{ "files": [ { "path": "/Users/Patrick/Developer/CITest-ios/CITest/AppDelegate.swift", "violations": [ { "severity": "error", "rule": "terminating-newline", "location": { "line": 21 }, "message": "File should terminate with exactly one newline character ('\\n')" } ], "parsed": true }, { "path": "/Users/Patrick/Developer/CITest-ios/CITest/ViewController.swift", "violations": [ { "severity": "error", "rule": "terminating-newline", "location": { "line": 14 }, "message": "File should terminate with exactly one newline character ('\\n')" } ], "parsed": true }, { "path": "/Users/Patrick/Developer/CITest-ios/CITest/ViewModel.swift", "violations": [ { "severity": "error", "rule": "trailing-whitespace", "location": { "line": 14, "column": 4 }, "message": "Line should not have any trailing whitespace" }, { "severity": "error", "rule": "trailing-whitespace", "location": { "line": 18, "column": 4 }, "message": "Line should not have any trailing whitespace" }, { "severity": "error", "rule": "function-whitespace", "location": { "line": 21, "column": 6 }, "message": "Function should have at least one blank line after it" } ], "parsed": true } ], "summary": { "violations": 5, "warnings": 0, "analyzed": 3, "errors": 5, "skipped": 0 } }