Then /^I should see the keyboard$/ do should_see_keyboard end Then /^I should not see the keyboard$/ do should_not_see_keyboard end Then /^I use the keyboard to enter "([^"]*)"$/ do |text| wait_for_animation should_see_keyboard @text_entered_by_keyboard = briar_keyboard_enter_text text end When /^I touch the done button the keyboard disappears$/ do done should_not_see_keyboard end Then /^I touch the delete key$/ do keyboard_send_backspace end Then(/^I turn off spell checking and capitalization$/) do deprecated('0.1.1', 'not working', :pending) #should_see_keyboard #turn_autocapitalization_off #turn_autocorrect_off #turn_spell_correct_off end Then /^I am done text editing$/ do idx = index_of_navbar_button 'done text editing' if idx touch_navbar_item 'done text editing' else touch_button 'done text editing' end 2.times { step_pause } end