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Be sure that "Internal ID" is one of your search result columns saved_search_id: 123, # limit pushing to NetSuite based on conditional if: -> { self.a_condition? }, # limit pulling from NetSuite based on conditional. This is only # considered when handling a single pull pull_if: -> { self.another_condition? }, # accepted values are :async and :sync. Default is :async mode: :sync # local => remote field mapping netsuite_field_map({ :item_number => :item_id, :name => :display_name, # the corresponding NetSuite field must be manually specified in before_netsuite_push :user => Proc.new do |local_rails_record, netsuite_record, sync_direction| if direction == :pull elsif direction == :push end end, :custom_field_list => { :a_local_field => :custrecord_remote_field :a_special_local_field => Proc.new do |local, ns_record, direction| if direction == :push # if proc is used with a field mapping, the field must be specified in `netsuite_manual_fields` ns_record.custom_field_list.custentity_special_long = 1 ns_record.custom_field_list.custentity_special_long.type = 'platformCore:LongCustomFieldRef' end end } }) # sanitizes input from rails to ensure NS doesn't throw a fatal error netsuite_field_hints({ :phone => :phone, :email => :email }) before_netsuite_push do |netsuite_record| self.netsuite_manual_fields = [ :entity, :custom_field_list ] end end ``` Your ruby model: * Needs to have a `netsuite_id` and `netsuite_id=` method * Does not need to be an `ActiveRecord` model. If you don't use ActiveRecord it is your responsibility to trigger `Model#netsuite_push`. Notes: * If `sync_mode == :async` `model.save` will be run if a record is created referencing an existing NetSuite object: `model.create! netsuite_id: 123` * If you are using `update`, a `update` call will not be run if no changed fields are detected. If you are manually using fields specify them with `netsuite_manual_fields` ## Using Upsert TODO generating external ID tag TODO configuring upsert TODO add vs upsert consideration ## Installation ```ruby gem 'netsuite_rails' ``` Install the database migration to persist poll timestamps: ```bash rails g netsuite_rails:install ``` This helps netsuite_rails to know when the last time your rails DB was synced with the NS. ## Date ## Time "Time of Day" fields in NetSuite are especially tricky. To ensure that times don't shift when you push them to NetSuite here are some tips: 1. Take a look at the company time zone setup. This is in Setup 2. Ensure your WebService's Employee record has either: * No time zone set * The same time zone as the company 3. Ensure that the WebService's GUI preferences have the same time zone settings as the company. This effects how times are translated via SuiteTalk. 4. Set the `netsuite_instance_time_zone_offset` setting to your company's time zone ```ruby # set your timezone offset NetSuiteRails::Configuration.netsuite_instance_time_zone_offset(-6) ``` ### Changing WebService User's TimeZone Preferences It might take a couple hours for time zone changes to take effect. [From my experience](http://mikebian.co/netsuite-suitetalk-user-role-edits-are-delayed/), either the time zone changes have some delay associated with them or the time zone implementation is extremely buggy. ## Usage ### Syncing Options ``` netsuite_record_class NetSuite::Records::Customer netsuite_record_class NetSuite::Records::CustomRecord, 123 netsuite_sync: :read netsuite_sync: :read_write # TODO not after_netsuite_push replacement for aggressive sync netsuite_sync: :read, frequency: :never netsuite_sync: :read, frequency: 5.minutes netsuite_sync: :read, if: -> { self.condition_met? } ``` When using a proc in a NS mapping, you are responsible for setting local and remote values The default sync frequency is [one day](https://github.com/NetSweet/netsuite_rails/blob/c453326a4190e68a2fd9d7690b2b1f2f105ec8b9/lib/netsuite_rails/poll_trigger.rb#L27). for pushing tasks to DJ https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job/wiki/Rake-Task-as-a-Delayed-Job `:if` for controlling when syncing occurs Easily disable/enable syncing via env vars: ```ruby NetSuiteRails.configure do netsuite_pull_disabled ENV['NETSUITE_PULL_DISABLED'].present? && ENV['NETSUITE_PULL_DISABLED'] == "true" netsuite_push_disabled ENV['NETSUITE_PUSH_DISABLED'].present? && ENV['NETSUITE_PUSH_DISABLED'] == "true" if ENV['NETSUITE_DISABLE_SYNC'].present? && ENV['NETSUITE_DISABLE_SYNC'] == "true" netsuite_pull_disabled true netsuite_push_disabled true end end ``` ### Hooks ```ruby # the netsuite record is passed a single argument to this block (or method reference) # this provides the opportunity to set custom fields or run custom logic to prepare # the record for the NetSuite envoirnment before_netsuite_push after_netsuite_push # netsuite_pulling? is true when this callback is executed after_netsuite_pull ``` ### Rake Tasks for Syncing ```bash # update & create local records modified in netsuite sync the last sync time rake netsuite:sync # pull all records in NetSuite and update/create local records rake netsuite:fresh_sync # only update records that have already been synced rake netsuite:sync_local RECORD_MODELS=YourModel LIST_MODELS=YourListModel ``` Caveats: * If you have date time fields, or custom fields that will trigger `changed_attributes` this might cause issues when pulling an existing record * `changed_attributes` doesn't work well with `store`s ### Delayed Job The more records that use netsuite_rails, the longer you'll need your job timeout to be: ```ruby # config/initializers/delayed_job.rb Delayed::Worker.max_run_time = 80.minutes ``` ## Non-AR Backed Model Implement `changed_attributes` in your non-AR backed model ## Testing ```ruby # in spec_helper.rb require 'netsuite_rails/spec/spec_helper' ``` # Syncing Using Rake Tasks ```ruby # clockwork.rb every(1.minutes, 'netsuite sync') { # prevent multiple netsuite:sync DJ commands from being added; only one is needed in the queue at a time unless Delayed::Job.where(failed_at: nil, locked_by: nil).detect { |j| j.payload_object.class == DelayedRake && j.payload_object.task == 'netsuite:sync'} Delayed::Job.enqueue DelayedRake.new("netsuite:sync") end } # schedule.rb # DelayedRake: https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job/wiki/Rake-Task-as-a-Delayed-Job every 2.minutes do runner 'Delayed::Job.enqueue(DelayedRake.new("netsuite:sync"),priority:1,run_at: Time.now);' end ``` ## Author * Michael Bianco @iloveitaly