# avromatic changelog ## v2.2.5 - Optimize memory usage when serializing, deserializing and instantiating models. ## v2.2.4 - Compatibility with Avro v1.10.x. ## v2.2.3 - Fix bug where method `#referenced_model_classes` was declared as private instead of public. ## v2.2.2 - Fix missing models in the model registry when in development by loading the nested models of eager loaded models. - Fake schema registry support for stubbing URLs with usernames and passwords. ## v2.2.1 - Avoid allocating default empty hash in `Avromatic::IO::DatumReader.read_data` ## v2.2.0 - Add support for Rails 6.0. - Drop support for Ruby < 2.4. ## v2.1.0 - Add `key_schema_name` and `value_schema_name` attributes to `UnexpectedKeyError`. ## v2.0.2 - Optimize model initialization and decoding ## v2.0.1 - Allow generated model attribute accessors to be overridden. This was a regression in Avromatic 2.0.0. - Ensure that timestamp-millis are coerced when the number of microseconds is divisible by 1,000 but the number of nanoseconds is not divisible by 1,000,000. ## v2.0.0 - Remove [virtus](https://github.com/solnic/virtus) dependency resulting in a 3x performance improvement in model instantation and 1.4x - 2.0x performance improvement in Avro serialization and Avromatic code simplification. - Raise `Avromatic::Model::CoercionError` when attribute values can't be coerced to the target type in model constructors and attribute setters. Previously coercion errors weren't detected until Avro serialization or an explicit call to `valid?`. - Prevent model instances from being constructed with unknown attributes. Previously unknown attributes were ignored. This can be disabled by setting `Avromatic.allow_unknown_attributes` to `true`. WARNING: Setting `Avromatic.allow_unknown_attributes` to `true` will result in incorrect union member coercions if an earlier union member is satisfied by a subset of the latter union member's attributes. - Validate required attributes are present when serializing to Avro for better error messages. Explicit validation can still be done by calling the `valid?` or `invalid?` methods from the [ActiveModel::Validations](https://edgeapi.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveModel/Validations.html) interface but errors will now appear under the `:base` key. Previously these errors were detected late in the Avro serialization process resulting in hard to understand error messages. - Support for custom types in unions with more than one non-null type. - Drop support for Ruby < 2.3 and Rails < 5.0. - Call `super()` in model constructor making it easier to define class/module hierarchies for models. ## v1.0.0 - No changes. ## v0.33.0 - Fix compatibility with avro-patches v0.4.0. ## v0.32.0 - Improve partial assignment using a hash for records outside of unions. - Prevent invalid types from being assigned to primitives in unions. - Add validation that primitive attributes have the expected type. ## v0.31.0 - Add support for Rails 5.2. ## v0.30.0 - Add `Avromatic::Model::MessageDecoder#model` method to return the Avromatic model class for a message. ## v0.29.1 - Add `Avromatic.build_messaging!` to `avromatic/rspec`. ## v0.29.0 - Add new public methods `#avro_key_datum` and `#avro_value_datum` on an Avromatic model instance that return the attributes of the model suitable for Avro encoding without any customizations. ## v0.28.1 - Fix a bug that raised an error when encoding a cached model containing optional field(s). With this change, immutable model caching now enabled only when `avro-patches` is present. ## v0.28.0 - Add support for caching avro encodings for immutable models ## v0.27.0 - Patches avromatic model classes to cache `Virtus::ValueObject::AllowedWriterMethods#allowed_writer_methods` - Support Rails 5.1 ## v0.26.0 - Caches result of Avromatic::Model::RawSerialization#value_attributes_for_avro for immutable models ## v0.25.0 - Disallow optional fields in schemas used for keys by default. ## v0.24.0 - Add `Avromatic::IO::DatumWriter` to optimize the encoding of Avro unions from Avromatic models. - Expose the `#key_attributes_for_avro` method on models. ## v0.23.0 - Add mutable option when defining a model. ## v0.22.0 - Require `avro_schema_registry_client` v0.3.0 or later to avoid using `avro-salsify-fork`. ## v0.21.1 - Fix a bug