uint64_t k; // Mix hash1 k = hash1; k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h ^= k; h *= m; // Mix hash2 k = hash2; k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h ^= k; h *= m; // Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few // bytes are well-incorporated. h ^= h >> r; h *= m; h ^= h >> r; return (NSUInteger)h; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @implementation YapCollectionKey @synthesize collection = collection; @synthesize key = key; - (id)initWithCollection:(NSString *)aCollection key:(NSString *)aKey { if ((self = [super init])) { if (aCollection == nil) collection = @""; else collection = [aCollection copy]; // copy == retain if aCollection is immutable if (aKey == nil) return nil; else key = [aKey copy]; // copy == retain if aKey is immutable } return self; } - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder { if ((self = [super init])) { collection = [decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"collection"]; key = [decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"key"]; } return self; } - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { [coder encodeObject:collection forKey:@"collection"]; [coder encodeObject:key forKey:@"key"]; } - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { return self; // Immutable } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)obj { if ([obj isMemberOfClass:[YapCollectionKey class]]) { YapCollectionKey *ck = (YapCollectionKey *)obj; return [key isEqualToString:ck->key] && [collection isEqualToString:ck->collection]; } return NO; } - (NSUInteger)hash { // We need a fast way to combine 2 hashes without creating a new string (which is slow). // To accomplish this we use the murmur hashing algorithm. return YDB_MurmurHash([collection hash], [key hash]); } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", self, collection, key]; } @end