// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('views/view') ; /** @class A container view will display its "content" view as its only child. You can use a container view to easily swap out views on your page. In addition to displaying the actual view in the content property, you can also set the nowShowing property to the property path of a view in your page and the view will be found and swapped in for you. If you want to change the way the container view swaps in your new view, override the replaceContent() method. @extends SC.View @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.ContainerView = SC.View.extend( /** @scope SC.ContainerView.prototype */ { classNames: ['sc-container-view'], /** Optional path name for the content view. Set this to a property path pointing to the view you want to display. This will automatically change the content view for you. If you pass a single property name (e.g. "myView") then the container view will look up the property on its own page object. If you pass a full property name (e.g. "MyApp.anotherPage.anotherView"), then the path will be followed from the top-level. @property {String, SC.View} */ nowShowing: null, /** The content view to display. This will become the only child view of the view. Note that if you set the nowShowing property to any value other than 'null', the container view will automatically change the contentView to reflect view indicated by the value. @property {SC.View} */ contentView: null, /** @private */ contentViewBindingDefault: SC.Binding.single(), /** Replaces any child views with the passed new content. This method is automatically called whenever your contentView property changes. You can override it if you want to provide some behavior other than the default. @param {SC.View} newContent the new content view or null. */ replaceContent: function(newContent) { this.removeAllChildren() ; if (newContent) this.appendChild(newContent) ; }, /** @private */ createChildViews: function() { // if contentView is defined, then create the content var view = this.get('contentView') ; if (view) { view = this.contentView = this.createChildView(view) ; this.childViews = [view] ; } }, /** When a container view awakes, it will try to find the nowShowing, if there is one, and set it as content if necessary. */ awake: function() { sc_super(); var nowShowing = this.get('nowShowing') ; if (nowShowing && nowShowing.length>0) this.nowShowingDidChange(); }, /** Invoked whenever the nowShowing property changes. This will try to find the new content if possible and set it. If you set nowShowing to an empty string or null, then the current content will be cleared. If you set the content manually, the nowShowing property will be set to SC.CONTENT_SET_DIRECTLY */ nowShowingDidChange: function() { // This code turns this.nowShowing into a view object by any means necessary. var content = this.get('nowShowing') ; // If nowShowing was changed because the content was set directly, then do nothing. if (content === SC.CONTENT_SET_DIRECTLY) return ; // If it's a string, try to turn it into the object it references... if (SC.typeOf(content) === SC.T_STRING && content.length > 0) { if (content.indexOf('.') > 0) { content = SC.objectForPropertyPath(content); } else { content = SC.objectForPropertyPath(content, this.get('page')); } } // If it's an uninstantiated view, then attempt to instantiate it. // (Uninstantiated views have a create() method; instantiated ones do not.) if (SC.typeOf(content) === SC.T_CLASS) { if (content.kindOf(SC.View)) content = content.create(); else content = null; } // If content has not been turned into a view by now, it's hopeless. if (content && !(content instanceof SC.View)) content = null; // Sets the content. this.set('contentView', content) ; }.observes('nowShowing'), /** Invoked whenever the content property changes. This method will simply call replaceContent. Override replaceContent to change how the view is swapped out. */ contentViewDidChange: function() { this.replaceContent(this.get('contentView')); }.observes('contentView') }) ;