Active Record Arel DepthFirst Visitor ===================================== This gem re-introduces Arel code that was removed from Rails 6.1: . The code existed in the arel gem from 4.0.0 to 9.0.0, and the rails gem from 4.0.0 to 6.0.0. It provides a DepthFirst visitor for Arel that allows you to traverse the Arel AST, e.g. for visualizations. Installation ------------ Include this gem into your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'activerecord-arel_depth_first' ``` Example ------- This visitor makes the Arel AST enumerable, so you can do a depth-first iteration over it: ``` ruby User.some_arbitrary_scope.arel.ast.each do |node| case node when Arel::Table # do something for table nodes when Arel::Nodes::Equality # do something for equality nodes else # and so on ... end end ``` ## License activerecord-arel_depth_first is released under the [MIT License](MIT-LICENSE).