Feature: Sass should glob partials like sass-rails Including the `sass-globbing` gem ins required for sass globs to work. Background: Given a fixture app "base-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ require 'sass-globbing' activate :sprockets """ And a file named "source/stylesheets/main.css.scss" with: """ @import "**/*"; """ And a file named "source/stylesheets/d1/_s1.scss" with: """ .d1s1 { content: 'd1'; } """ And a file named "source/stylesheets/d2/_s1.sass" with: """ .d2s1 content: 'd2' """ And a file named "source/stylesheets/d2/d3/_s1.sass" with: """ .d3s1 content: 'd3' """ And a file named "source/stylesheets/d2/d3/_s2.scss" with: """ .d3s2 { content: 'd3'; } """ @sprockets3 Scenario: Sass globbing should work Given the Server is running When I go to "/stylesheets/main.css" Then I should see ".d1s1" And I should see ".d2s1" And I should see ".d3s1" And I should see ".d3s2" @sprockets4 Scenario: Sass globbing should work Sass globbing does not work with SassC, but does still work with Sprockets 4 if using ruby Sass. Given a file named "config.rb" with: """ Object.send :remove_const, :SassC if defined?(SassC)# simulate not having sassc require 'sass-globbing' activate :sprockets """ Given the Server is running When I go to "/stylesheets/main.css" Then I should see ".d1s1" And I should see ".d2s1" And I should see ".d3s1" And I should see ".d3s2" @sprockets3 Scenario: New files are spotted and imported Because of how sass-globbing works, new or changed dependencies aren't spotted. You'll need to change/save the importing stylesheet for them to show up. Adding or removing a newline is a "cheap" trick to trigger the change. Given the Server is running And a file named "source/stylesheets/d2/_s2.scss" with: """ .d2s2 { content: 'd2s2'; } """ And the file "source/stylesheets/main.css.scss" content is changed to: """ @import "**/*"; """ When I go to "/stylesheets/main.css" Then I should see ".d2s2"