in the optimization of optional union decoding. ## v0.21.0 - Remove monkey-patches for `AvroTurf::ConfluentSchemaRegistry` and `FakeConfluentSchemaRegistryServer` and depend on `avro_schema_registry-client` instead. - Rename the configuration option `use_cacheable_schema_registration` to `use_schema_fingerprint_lookup`. ## v0.20.0 - Support schema stores with a `#clear_schemas` method. ## v0.19.0 - Use a fingerprint based on `avro-resolution_canonical_form`. ## v0.18.1 - Replace another reference to `avromatic/test/fake_schema_registry_server`. ## v0.18.0 - Compatibility with `avro_turf` v0.8.0. `avromatic/test/fake_schema_registry_server` is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use `avromatic/test/fake_confluent_schema_registry_server` instead. ## v0.17.1 - Correctly namespace Avro errors raised by `Avromatic::IO::DatumReader`. ## v0.17.0 - Add `.register_schemas!` method to generated models to register the associated schemas in a schema registry. ## v0.16.0 - Add `#lookup_subject_schema` method to `AvroTurf::SchemaRegistry` patch to directly support looking up existing schema ids by fingerprint. ## v0.15.1 - Add `Avromatic.use_cacheable_schema_registration` option to control the lookup of existing schema ids by fingerprint. ## v0.15.0 - Add patch to `AvroTurf::SchemaRegistry` to lookup existing schema ids using `GET /subjects/:subject/fingerprints/:fingerprint` from `#register`. This endpoint is supported in the avro-schema-registry. - Add patch to the `FakeSchemaRegistryServer` from `AvroTurf` to support the fingerprint endpoint. ## v0.14.0 - Add `Avromatic::Messaging` and `Avromatic::IO::DatumReader` classes to optimize the decoding of Avro unions to Avromatic models. ## v0.13.0 - Add interfaces to deserialize as a hash of attributes instead of a model. ## v0.12.0 - Clear the schema store, if it supports it, prior to code reloading in Rails applications. This allows schema changes to be picked up during code reloading. ## v0.11.2 - Fix for models containing optional array and map fields. ## v0.11.1 - Another fix for Rails initialization and reloading. Do not clear the nested models registry the first time that the `to_prepare` hook is called. ## v0.11.0 - Replace `Avromatic.on_initialize` proc with `Avromatic.eager_load_models` array. The models listed by this configuration are added to the registry at the end of `.configure` and prior to code reloading in Rails applications. This is a compatibility breaking change. ## v0.10.0 - Add `Avromatic.on_initialize` proc that is called at the end of `.configure` and on code reloading in Rails applications. ## v0.9.0 - Experimental: Add support for more than one non-null type in a union. - Allow nested models to be referenced and reused. - Fix the serialization of nested complex types. - Add support for recursive models. - Allow required array and map fields to be empty. Only nil values for required array and map fields are now considered invalid. - Validate nested models. This includes models embedded within other complex types (array, map, and union). - Truncate values for timestamps to the precision supported by the logical type. ## v0.8.0 - Add support for logical types. Currently this requires using the `avro-salsify-fork` gem for logical types support with Ruby. ## v0.7.1 - Raise a more descriptive error when attempting to generate a model for a non-record Avro type. ## v0.7.0 - Add RSpec `FakeSchemaRegistryServer` test helper. ## v0.6.2 - Remove dependency on `Hash#transform_values` from `ActiveSupport` v4.2. ## v0.6.1 - Fix serialization of array and map types that contain nested models. ## v0.6.0 - Require `avro_turf` v0.7.0 or later. ## v0.5.0 - Rename `Avromatic::Model::Decoder` to `MessageDecoder`. - Rename `.deserialize` on generated models to `.avro_message_decode`. - Add `#avro_raw_key`, `#avro_raw_value` and `.avro_raw_decode` methods to generated models to support encoding and decoding without a schema registry. ## v0.4.0 - Allow the specification of a custom type, including conversion to/from Avro, for named types. ## v0.3.0 - Remove dependency on the `private_attr` gem. ## v0.2.0 - Allow a module level schema registry to be configured. ## v0.1.2 - Do not build an `AvroTurf::Messaging` object for each model class. ## v0.1.1 - Fix Railtie. ## v0.1.0 - Initial release