- Runs a client node connecting to a chef-server.
chef-client (options)
, --config CONFIG
, --daemonize
, --group GROUP
, --interval SECONDS
, --json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS
, --log_level LEVEL
, --logfile LOGLOCATION
, --verbose
, --node-name NODE_NAME
, --splay SECONDS
, --user USER
, --version
, --help
The Chef Client is where almost all of the work in Chef is done. It communicates with the Chef Server via REST, authenticates via Signed Header Authentication, and compiles and executes Cookbooks.
A Chef Client does work on behalf of a Node. A single Chef Client can run recipes for multiple Nodes.
Clients are where all the action happens - the Chef Server and Chef Expander are largely services that exist only to provide the Client with information.
Full documentation for Chef and chef-client is located on the Chef wiki,
Chef was written by Adam Jacob of Opscode (, with contributions from the community. This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman with help2man. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache 2.0 License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.