module Buscar module Helpers # Accepts an instance of Buscar::Index, which will tell it the total number of pages, the current page, and the number of records per page. # Accepts a block, which is yielded each page number and must return a URL to that page. def page_links(index) unless block_given? raise ArgumentError, 'page_links requires a block.' end total_pages = index.page_count if total_pages > 1 current_page = + 1 content_tag('ul', 'class' => 'pagination') do lis = '' min_page = current_page - 2 min_page = 1 if min_page < 1 max_page = current_page + 2 max_page = total_pages if max_page > total_pages if current_page > 1 lis << content_tag('li', link_to('« Back'.html_safe, yield(current_page - 1))) end if min_page > 1 lis << content_tag('li', link_to('1', yield(1))) end if min_page > 2 lis << content_tag('li', '...') end (min_page..max_page).each do |page| lis << content_tag('li') do if current_page.to_i == page page.to_s else link_to page, yield(page) end end end if max_page < total_pages - 1 lis << content_tag('li', '...') end if max_page < total_pages lis << content_tag('li', link_to(total_pages, yield(total_pages))) end if current_page < total_pages lis << content_tag('li', link_to('Next »'.html_safe, yield(current_page + 1))) end lis.html_safe end.html_safe else nil end end def buscar_index_menu(index, type, options) options.reverse_merge! :link_to_current => true content_tag('ul', :class => "#{type}_menu") do choices = '' index.send("#{type}_param_options").each do |param, label_str| choices << content_tag('li') do label_str = param.to_s.humanize if label_str.nil? if !options[:link_to_current] and index.filter_param.to_s == param.to_s ('' + label_str + '').html_safe else link_to label_str, yield(param) end end end choices.html_safe end.html_safe end def filter_menu(index, options = {}, &block) buscar_index_menu(index, 'filter', options, &block) end def sort_menu(index, options = {}, &block) buscar_index_menu(index, 'sort', options, &block) end end end