require 'securerandom' module Tapyrus module SLIP39 # Shamir's Secret Sharing class SSS include Tapyrus::Util extend Tapyrus::Util # Create SSS shares. # # [Usage] # 4 groups shares. # = two for Alice # = one for friends(required 3 of her 5 friends) and # = one for family members(required 2 of her 6 family) # # Two of these group shares are required to reconstruct the master secret. # groups = [1, 1], [1, 1], [3, 5], [2, 6] # # group_shares = Tapyrus::SLIP39::SSS.setup_shares(group_threshold: 2, groups: groups, secret: 'secret with hex format', passphrase: 'xxx') # return 4 group array of Tapyrus::SLIP39::Share # # Get each share word # groups[0][1].to_words # => ["shadow", "pistol", "academic", "always", "adequate", "wildlife", "fancy", "gross", "oasis", "cylinder", "mustang", "wrist", "rescue", "view", "short", "owner", "flip", "making", "coding", "armed"] # # @param [Array[Array[Integer, Integer]]] groups # @param [Integer] group_threshold threshold number of group shares required to reconstruct the master secret. # @param [Integer] exp Iteration exponent. default is 0. # @param [String] secret master secret with hex format. # @param [String] passphrase the passphrase used for encryption/decryption. # @return [Array[Array[Tapyrus::SLIP39::Share]]] array of group shares. def self.setup_shares(groups: [], group_threshold: nil, exp: 0, secret: nil, passphrase: '') raise ArgumentError, 'Groups is empty.' if groups.empty? raise ArgumentError, 'Group threshold must be greater than 0.' if group_threshold.nil? || group_threshold < 1 raise ArgumentError, 'Master secret does not specified.' unless secret if (secret.htb.bytesize * 8) < MIN_STRENGTH_BITS raise ArgumentError, "The length of the master secret (#{secret.htb.bytesize} bytes) must be at least #{MIN_STRENGTH_BITS / 8} bytes." end unless secret.bytesize.even? raise ArgumentError, 'The length of the master secret in bytes must be an even number.' end unless passphrase.ascii_only? raise ArgumentError, 'The passphrase must contain only printable ASCII characters (code points 32-126).' end if group_threshold > groups.length raise ArgumentError, "The requested group threshold (#{group_threshold}) must not exceed the number of groups (#{groups.length})." end groups.each do |threshold, count| raise ArgumentError, 'Group threshold must be greater than 0.' if threshold.nil? || threshold < 1 if threshold > count raise ArgumentError, "The requested member threshold (#{threshold}) must not exceed the number of share (#{count})." end if threshold == 1 && count > 1 raise ArgumentError, 'Creating multiple member shares with member threshold 1 is not allowed. Use 1-of-1 member sharing instead.' end end id = SecureRandom.random_number(32_767) # 32767 is max number for 15 bits. ems = encrypt(secret, passphrase, exp, id) group_shares = split_secret(group_threshold, groups.length, ems) shares = do |s, i| group_index, group_share = s[0], s[1] member_threshold, member_count = groups[i][0], groups[i][1] shares = split_secret(member_threshold, member_count, group_share) do |member_index, member_share| share = = id share.iteration_exp = exp share.group_index = group_index share.group_threshold = group_threshold share.group_count = groups.length share.member_index = member_index share.member_threshold = member_threshold share.value = member_share share.checksum = share.calculate_checksum share end end shares end # recovery master secret form shares. # # [Usage] # shares: An array of shares required for recovery. # master_secret = Tapyrus::SLIP39::SSS.recover_secret(shares, passphrase: 'xxx') # # @param [Array[Tapyrus::SLIP30::Share]] shares an array of shares. # @param [String] passphrase the passphrase using decrypt master secret. # @return [String] a master secret. def self.recover_secret(shares, passphrase: '') raise ArgumentError, 'share is empty.' if shares.nil? || shares.empty? groups = {} id = shares[0].id exp = shares[0].iteration_exp group_threshold = shares.first.group_threshold group_count = shares.first.group_count shares.each do |share| raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid set of shares. All shares must have the same id.' unless id == unless group_threshold == share.group_threshold raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid set of shares. All shares must have the same group threshold.' end unless group_count == share.group_count raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid set of shares. All shares must have the same group count.' end unless exp == share.iteration_exp raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid set of shares. All Shares must have the same iteration exponent.' end groups[share.group_index] ||= [] groups[share.group_index] << share end group_shares = {} groups.each do |group_index, shares| member_threshold = shares.first.member_threshold if shares.length < member_threshold raise ArgumentError, "Wrong number of mnemonics. Threshold is #{member_threshold}, but share count is #{shares.length}" end if shares.length == 1 && member_threshold == 1 group_shares[group_index] = shares.first.value else value_length = shares.first.value.length x_coordinates = [] shares.each do |share| unless member_threshold == share.member_threshold raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid set of shares. All shares in a group must have the same member threshold.' end unless value_length == share.value.length raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid set of shares. All share values must have the same length.' end x_coordinates << share.member_index end x_coordinates.uniq! unless x_coordinates.size == shares.size raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid set of shares. Share indices must be unique.' end interpolate_shares = { |s| [s.member_index, s.value] } secret = interpolate(interpolate_shares, SECRET_INDEX) digest_value = interpolate(interpolate_shares, DIGEST_INDEX).htb digest, random_value = digest_value[0...DIGEST_LENGTH_BYTES].bth, digest_value[DIGEST_LENGTH_BYTES..