describe("selection-buttons", function () { var $radioButtons, $radioLabels, $checkboxButtons, $checkboxLabels; beforeEach(function () { $radioLabels = $( '' + '' + '' ); $checkboxLabels = $( '' + '' + '' ); $radioButtons = $radioLabels.find('input'); $checkboxButtons = $checkboxLabels.find('input'); $(document.body).append($radioLabels); $(document.body).append($checkboxLabels); }); afterEach(function () { $radioLabels.remove(); $checkboxLabels.remove(); }); describe("RadioButtons", function () { it("Should create a new instance with the correct interface", function () { var buttons = new GOVUK.RadioButtons($radioButtons); expect(buttons.getSelections).toBeDefined(); expect(buttons.bindEvents).toBeDefined(); expect(buttons.markSelected).toBeDefined(); expect(buttons.markFocused).toBeDefined(); }); it("Should set the selectedClass property if sent in as an option", function () { var buttons = new GOVUK.RadioButtons($radioButtons, { 'selectedClass' : 'selectable-selected' }); expect(buttons.selectedClass).toEqual('selectable-selected'); }); it("Should set the focusedClass property if sent in as an option", function () { var buttons = new GOVUK.RadioButtons($radioButtons, { 'focusedClass' : 'selectable-focused' }); expect(buttons.focusedClass).toEqual('selectable-focused'); }); describe("getSelections method", function () { it("Should mark the label of any checked radios as selected", function () { var radioButtonsMock = { 'markSelected' : function () {}, '$elms' : $radioButtons }; $radioButtons.eq(0).attr('checked', true); spyOn(radioButtonsMock, 'markSelected');; expect(radioButtonsMock.markSelected).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("setEventNames method", function () { it("Should set the selectionEvents and focusEvents properties on the instance", function () { var radioButtonsMock = {};; expect(typeof radioButtonsMock.focusEvents !== 'undefined').toBe(true); expect(typeof radioButtonsMock.selectionEvents !== 'undefined').toBe(true); }); }); describe("bindEvents method", function () { it("Should bind click and change events to each radio", function () { var radioButtonsMock = { '$elms' : $radioButtons, 'selectionEvents' : 'click change', 'focusEvents' : 'focus blur', 'markSelected' : function () {}, 'markFocused' : function () {} }, eventsBound = false; spyOn($.fn, 'on').andCallFake(function (evt, func) { if (evt === 'click change') { eventsBound = true; } return $.fn; }); expect($.fn.on.calls.length).toEqual(0);; expect($.fn.on).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(eventsBound).toEqual(true); }); it("Should call the markSelected method on any checked radio that's the target of an event", function () { var radioButtonsMock = { '$elms' : $radioButtons, 'selectionEvents' : 'click change', 'focusEvents' : 'focus blur', 'markSelected' : function () {}, 'markFocused' : function () {} }, eventsBound = false; spyOn($.fn, 'on').andCallFake(function (evt, func) { if (evt === 'click change') { callback = func; } return $.fn; }); spyOn(radioButtonsMock, 'markSelected'); radioButtonsMock.$elms.eq(0).attr('checked', true);; callback({ 'target' : radioButtonsMock.$elms[0] }); expect(radioButtonsMock.markSelected).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("markSelected method", function () { it("Should add the selectedClass class to the label of the sent in radio", function () { var radioButtonsMock = { 'selections' : { 'size' : false }, 'selectedClass' : 'selected' }, $clickedRadio = $radioButtons.eq(0);, $clickedRadio); expect($clickedRadio.parent('label').hasClass('selected')).toEqual(true); }); it("Should remove the selectedClass class from the label of the previously selected radio", function () { var radioButtonsMock = { 'selections' : { 'size' : $radioButtons.eq(1) }, 'selectedClass' : 'selected' }, $clickedRadio = $radioButtons.eq(0); $radioLabels.eq(1).addClass('selected');, $clickedRadio); expect($('#medium').parent('label').hasClass('selected')).toEqual(false); }); }); describe("markFocused method", function () { var radioButtonsMock = { 'focused' : false, 'focusedClass' : 'focused' }; it("Should add the focusedClass class to the sent radio if it is focused", function () { GOVUK.RadioButtons.prototype.markFocused.apply(radioButtonsMock, [$radioButtons.eq(0), 'focused']); expect($radioLabels.eq(0).hasClass(radioButtonsMock.focusedClass)).toBe(true); }); it("Should remove the focusedClass class from the sent radio if it is blurred", function () { $radioLabels.eq(0).addClass(radioButtonsMock.focusedClass); GOVUK.RadioButtons.prototype.markFocused.apply(radioButtonsMock, [$radioButtons.eq(0), 'blurred']); expect($radioLabels.eq(0).hasClass(radioButtonsMock.focusedClass)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe("CheckboxButtons", function () { it("Should create a new instance with the correct interface", function () { var buttons = new GOVUK.CheckboxButtons($checkboxButtons); expect(buttons.getSelections).toBeDefined(); expect(buttons.bindEvents).toBeDefined(); expect(buttons.markSelected).toBeDefined(); expect(buttons.markFocused).toBeDefined(); }); describe("getSelections method", function () { it("Should add the selectedClass class to the label of a checkbox that is checked", function () { var checkboxButtonsMock = { '$elms' : $checkboxButtons, 'markSelected' : function () {} }; checkboxButtonsMock.