-1].bth recover_digest = create_digest(secret, random_value) raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid digest of the shared secret.' unless digest == recover_digest group_shares[group_index] = secret end end return decrypt(group_shares.values.first, passphrase, exp, id) if group_threshold == 1 if group_shares.length < group_threshold raise ArgumentError, "Wrong number of mnemonics. Group threshold is #{group_threshold}, but share count is #{group_shares.length}" end interpolate_shares = { |k, v| [k, v] } secret = interpolate(interpolate_shares, SECRET_INDEX) digest_value = interpolate(interpolate_shares, DIGEST_INDEX).htb digest, random_value = digest_value[0...DIGEST_LENGTH_BYTES].bth, digest_value[DIGEST_LENGTH_BYTES..-1].bth recover_digest = create_digest(secret, random_value) raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid digest of the shared secret.' unless digest == recover_digest decrypt(secret, passphrase, exp, id) end private # Calculate f(x) from given shamir shares. # @param [Array[index, value]] shares the array of shamir shares. # @param [Integer] x the x coordinate of the result. # @return [String] f(x) value with hex format. def self.interpolate(shares, x) s = shares.find { |s| s[0] == x } return s[1] if s log_prod = shares.sum { |s| LOG_TABLE[s[0] ^ x] } result = ('00' * shares.first[1].length).htb shares.each do |share| log_basis_eval = (log_prod - LOG_TABLE[share[0] ^ x] - shares.sum { |s| LOG_TABLE[share[0] ^ s[0]] }) % 255 result = share[1] .htb .bytes .each .map .with_index do |v, i| (result[i].bti ^ (v == 0 ? 0 : (EXP_TABLE[(LOG_TABLE[v] + log_basis_eval) % 255]))).itb end .join end result.bth end # Decrypt encrypted master secret using passphrase. # @param [String] ems an encrypted master secret with hex format. # @param [String] passphrase the passphrase when using encrypt master secret with binary format. # @param [Integer] exp iteration exponent # @param [Integer] id identifier def self.decrypt(ems, passphrase, exp, id) l, r = ems[0...(ems.length / 2)].htb, ems[(ems.length / 2)..-1].htb salt = get_salt(id) e = (Tapyrus::SLIP39::BASE_ITERATION_COUNT << exp) / Tapyrus::SLIP39::ROUND_COUNT Tapyrus::SLIP39::ROUND_COUNT.times.to_a.reverse.each do |i| f = OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac((i.itb + passphrase), salt + r, e, r.bytesize, 'sha256') l, r = padding_zero(r, r.bytesize), padding_zero((l.bti ^ f.bti).itb, r.bytesize) end (r + l).bth end # Encrypt master secret using passphrase # @param [String] secret master secret with hex format. # @param [String] passphrase the passphrase when using encrypt master secret with binary format. # @param [Integer] exp iteration exponent # @param [Integer] id identifier # @return [String] encrypted master secret with hex format. def self.encrypt(secret, passphrase, exp, id) s = secret.htb l, r = s[0...(s.bytesize / 2)], s[(s.bytesize / 2)..-1] salt = get_salt(id) e = (Tapyrus::SLIP39::BASE_ITERATION_COUNT << exp) / Tapyrus::SLIP39::ROUND_COUNT Tapyrus::SLIP39::ROUND_COUNT.times.to_a.each do |i| f = OpenSSL::PKCS5.pbkdf2_hmac((i.itb + passphrase), salt + r, e, r.bytesize, 'sha256') l, r = padding_zero(r, r.bytesize), padding_zero((l.bti ^ f.bti).itb, r.bytesize) end (r + l).bth end # Create digest of the shared secret. # @param [String] secret the shared secret with hex format. # @param [String] random value (n-4 bytes) with hex format. # @return [String] digest value(4 bytes) with hex format. def self.create_digest(secret, random) h = Tapyrus.hmac_sha256(random.htb, secret.htb) h[0...4].bth end # get salt using encryption/decryption form id. # @param [Integer] id id # @return [String] salt with binary format. def self.get_salt(id) (Tapyrus::SLIP39::CUSTOMIZATION_STRING.pack('c*') + id.itb) end # Split the share into +count+ with threshold +threshold+. # @param [Integer] threshold the threshold. # @param [Integer] count split count. # @param [Integer] secret the secret to be split. # @return [Array[Integer, String]] the array of split secret. def self.split_secret(threshold, count, secret) raise ArgumentError, "The requested threshold (#{threshold}) must be a positive integer." if threshold < 1 if threshold > count raise ArgumentError, "The requested threshold (#{threshold}) must not exceed the number of shares (#{count})." end if count > MAX_SHARE_COUNT raise ArgumentError, "The requested number of shares (#{count}) must not exceed #{MAX_SHARE_COUNT}." end return { |i| [i, secret] } if threshold == 1 # if the threshold is 1, digest of the share is not used. random_share_count = threshold - 2 shares = { |i| [i, SecureRandom.hex(secret.htb.bytesize)] } random_part = SecureRandom.hex(secret.htb.bytesize - DIGEST_LENGTH_BYTES) digest = create_digest(secret, random_part) base_shares = shares + [[DIGEST_INDEX, digest + random_part], [SECRET_INDEX, secret]] (random_share_count...count).each { |i| shares << [i, interpolate(base_shares, i)] } shares end private_class_method :split_secret, :get_salt, :interpolate, :encrypt, :decrypt, :create_digest end end end