$elms.eq(0).attr('checked', true); spyOn(checkboxButtonsMock, 'markSelected');; expect(checkboxButtonsMock.markSelected).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("setEventNames method", function () { it("Should set the selectionEvents and focusEvents properties on the instance", function () { var checkboxButtonsMock = {};; expect(typeof checkboxButtonsMock.focusEvents !== 'undefined').toBe(true); expect(typeof checkboxButtonsMock.selectionEvents !== 'undefined').toBe(true); }); }); describe("bindEvents method", function () { var checkboxButtonsMock; beforeEach(function () { checkboxButtonsMock = { '$elms' : $checkboxButtons }; }); it("Should add a click event to each checkbox that fires the markSelected method", function () { var eventCalled = false; checkboxButtonsMock.markSelected = function () {}; checkboxButtonsMock.markFocused = function () {}; checkboxButtonsMock.selectionEvents = 'click'; checkboxButtonsMock.focusEvents = 'focus blur'; spyOn(checkboxButtonsMock, 'markSelected'); spyOn($.fn, 'on').andCallFake(function (evt, func) { if (evt === 'click') { eventCalled = true; callback = func; } return $.fn; }); $checkboxButtons.eq(0).attr('checked', true);; expect(eventCalled).toBe(true); callback({ 'target' : $checkboxButtons.eq(0) }); expect(checkboxButtonsMock.markSelected).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("Should add focus and blur events to each checkbox that fires the markFocused method", function () { var eventCalled = false; checkboxButtonsMock.markFocused = function () {}; checkboxButtonsMock.markSelected = function () {}; checkboxButtonsMock.selectionEvents = 'click'; checkboxButtonsMock.focusEvents = 'focus blur'; spyOn(checkboxButtonsMock, 'markFocused'); spyOn($.fn, 'on').andCallFake(function (evt, func) { if (evt === 'focus blur') { eventCalled = true; callback = func; } return $.fn; });; expect(eventCalled).toBe(true); callback({ 'target' : $checkboxButtons.eq(0), 'type' : 'focus' }); expect(checkboxButtonsMock.markFocused).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("markSelected method", function () { var checkboxButtonsMock = { 'selectedClass' : 'selected' }; it("Should add the selectedClass class to a checked checkbox", function () { $checkboxButtons.eq(0).attr('checked', true);, $checkboxButtons.eq(0)); expect($checkboxLabels.eq(0).hasClass(checkboxButtonsMock.selectedClass)).toBe(true); }); it("Should remove the selectedClass class from an unchecked checkbox", function () { $checkboxButtons.eq(0).addClass(checkboxButtonsMock.selectedClass);, $checkboxButtons.eq(0)); expect($checkboxLabels.eq(0).hasClass(checkboxButtonsMock.selectedClass)).toBe(false); }); }); describe("markFocused method", function () { var checkboxButtonsMock = { 'focused' : false, 'focusedClass' : 'focused' }; it("Should add the focusedClass class to the sent radio if it is focused", function () { GOVUK.CheckboxButtons.prototype.markFocused.apply(checkboxButtonsMock, [$checkboxButtons.eq(0), 'focused']); expect($checkboxLabels.eq(0).hasClass(checkboxButtonsMock.focusedClass)).toBe(true); }); it("Should remove the focusedClass class from the sent radio if it is blurred", function () { $checkboxLabels.eq(0).addClass(checkboxButtonsMock.focusedClass); GOVUK.CheckboxButtons.prototype.markFocused.apply(checkboxButtonsMock, [$checkboxButtons.eq(0), 'blurred']); expect($checkboxLabels.eq(0).hasClass(checkboxButtonsMock.focusedClass)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe("selectionButtons", function () { it("Should create an instance of RadioButtons for a set of radios", function () { spyOn(GOVUK, 'RadioButtons'); GOVUK.selectionButtons($radioButtons); expect(GOVUK.RadioButtons).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("Should create an instance of CheckboxButtons for a set of checkboxes", function () { spyOn(GOVUK, 'CheckboxButtons'); GOVUK.selectionButtons($checkboxButtons); expect(GOVUK.CheckboxButtons).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("Should create instances of RadioButtons and CheckboxButtons for a set containing radios and checkboxes", function () { spyOn(GOVUK, 'RadioButtons'); spyOn(GOVUK, 'CheckboxButtons'); GOVUK.selectionButtons($checkboxButtons.add($radioButtons)); expect(GOVUK.RadioButtons).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(GOVUK.CheckboxButtons).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });