require 'test_helper' class NodeTest < Zena::Unit::TestCase NEW_DEFAULT = { :name => 'hello', :rgroup_id => Zena::FoxyParser::id('zena', 'public'), :wgroup_id => Zena::FoxyParser::id('zena', 'workers'), :dgroup_id => Zena::FoxyParser::id('zena', 'managers'), :parent_id => Zena::FoxyParser::id('zena', 'cleanWater'), }.freeze def test_rebuild_fullpath Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET fullpath = NULL, basepath = NULL WHERE id = #{nodes_id(:wiki)}" login(:ant) node = nodes(:wiki) assert_nil node[:fullpath] node.send(:rebuild_fullpath) assert_equal 'projects/wiki', node.fullpath end def test_rebuild_fullpath_in_custom_base Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET fullpath = NULL, basepath = NULL WHERE id = #{nodes_id(:status)}" login(:ant) node = nodes(:status) assert_nil node[:fullpath] node.send(:rebuild_fullpath) assert_equal 'projects/cleanWater/status', node.fullpath end def test_find_by_path login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_path('projects/wiki') } assert_equal nodes_id(:wiki), end def test_match_query query = Node.match_query('smala') assert_equal " LIKE 'smala%'", query[:conditions] query = Node.match_query('.', :node => nodes(:wiki)) assert_equal ["parent_id = ?", nodes_id(:wiki)], query[:conditions] end def transform_attributes_zazen_shortcut_v_text login(:lion) [ ["Hi, this is just a simple \"test\"::w or \"\"::w+_life.rss. OK ?\n\n!:lake+_pv!", "Hi, this is just a simple \"test\":25 or \"\":29_life.rss. OK ?\n\n!24_pv!"], ["Hi ![30,:lake+]! ![]!", "Hi ![30,24]! ![]!"], ["Hi !{:bird,:lake+}! !{}!", "Hi !{30,24}! !{}!"], ["Hi !30!::clean !:bird!::clean !:bird/nice bird!:21 !30_pv/hello ladies!:21", "Hi !30!:21 !30!:21 !30/nice bird!:21 !30_pv/hello ladies!:21"], ["Hi, this is normal "":1/ just a\n\n* asf\n* asdf ![23,33]!", "Hi, this is normal "":1/ just a\n\n* asf\n* asdf ![23,33]!"], ].each do |src,res| assert_equal res, secure(Node) { Node.transform_attributes( 'v_text' => src )['v_text'] } end end def test_transform_attributes login(:tiger) visitor[:time_zone] = "Europe/Zurich" [ [{'parent_id' => 'lake+'}, {'parent_id' => nodes_id(:lake_jpg)}], [{'d_super_id' => 'lake', 'd_other_id' => '11'}, {'d_super_id' => nodes_zip(:lake), 'd_other_id' => 11}], [{'tag_ids' => "33,news"}, {'tag_ids' => [nodes_id(:art), nodes_id(:news)]}], [{'parent_id' => '999', 'tag_ids' => "999,34,art"}, {'parent_id' => '999', 'tag_ids' => [nodes_id(:news),nodes_id(:art)]}], [{'link' => {'hot' => {'other_id' => '22', 'date' => '2009-7-15 16:58' }}}, {'link' => {'hot' => {'other_id' => nodes_id(:status), 'date' =>,7,15,16,58)}}}], # this should be 14:58 when #255 is fixed (tz support). ].each do |src,res| assert_equal res, secure(Node) { Node.transform_attributes( src ) } end end def test_get_fullpath_rebuild login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lake) } assert_equal 'projects/cleanWater/lakeAddress', node.fullpath assert node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:collections)) assert_equal 'collections/lakeAddress', node.fullpath end def test_fullpath_updated_on_parent_rename login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:tiger) } assert_equal 'people/tiger', node.fullpath node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:tiger) } assert_equal 'people/tiger', node[:fullpath] # make sure fullpath is cached node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'nice people') assert node.publish assert_equal 'nicePeople', # sync name node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:tiger) } assert_equal 'nicePeople/tiger', node[:fullpath] end def test_rootpath login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal 'zena/projects/cleanWater/status', node.rootpath node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:zena) } assert_equal 'zena', node.rootpath end def test_basepath login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal 'projects/cleanWater', node.basepath node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:projects) } assert_equal '', node.basepath node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:proposition) } assert_equal '', node.basepath end def test_ancestors Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET parent_id = #{nodes_id(:proposition)} WHERE id = #{nodes_id(:bird_jpg)}" login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal ['zena', 'projects', 'cleanWater'], { |a| a[:name] } node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:zena) } assert_equal [], node.ancestors node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:bird_jpg) } prop = secure!(Node) { nodes(:proposition)} assert_kind_of Node, prop assert prop.can_read? assert_equal ['zena', 'projects', 'secret', 'proposition'], { |a| a[:name] } end def test_ancestors_infinit_loop Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET parent_id = #{nodes_id(:status)} WHERE id = #{nodes_id(:cleanWater)}" login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lake_jpg) } assert_raise(Zena::InvalidRecord) { node.ancestors } end def test_ancestor_in_hidden_project login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:proposition) } assert_kind_of Node, node assert_equal ['zena', 'projects', 'secret'], { |a| a[:name] } # ant can view 'proposition' but not the project proposition is in end def test_create_simplest login(:ant) test_page = secure!(Node) { Node.create(:name=>"yoba", :parent_id => nodes_id(:cleanWater), :inherit=>1 ) } assert ! test_page.new_record? , "Not a new record" assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), test_page.parent[:id] assert_equal 'projects/cleanWater/yoba', test_page.fullpath assert_equal 'projects/cleanWater', test_page.basepath parent = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal 'projects/cleanWater', parent.fullpath end def test_cannot_update_v_status login(:ant) test_page = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal 2, test_page.version.number assert test_page.update_attributes( :v_status => Zena::Status[:pub], :v_title => "New funky title") assert_equal 3, test_page.version.number assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], test_page.version.status end def test_new_bad_parent login(:tiger) attrs = NEW_DEFAULT.dup attrs[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:proposition) node = secure!(Page) { } assert , "Save ok" attrs[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:myDreams) # cannot write here node = secure!(Page) { } assert ! , "Save fails" assert node.errors[:parent_id].any? assert_equal 'invalid reference', node.errors[:parent_id] attrs[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:cleanWater) # other parent ok node = secure!(Page) { } assert , "Save succeeds" end def test_new_without_parent login(:tiger) attrs = NEW_DEFAULT.dup attrs.delete(:parent_id) node = secure!(Node) { } assert ! , "Save fails" assert node.errors[:parent_id].any? assert_equal 'invalid reference', node.errors[:parent_id] # page parent ok assert node.new_record? node = secure!(Node) { } node.parent_id = nodes_id(:lake) assert , "Save succeeds" end def test_page_new_without_name login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) {>nodes_id(:cleanWater)) } assert !, 'Save fails' assert_equal 'can\'t be blank', node.errors[:name] end def test_new_set_section_id login(:tiger) node = secure!(Page) { Page.create(:parent_id=>nodes_id(:people), :name=>'SuperPage')} assert ! node.new_record?, 'Not a new record' assert_equal nodes_id(:people), node[:section_id] end def toto_test_update_no_or_bad_parent login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } assert_kind_of Node, node assert , "Save succeeds" node.parent_id = nil assert ! , "Save fails" assert node.errors[:parent_id].any? node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } node.parent_id = nodes_id(:wiki) assert ! , "Save fails" assert node.errors[:parent_id].any? node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } node.parent_id = nodes_id(:cleanWater) assert ! , "Save fails" end def test_update_bad_parent login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } node[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:proposition) assert , "Save ok" node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } node[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:myDreams) # cannot write here assert ! , "Save fails" assert node.errors[:parent_id].any? assert_equal "invalid reference", node.errors[:parent_id] node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } node[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:projects) # parent ok assert , "Save succeeds" end def test_page_update_without_name login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } node[:name] = nil assert, 'Save succeeds' assert_equal 'statusTitle', node[:name] node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } node[:name] = nil node.version.title = "" assert !, 'Save fails' assert_equal 'can\'t be blank', node.errors[:name] end def test_update_set_section_id login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.find(nodes_id(:lion))} assert_equal nodes_id(:people), node[:section_id] node[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:zena) node[:section_id] = nodes_id(:status) assert, 'Can save node' node.reload assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node[:section_id] end def test_before_destroy login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:projects) } assert !node.destroy, "Cannot destroy" assert_equal 'cannot be removed (contains subpages or data)', node.errors[:base] node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:bananas) } assert node.destroy, "Can destroy" end def test_cannot_destroy_has_private login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lion) } assert_nil node.find(:all, 'pages'), "No subpages" assert !node.destroy, "Cannot destroy" assert_equal 'cannot be removed (contains subpages or data)', node.errors[:base] end def test_parent login(:anon) assert_equal nodes_id(:projects), secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) }.parent[:id] end def test_project login(:anon) assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) }.project[:id] assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) }.project[:id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) }.real_project[:id] end def test_section login(:tiger) assert_equal nodes_id(:people), secure!(Node) { nodes(:tiger) }.section[:id] assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) }.project[:id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) }.real_project[:id] end def test_real_project login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), node.project[:id] node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), node.project[:id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node.real_project[:id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node.real_project.real_project[:id] end def test_real_section login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:tiger) } assert_equal nodes_id(:people), node.section[:id] node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert_equal nodes_id(:people), node.section[:id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node.real_section[:id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node.real_section.real_section[:id] end def test_new_child login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } child = node.new_child( :name => 'status', :class => Page ) assert !, "Save fails" assert child.errors[:name].any? child = node.new_child( :name => 'new_name', :class => Page ) assert , "Save succeeds" assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], child.version.status assert_equal child[:user_id], users_id(:ant) assert_equal node[:dgroup_id], child[:dgroup_id] assert_equal node[:rgroup_id], child[:rgroup_id] assert_equal node[:wgroup_id], child[:wgroup_id] assert_equal node[:section_id], child[:section_id] assert_equal 1, child[:inherit] assert_equal node[:id], child[:parent_id] end def test_secure_find_by_path login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_path('projects/secret') } assert_kind_of Node, node assert_kind_of User, node.instance_variable_get(:@visitor) login(:ant) assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { node = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_path('projects/secret') }} end def test_author login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal node.user.contact_id,[:id] assert_equal 'Panther Tigris Sumatran', login(:anon) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal 'Solenopsis Invicta', end def test_ext node = nodes(:status) node[:name] = 'bob. and bob.jpg' assert_equal 'jpg', node.ext node[:name] = 'no ext' assert_equal '', node.ext node[:name] = '' assert_equal '', node.ext node[:name] = nil assert_equal '', node.ext end def test_set_name_with_title login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(NEW_DEFAULT.stringify_keys.merge('name' => '', 'v_title' => 'small bed')) } assert_kind_of Node, node assert !node.new_record? assert_equal 'smallBed', end def test_set_name node = nodes(:wiki) = " J'aime l'aïl en août ! " assert_equal 'JAimeLAilEnAout', assert_equal 'JAimeLAilEnAout', node[:name] = "LIEUX" assert_equal 'LIEUX', end def test_change_project_to_page login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert node.update_attributes(:klass => 'Page') node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_kind_of Page, node assert_equal 'NP', node[:kpath] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node.get_project_id assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), nodes(:status)[:project_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), nodes(:lake)[:project_id] end # # def test_cannot_change_root # login(:tiger) # node = secure!(Node) { Node.find([:root_id]) } # node = node.change_to(Page) # assert_nil node # node = secure!(Node) { Node.find([:root_id]) } # assert_kind_of Section, node # end context 'A visitor in the drive group of the root node' do setup do login(:tiger) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:zena) } end should 'be allowed to change groups' do # root nodes do not have a parent_id !! # reference = self @node[:dgroup_id] = groups_id(:public) assert end should 'be allowed to change attributes' do assert @node.update_attributes(:name => 'vodou', :event_at => end should 'not be allowed to set parent' do assert_nil @node[:parent_id] assert !@node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:status)) assert_equal 'root should not have a parent', @node.errors[:parent_id] end end context 'A visitor with drive access' do setup do login(:tiger) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } end context 'on a published node with documents' do should 'see a published node with published documents' do assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], @node.version.status assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], versions(:bird_jpg_en).status assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], versions(:flower_jpg_en).status end should 'unpublish documents when unpublishing node' do assert @node.unpublish assert_equal Zena::Status[:rem], versions(:bird_jpg_en).status assert_equal Zena::Status[:rem], versions(:flower_jpg_en).status end end context 'on a removed node with removed documents' do setup do @node.unpublish @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } end should 'see a removed node with removed documents' do assert_equal Zena::Status[:rem], @node.version.status assert_equal Zena::Status[:rem], versions(:bird_jpg_en).status assert_equal Zena::Status[:rem], versions(:flower_jpg_en).status end should 'publish documents when publishing node' do assert @node.publish assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], versions(:bird_jpg_en).status assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], versions(:flower_jpg_en).status end end context 'on a redaction node with documents in redaction status' do setup do @node.unpublish @node.redit @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } end should 'see redactions' do assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], @node.version.status assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], versions(:bird_jpg_en).status assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], versions(:flower_jpg_en).status end should 'propose documents when proposing node' do assert @node.propose assert_equal Zena::Status[:prop_with], versions(:bird_jpg_en).status assert_equal Zena::Status[:prop_with], versions(:flower_jpg_en).status end end context 'on a proposition with proposed documents' do setup do @node.unpublish @node.redit @node.propose @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } end should 'see propositions' do assert_equal Zena::Status[:prop], @node.version.status assert_equal Zena::Status[:prop_with], versions(:bird_jpg_en).status assert_equal Zena::Status[:prop_with], versions(:flower_jpg_en).status end should 'refuse documents when refusing node' do assert @node.refuse assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], versions(:bird_jpg_en).status assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], versions(:flower_jpg_en).status end end end def test_change_section_to_project login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert_equal node[:id], node.get_section_id assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node.get_project_id assert node.update_attributes(:klass => "Project") node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert_kind_of Project, node assert_equal 'NPP', node[:kpath] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node.get_section_id assert_equal node[:id], node.get_project_id assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), nodes(:ant).get_section_id # children inherit new section_id assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), nodes(:myLife).get_section_id assert_equal node[:id], nodes(:ant).get_project_id # children inherit new project_id assert_equal node[:id], nodes(:myLife).get_project_id end def test_sync_section login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node[:section_id] node[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:projects) assert assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node[:section_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), nodes(:cleanWater)[:section_id] end def test_sync_project_for_node login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), node[:section_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena ), node[:project_id] node[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:cleanWater) assert assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), node[:project_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), nodes(:people)[:project_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena ), node[:section_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:zena ), nodes(:people)[:section_id] end def test_sync_project_for_section login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert_equal nodes_id(:people), node.get_section_id assert_equal nodes_id(:zena ), node[:project_id] node[:parent_id] = nodes_id(:cleanWater) assert assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), node[:project_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), nodes(:people)[:project_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:people), node.get_section_id assert_equal nodes_id(:zena), nodes(:people)[:section_id] end def test_all_children login(:tiger) assert_nothing_raised { secure!(Node) { nodes(:ant) } } nodes = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people).send(:all_children) } people = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert_equal 4, nodes.size assert_equal 4, people.find(:all, 'children').size assert_raise(NoMethodError) { people.all_children } # private method end def test_url_name assert_equal "salutJEcrisAujourdHui", "salut j'écris: Aujourd'hui ".url_name! assert_equal "a--BabMol", " à,--/ bab* mol".url_name! assert_equal "07.11.2006-mardiProchain", "07.11.2006-mardi_prochain".url_name! assert_equal "Node-+login", "Node-+login".url_name! end def test_tags login(:lion) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_nothing_raised { @node.find(:all, 'set_tags') } assert_nil @node.find(:all, 'set_tags') @node.rel['set_tag'].other_ids = [nodes_id(:art),nodes_id(:news)] assert tags = @node.find(:all, 'set_tags') assert_equal 2, tags.size assert_equal 'art', tags[0].name assert_equal 'news', tags[1].name @node.rel['set_tag'].other_ids = [nodes_id(:art)] tags = @node.find(:all, 'set_tags') assert_equal 1, tags.size assert_equal 'art', tags[0].name end def test_tag_update login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:art) } assert node.update_attributes('tagged_ids' => [nodes_id(:status), nodes_id(:people)]) assert_equal 2, node.find(:all, 'tagged', :skip_rubyless => true).size stat = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } peop = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert_equal node[:id], stat.find(:first, 'set_tags')[:id] assert_equal node[:id], peop.find(:first, 'set_tags')[:id] end def test_after_all_cache_sweep with_caching do login(:lion) i = 1 assert_equal "content 1", Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, 'NP', 'pages') { "content #{i}" } assert_equal "content 1", Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, 'NN', 'notes') { "content #{i}" } i = 2 assert_equal "content 1", Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, 'NP', 'pages') { "content #{i}" } assert_equal "content 1", Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, 'NN', 'notes') { "content #{i}" } # do something on a project node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } assert_equal 'NPP', node.class.kpath assert node.update_attributes(:v_title=>'new title'), "Can change attributes" # sweep only kpath NPP i = 3 assert_equal "content 3", Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, 'NP', 'pages') { "content #{i}" } assert_equal "content 1", Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, 'NN', 'notes') { "content #{i}" } # do something on a note node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:proposition) } assert_equal 'NNP', node.vclass.kpath assert node.update_attributes(:name => 'popo' ), "Can change attributes" # sweep only kpath NN i = 4 assert_equal "content 3", Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, 'NP', 'pages') { "content #{i}" } assert_equal "content 4", Cache.with(, visitor.group_ids, 'NN', 'notes') { "content #{i}" } end end def test_empty_comments login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lake) } assert node.discussion assert_nil node.comments end def test_discussion_lang login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], node.version.status discussion = node.discussion assert_kind_of Discussion, discussion assert_equal discussions_id(:outside_discussion_on_status_en), discussion[:id] login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } discussion = node.discussion assert discussion.new_record?, "New discussion" assert_equal 'fr', discussion.lang assert assert !discussion.inside? end def test_closed_discussion login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } discussion = node.discussion discussion.update_attributes(:open=>false) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal discussions_id(:outside_discussion_on_status_en), node.discussion[:id] login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_nil node.discussion node.update_attributes( :v_title=>'test' ) discussion = node.discussion assert_kind_of Discussion, discussion assert discussion.inside? end def test_inside_discussion login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } node.update_attributes( :v_title=>'new status' ) assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], node.version.status discussion = node.discussion assert_equal discussions_id(:inside_discussion_on_status), discussion[:id] end def test_auto_create_discussion login(:tiger) post = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node(:v_status => Zena::Status[:pub], :v_title => 'a new post', :class => 'Post', :parent_id => nodes_zip(:cleanWater)) } letter = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node(:v_status => Zena::Status[:pub], :v_title => 'a letter', :class => 'Letter', :parent_id => nodes_zip(:cleanWater)) } assert !post.new_record?, "Not a new record" assert !letter.new_record?, "Not a new record" assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], post.version.status, "Published" assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], letter.version.status, "Published" assert !letter.discussion assert post.discussion assert !post.discussion.new_record? login(:anon) letter = secure!(Node) { Node.find( } post = secure!(Node) { Node.find( } assert !letter.can_comment? assert post.can_comment? end def test_auto_create_discussion login(:tiger) letter = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node(:v_status => Zena::Status[:pub], :v_title => 'a letter', :class => 'Letter', :parent_id => nodes_zip(:cleanWater)) } assert !letter.new_record?, "Not a new record" assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], letter.version.status, "Published" login(:lion) letter = secure!(Node) { Node.find( } assert letter.can_auto_create_discussion? assert Discussion.create(:node_id=>letter[:id], :lang=>'fr', :inside=>false) # there is an open discussion in another lang assert letter.can_auto_create_discussion? end def test_comments login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } comments = node.comments assert_kind_of Comment, comments[0] assert_equal 'Nice site', comments[0][:title] end def test_comments_on_nil login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_nil node.discussion # no open discussion here assert_equal nil, node.comments end def test_site_id login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(NEW_DEFAULT) } err node assert !node.new_record?, "Not a new record" assert_equal sites_id(:zena), node[:site_id] end def test_other_site_id login(:whale) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(:parent_id=>nodes_id(:ocean), :rgroup_id=>groups_id(:aqua), :wgroup_id=>groups_id(:masters), :dgroup_id=>groups_id(:masters), :name=>"fish") } assert !node.new_record?, "Not a new record" assert_equal sites_id(:ocean), node[:site_id] end def test_other_site_id_fool_id login(:whale) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(:parent_id=>nodes_id(:ocean), :rgroup_id=>groups_id(:aqua), :wgroup_id=>groups_id(:masters), :dgroup_id=>groups_id(:masters), :name=>"fish", :site_id=>sites_id(:zena)) } assert !node.new_record?, "Not a new record" assert_equal sites_id(:ocean), node[:site_id] end def test_cannot_set_site_id login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } original_site_id = node.site_id node.update_attributes(:site_id => 1234 ) assert_equal original_site_id, node.site_id end def test_zip next_zip = Zena::Db.fetch_row("SELECT zip FROM zips WHERE site_id = #{sites_id(:zena)}").to_i login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(:parent_id=>nodes_id(:zena), :name=>"fly")} assert !node.new_record?, "Not a new record" assert_equal (next_zip + 1), end def test_find_by_zip login(:tiger) assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { node = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_zip(99) } } assert_kind_of Node, secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_zip(nodes_zip(:cleanWater)) } end def test_parent_zip login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } parent = node.parent assert_equal nodes_id( :cleanWater), parent[:id] assert_equal nodes_zip(:cleanWater), node.parent_zip end def test_create_node login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node(:parent_id => nodes_zip(:secret), :name => 'funny') } assert_equal nodes_id(:secret), node[:parent_id] assert node.new_record?, "Not saved" assert_equal 'invalid reference', node.errors[:parent_id] end def test_create_node_with__parent_id login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node(:_parent_id => nodes_id(:secret), :name => 'funny') } assert_equal nodes_id(:secret), node[:parent_id] assert node.new_record?, "Not saved" assert_equal 'invalid reference', node.errors[:parent_id] end def test_create_node_ok login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node('parent_id' => nodes_zip(:cleanWater), 'name' => 'funny') } assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), node[:parent_id] assert_equal 'funny', node[:name] assert !node.new_record? end def test_create_or_update_node_create login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create_or_update_node('parent_id' => nodes_zip(:cleanWater), 'name' => 'funny') } assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), node[:parent_id] assert_equal 'funny', node[:name] assert !node.new_record?, "Saved" end def test_create_or_update_node_update login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create_or_update_node('parent_id' => nodes_zip(:cleanWater), 'name' => 'status', 'v_title'=>"It's all broken") } assert_equal nodes_id(:cleanWater), node[:parent_id] assert_equal nodes_id(:status), node[:id] node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal 'status', node[:name] assert_equal "It's all broken", node.version.title end def test_create_with_klass login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node('parent_id' => nodes_zip(:projects), 'name' => 'funny', 'klass' => 'TextDocument', 'c_content_type' => 'application/x-javascript') } assert_kind_of TextDocument, node assert_equal nodes_id(:projects), node[:parent_id] assert_equal 'funny', node[:name] assert !node.new_record?, "Saved" end def test_get_class assert_equal Node, Node.get_class('node') assert_equal Node, Node.get_class('nodes') assert_equal Node, Node.get_class('Node') assert_equal virtual_classes(:Letter), Node.get_class('Letter') assert_equal TextDocument, Node.get_class('TextDocument') end def test_get_attributes_from_yaml f ='any.yml') path = f.path, 'w') do |file| path = file.path file.puts "first: I am the first five: 5 done: \"I am done\"" end attrs = Node.get_attributes_from_yaml(path) assert_equal 'I am the first', attrs['first'] assert_equal 5, attrs['five'] assert_equal 'I am done', attrs['done'] end def test_create_nodes_from_gzip_file login(:tiger) parent = secure!(Project) { Project.create(:name => 'import', :parent_id => nodes_id(:zena)) } assert !parent.new_record?, "Not a new record" nodes = secure!(Node) { Node.create_nodes_from_folder(:archive => uploaded_archive('simple.zml.gz'), :parent_id => parent[:id] )}.values assert_equal 1, nodes.size simple = nodes[0] assert_kind_of Note, simple assert_equal virtual_classes(:Post), simple.vclass assert !simple.new_record? end def test_create_nodes_from_folder_with_defaults login(:tiger) parent = secure!(Project) { Project.create(:name => 'import', :parent_id => nodes_id(:zena), :rgroup_id => groups_id(:managers), :wgroup_id => groups_id(:managers)) } assert !parent.new_record?, "Not a new record" result = secure!(Node) { Node.create_nodes_from_folder(:folder => File.join(Zena::ROOT, 'test', 'fixtures', 'import'), :parent_id => parent[:id] )}.values assert_equal 4, result.size children = parent.find(:all, 'children order by name ASC') assert_equal 2, children.size assert_equal 'photos', children[0].name assert_equal groups_id(:managers), children[0].rgroup_id assert_equal 'simple', children[1].name assert_equal groups_id(:managers), children[1].rgroup_id # we use children[1] as parent just to use any empty node result = secure!(Node) { Node.create_nodes_from_folder(:folder => File.join(Zena::ROOT, 'test', 'fixtures', 'import'), :parent_id => children[1][:id], :defaults => { :rgroup_id => groups_id(:public) } )}.values assert_equal 4, result.size children = children[1].find(:all, 'children order by name ASC') assert_equal 2, children.size assert_equal 'photos', children[0].name assert_equal groups_id(:public), children[0].rgroup_id end def test_create_nodes_from_folder_with_publish login(:tiger) nodes = secure!(Node) { Node.create_nodes_from_folder(:folder => File.join(Zena::ROOT, 'test', 'fixtures', 'import'), :parent_id => nodes_id(:zena) )}.values assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], nodes[0].version.status nodes = secure!(Node) { Node.create_nodes_from_folder(:folder => File.join(Zena::ROOT, 'test', 'fixtures', 'import'), :parent_id => nodes_id(:cleanWater), :defaults => { :v_status => Zena::Status[:pub] }) }.values assert_equal Zena::Status[:pub], nodes[0].version.status end def test_create_nodes_from_archive login(:tiger) res = secure!(Node) { Node.create_nodes_from_folder(:archive => uploaded_archive('import.tgz'), :parent_id => nodes_id(:zena)) }.values photos = secure!(Section) { Section.find_by_name('photos') } assert_kind_of Section, photos bird = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_parent_id_and_name(photos[:id], 'bird') } assert_kind_of Image, bird assert_equal 56183, bird.version.content.size assert_equal 'Lucy in the sky', bird.version.title visitor.lang = 'fr' bird = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_parent_id_and_name(photos[:id], 'bird') } assert_equal 'Le septième ciel', bird.version.title assert_equal 1, bird[:inherit] assert_equal groups_id(:public), bird[:rgroup_id] assert_equal groups_id(:workers), bird[:wgroup_id] assert_equal groups_id(:managers), bird[:dgroup_id] simple = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_parent_id_and_name(nodes_id(:zena), 'simple') } assert_equal 0, simple[:inherit] assert_equal groups_id(:managers), simple[:rgroup_id] assert_equal groups_id(:managers), simple[:wgroup_id] assert_equal groups_id(:managers), simple[:dgroup_id] end def test_create_nodes_from_zip_archive login(:tiger) res = secure!(Node) { Node.create_nodes_from_folder(:archive => uploaded_zip(''), :parent_id => nodes_id(:zena), :class => 'Letter') }.values res.sort!{|a,b| <=>} letter, bird = res[1], res[0] assert_kind_of Note, letter assert_equal 'Letter', letter.klass end def test_update_nodes_from_archive preserving_files('') do bird = node = nil login(:tiger) node = secure!(Page) { Page.create(:parent_id => nodes_id(:status), :name=>'photos', :v_title => 'my photos', :v_text => '![]!') } assert !node.new_record? assert_nothing_raised { node = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_path( 'projects/cleanWater/status/photos') } } assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { node = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_path( 'projects/cleanWater/status/photos/bird') } } assert_equal 'photos', assert_no_match %r{I took during my last vacations}, node.version.text v1_id = secure!(Node) { Node.create_nodes_from_folder(:archive => uploaded_archive('import.tgz'), :parent_id => nodes_id(:status)) }.values assert_nothing_raised { node = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_path( 'projects/cleanWater/status/photos') } } assert_nothing_raised { bird = secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_path( 'projects/cleanWater/status/photos/bird') } } assert_match %r{I took during my last vacations}, node.version.text assert_equal v1_id, assert_kind_of Image, bird end end def test_to_yaml #test_site('zena') login(:tiger) visitor.time_zone = 'Asia/Jakarta' assert_equal 'Asia/Jakarta', visitor.time_zone status = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert status.update_attributes_with_transformation(:v_status => Zena::Status[:pub], :v_text => "This is a \"link\":#{nodes_zip(:projects)}.", :d_foo => "A picture: !#{nodes_zip(:bird_jpg)}!") yaml = status.to_yaml assert_match %r{v_text:\s+\"?This is a "link":\(\.\./\.\.\)\.}, yaml assert_match %r{d_foo:\s+\"?A picture: !\(\.\./\.\./wiki/bird\)!}, yaml assert_no_match %r{log_at}, yaml end def test_to_yaml_with_change_log_at login(:tiger) visitor.time_zone = 'Asia/Jakarta' prop = secure!(Node) { nodes(:proposition) } assert prop.update_attributes_with_transformation(:v_status => Zena::Status[:pub], :v_text => "This is a \"link\":#{nodes_zip(:projects)}.", :d_foo => "A picture: !#{nodes_zip(:bird_jpg)}!", :log_at => "2008-10-20 14:53") assert_equal,10,20,7,53), prop.log_at yaml = prop.to_yaml assert_match %r{v_text:\s+\"?This is a "link":\(\.\./\.\.\)\.}, yaml assert_match %r{d_foo:\s+\"?A picture: !\(\.\./\.\./wiki/bird\)!}, yaml assert_match %r{log_at:\s+\"?2008-10-20 14:53:00\"?$}, yaml end def test_order_position login(:tiger) parent = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } children = parent.find(:all, 'children') assert_equal 8, children.size assert_equal 'bananas', children[0].name assert_equal 'crocodiles', children[1].name Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET position = -1.0 WHERE id = #{nodes_id(:water_pdf)}" Node.connection.execute "UPDATE nodes SET position = -0.5 WHERE id = #{nodes_id(:lake)}" children = parent.find(:all, 'children') assert_equal 8, children.size assert_equal 'water', children[0].name assert_equal 'lakeAddress', children[1].name end def test_plural_relation assert Node.plural_relation?('pages') assert Node.plural_relation?('children') assert ! Node.plural_relation?('parent') assert ! Node.plural_relation?('project') assert Node.plural_relation?('projects') assert Node.plural_relation?('posts') assert ! Node.plural_relation?('post') assert Node.plural_relation?('tags') assert Node.plural_relation?('tagged') end def test_safe_read login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) {Node.find(:first, :conditions => ['id = ?', nodes_id(:lake)], :select => "*, 'foozibar' AS foobar") } status = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal 'lakeAddress', node.safe_read('name') assert_equal 'The lake we love', node.safe_read('v_title') assert_equal 'gaspard', status.safe_read('d_assigned') assert_equal 'Between Tanzania, Congo and Zambia', node.safe_read('c_address') assert_equal 'foozibar', node.safe_read('foobar') end def test_classes_for_form assert_equal [["Page", "Page"], ["  Project", "Project"], ["  Section", "Section"], ["    Skin", "Skin"]], Node.classes_for_form(:class=>'Page', :without=>'Document') end def test_change_to_classes_for_form assert_equal [["Page", "Page"], ["  Project", "Project"], ["  Section", "Section"], ["    Skin", "Skin"]], Project.classes_for_form(:class=>'Page', :without=>'Document') end def test_allowed_change_to_classes node_changes = Node.allowed_change_to_classes.reject{|k| k[/Dummy/]} # In case we are testing after Secure assert_equal ["Node","Note","Letter","Post","Page","Project","Section","Skin","Reference"], node_changes assert_equal node_changes, Page.allowed_change_to_classes.reject{|k| k[/Dummy/]} assert_equal node_changes, Project.allowed_change_to_classes.reject{|k| k[/Dummy/]} assert_equal node_changes, Note.allowed_change_to_classes.reject{|k| k[/Dummy/]} assert_equal node_changes, Reference.allowed_change_to_classes.reject{|k| k[/Dummy/]} assert_equal ["Document","TextDocument","Template"], Document.allowed_change_to_classes.reject{|k| k[/Dummy/]} assert_equal ["Image"], Image.allowed_change_to_classes.reject{|k| k[/Dummy/]} assert_equal ["Contact"], Contact.allowed_change_to_classes.reject{|k| k[/Dummy/]} end def test_match_one_node_only login(:tiger) match = secure!(Node) { Node.find(:all, Node.match_query('opening')) } assert_equal 1, match.size assert_equal nodes_id(:opening), match[0][:id] end def test_data login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } entries = assert_equal 4, entries.size assert_equal"13.0"), entries[2].value node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:tiger) } assert_nil assert_nil node.data_b end def test_data_d login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } entries = node.data_d assert_equal 1, entries.size assert_equal"56"), entries[0].value end def test_icon_by_relation login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } # has an 'icon' relation icon = node.icon assert_kind_of Image, icon assert_equal nodes_id(:lake_jpg), icon[:id] end def test_icon_by_first_child login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } # has no 'icon' relation icon = node.icon assert_kind_of Image, icon assert_equal nodes_id(:bird_jpg), icon[:id] # first child # define flower as icon assert node.update_attributes(:icon_id => nodes_id(:flower_jpg)) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } # reload icon = node.icon assert_kind_of Image, icon assert_equal nodes_id(:flower_jpg), icon[:id] # icon end context 'A class\' native classes hash' do should 'be indexed by kpath' do assert_equal ['N', 'ND', 'NDI', 'NDT', 'NDTT', 'NN', 'NP', 'NPP', 'NPS', 'NPSS', 'NR', 'NRC', 'NU', 'NUS'], Node.native_classes.keys.sort assert_equal ['ND', 'NDI', 'NDT', 'NDTT'], Document.native_classes.keys.sort end should 'should point to real (ruby) sub-classes and self' do assert Page.native_classes.values.include?(Page) assert Page.native_classes.values.include?(Project) assert !Project.native_classes.values.include?(Page) end end context 'A node' do setup do login(:tiger) @status = secure!(Node){nodes(:status)} @proposition = secure!(Node){nodes(:proposition)} end should 'respond true to vkind_of if it contains a class (real or virtual) in its hierarchy' do assert @status.vkind_of?('Page') assert @proposition.vkind_of?('Post') end should 'not respond true to vkind_of if it does not contain the class in its heirarchy' do assert !@status.vkind_of?('Document') assert !@status.vkind_of?('Post') end end context 'A class (real or virtual)' do should 'be found from its kpath' do assert_equal Node, Node.get_class_from_kpath('N') assert_equal Page, Node.get_class_from_kpath('NP') assert_equal Image, Node.get_class_from_kpath('NDI') assert_equal virtual_classes(:Post), Node.get_class_from_kpath('NNP') assert_equal virtual_classes(:Letter), Node.get_class_from_kpath('NNL') assert_equal TextDocument, Node.get_class_from_kpath('NDT') end end def test_position_on_create login(:lion) node = secure!(Page) { Page.create(:name=>"yoba", :parent_id => nodes_id(:cleanWater), :inherit=>1 ) } assert !node.new_record? assert_equal 0.0, node.position assert node.update_attributes(:position => 5.0) assert_equal 5.0, node.position node = secure!(Page) { Page.find_by_id( } # reload assert_equal 5.0, node.position node = secure!(Page) { Page.create(:name=>"babo", :parent_id => nodes_id(:cleanWater), :inherit=>1 ) } assert !node.new_record? assert_equal 6.0, node.position # position has different scopes depending on first two letters of kpath: 'ND', 'NN', 'NP', 'NR' doc = secure!(Document) { Document.create( :parent_id=>nodes_id(:cleanWater), :c_file => uploaded_fixture('water.pdf', 'application/pdf', 'wat'), :v_title => "lazy waters.pdf") } assert !doc.new_record? assert_equal 0.0, doc.position # move assert node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki)) assert_equal 0.0, node.position # move a page node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:art)} assert_equal 0.0, node.position assert node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:cleanWater)) assert_equal 6.0, node.position # move a document node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:bird_jpg)} assert_equal 0.0, node.position assert node.update_attributes(:parent_id => nodes_id(:cleanWater)) assert_equal 0.0, node.position end def test_add_comment login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lion) } assert node.can_comment? assert_nil node.comments node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lion) } # reload assert node.update_attributes(:m_title => 'changed icon', :m_text => 'new icon is "flower"', :icon_id => nodes_id(:flower_jpg)) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lion) } # reload comments = node.comments assert_equal 1, comments.size comment = comments[0] assert_equal 'changed icon', comment[:title] assert_equal 'new icon is "flower"', comment[:text] assert_equal 'Panthera Leo Verneyi', comment.author_name end def test_custom_a login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_nil node.custom_a assert node.update_attributes(:custom_a => 10) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal 10, node.custom_a assert node.update_attributes(:custom_a => '') node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_nil node.custom_a end def test_replace_attributes_in_values login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } new_attributes = node.replace_attributes_in_values(:foo => "id: [id], v_title: [v_title]") assert_equal "id: 22, v_title: status title", new_attributes[:foo] end def test_copy login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } new_attributes = secure(Node) { Node.transform_attributes(:copy_id => nodes_zip(:bird_jpg), :icon_id => '[id]')} assert_equal Hash['icon_id', nodes_id(:bird_jpg)], new_attributes assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation(:copy_id => nodes_zip(:bird_jpg), :icon_id => '[id]') assert_equal nodes_id(:bird_jpg), node.find(:first, 'icon')[:id] end def test_export without_files('/') do login(:tiger) export_folder = File.join(SITES_ROOT, '', 'tmp') FileUtils::mkpath(export_folder) # Add a page and a text document into 'wiki' assert secure!(Node) { Node.create(:v_title=>"Hello World!", :v_text => "Bonjour", :parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki), :inherit=>1 ) } assert secure!(TextDocument) { TextDocument.create(:name=>"yoba", :parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki), :v_text => "#header { color:red; }\n#footer { color:blue; }", :c_content_type => 'text/css') } wiki = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } assert_equal 4, wiki.find(:all, "children").size wiki.export_to_folder(export_folder) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki.zml')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'bird.jpg')) assert !File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'bird.zml')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'flower.jpg')) assert !File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'flower.zml')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'yoba.css')) assert !File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'yoba.zml')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'HelloWorld.zml')) end end def test_archive without_files('/') do login(:tiger) export_folder = File.join(SITES_ROOT, '', 'tmp') FileUtils::mkpath(export_folder) # Add a page and a text document into 'wiki' assert secure!(Node) { Node.create(:v_title=>"Hello World!", :v_text => "Bonjour", :parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki), :inherit=>1 ) } assert secure!(TextDocument) { TextDocument.create(:name=>"yoba", :parent_id => nodes_id(:wiki), :v_text => "#header { color:red; }\n#footer { color:blue; }", :c_content_type => 'text/css') } wiki = secure!(Node) { nodes(:wiki) } assert_equal 4, wiki.find(:all, "children").size archive = wiki.archive `tar -C '#{export_folder}' -xz < '#{archive.path}'` assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki.zml')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'bird.jpg')) assert !File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'bird.zml')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'flower.jpg')) assert !File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'flower.zml')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'yoba.css')) assert !File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'yoba.zml')) assert File.exist?(File.join(export_folder, 'wiki', 'HelloWorld.zml')) end end def test_translate_pseudo_id login(:lion) { '11' => nodes_id(:zena), nodes_zip(:cleanWater).to_i => nodes_id(:cleanWater), nodes_zip(:status) => nodes_id(:status) }.each do |k,v| assert_equal v, secure(Node) { Node.translate_pseudo_id(k) }, "'#{k}' should translate to '#{v}'" end end def test_translate_pseudo_id_path login(:lion) lion = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lion) } people = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } cleanWater = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert lion.update_attributes(:name => 'status') assert_equal 'people/status', lion.fullpath # path base_node { ['(/projects/cleanWater/status)', nil] => nodes_id(:status), ['(/projects/cleanWater/status)', people] => nodes_id(:status), ['(status)', people] => nodes_id(:lion), ['(status)', cleanWater] => nodes_id(:status), }.each do |k,v| assert_equal v, secure(Node) { Node.translate_pseudo_id(k[0],:id,k[1]) }, "'#{k.inspect}' should translate to '#{v}'" end end def test_unparse_assets login(:lion) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert @node.update_attributes(:v_text => "Hello this is \"art\":#{nodes_zip(:art)}. !#{nodes_zip(:bird_jpg)}!") assert_equal "Hello this is \"art\":(../../../collections/art). !(../../wiki/bird)!", @node.unparse_assets(@node.version.text, self, 'v_text') end def test_parse_assets login(:lion) @node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert @node.update_attributes(:v_text => "Hello this is \"art\":(../../../collections/art).") assert_equal "Hello this is \"art\":#{nodes_zip(:art)}.", @node.parse_assets(@node.version.text, self, 'v_text') end context 'Finding safe method type' do context 'for safe methods in class' do should 'return method name' do ['m_text', 'inherit', 'l_status', 'l_comment', 'm_text', 'inherit'].each do |k| assert_equal k, Contact.safe_method_type([k])[:method] end end end context 'for methods not declared as safe in the class' do should 'return nil' do ['puts', 'raise', 'blah', 'system', 'id'].each do |k| assert_nil Contact.safe_method_type([k]) end end end context 'for relation pseudo-methods' do should 'use rel and try' do ['hot_status', 'blah_comment', 'blah_zips', 'blah_id', 'blah_ids'].each do |k| assert_match %r{rel\[.#{k.gsub(/_.+/,'')}.\]\.try}, Contact.safe_method_type([k])[:method] end end end context 'for safe methods in version using nested alias' do should 'return version and method name when safe' do ['v_status', 'v_title'].each do |k| assert_equal "version.#{k[2..-1]}", Contact.safe_method_type([k])[:method] end end should 'return version and safe_read when unsafe' do ['v_foo'].each do |k| assert_equal "version.safe_read(\"#{k[2..-1]}\")", Contact.safe_method_type([k])[:method] end end end context 'for dynattributes using nested alias' do should 'return dyn access' do ['d_something', 'd_foo'].each do |k| assert_equal "version.dyn[\"#{k[2..-1]}\"]", Contact.safe_method_type([k])[:method] end end end context 'for methods in content using nested alias' do should 'use safe_content_read when method not declared' do ['c_first_name', 'c_name', 'c_system'].each do |k| assert_equal "version.safe_content_read(\"#{k[2..-1]}\")", Node.safe_method_type([k])[:method] end end should 'use method name when safe' do ['c_first_name', 'c_name'].each do |k| assert_equal "version.content.#{k[2..-1]}", Contact.safe_method_type([k])[:method] end end end end def test_safe_ ['c_file', 'c_blah', 'c_system'].each do |k| assert_match %r{safe_content_read\(.#{k.gsub(/^.+_/,'')}.\)}, Contact.safe_method_type([k])[:method], "#{k} should use safe_read" end ['c_file'].each do |k| assert Image.safe_method_type([k]), "#{k} should be safe" end end def test_sync_name_on_v_title_change_no_sync login(:tiger) # We do not care anymore if the node was not in sync node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'simply different') assert node.publish assert_equal 'simplyDifferent', visitor.lang = 'fr' # not ref lang node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'nice people') assert node.publish assert_equal 'fr', node.version.lang assert_equal 'people', end def test_sync_name_on_v_title_change login(:tiger) # was in sync, correct lang node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'nice people') assert_equal 'people', assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], node.version.status assert node.publish assert_equal 'nicePeople', end def test_sync_name_should_result_on_duplicates login(:tiger) # was in sync, correct lang people = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } node = secure!(Page) { Page.create(:v_title => 'nice people', :parent_id => people.parent_id)} assert !node.new_record? assert_equal 'nicePeople', # would sync to 'nicePeople' assert people.update_attributes(:v_title => 'nice people') assert_equal 'people', assert people.publish assert_equal 'nicePeople-1', end def test_sync_name_before_publish_if_single_version login(:ant) node = secure!(Node) { Node.create(:v_title => 'Eve', :parent_id => nodes_id(:people)) } assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], node.version.status assert_equal 'Eve', node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'Lilith') assert_equal Zena::Status[:red], node.version.status assert_equal 'Lilith', end def test_sync_name_on_v_title_change_auto_pub_no_sync Site.connection.execute "UPDATE sites set auto_publish = 1, redit_time = 3600 WHERE id = #{sites_id(:zena)}" Version.connection.execute "UPDATE versions set updated_at = '#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}' WHERE node_id IN (#{nodes_id(:status)},#{nodes_id(:people)})" login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'simply different') assert_equal 'simplyDifferent', visitor.lang = 'fr' # not ref lang node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'nice people') assert_equal 'fr', node.version.lang assert_equal 'people', end def test_sync_name_on_v_title_change_auto_pub test_site('zena') Site.connection.execute "UPDATE sites set auto_publish = 1, redit_time = 3600 WHERE id = #{sites_id(:zena)}" Version.connection.execute "UPDATE versions set updated_at = '#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}' WHERE node_id IN (#{nodes_id(:people)})" login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } # was in sync, correct lang assert_equal, node.version.title assert node.update_attributes(:v_title => 'nice people') node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:people) } assert_equal 'nice people', node.version.title assert_equal 'nicePeople', end # FIXME: write test def test_assets print 'P' # sweep_cache (save) => remove asset folder # render math ? end def find_node_by_pseudo(string, base_node = nil) secure(Node) { Node.find_node_by_pseudo(string, base_node || @node) } end def test_should_parse_event_at_date I18n.locale = 'fr' visitor.time_zone = 'Asia/Jakarta' v = secure(Node) {'event_at' => '9-9-2009 15:17')} assert_equal Time.utc(2009,9,9,8,17), v.event_at end def test_should_parse_log_at_date I18n.locale = 'fr' visitor.time_zone = 'Asia/Jakarta' v = secure(Node) {'log_at' => '9-9-2009 15:17')} assert_equal Time.utc(2009,9,9,8,17), v.log_at end def test_parse_keys node = secure(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal ['d_assigned', 'v_text', 'v_title', 'v_summary', 'd_problems', 'd_archive'], node.parse_keys note = secure(Node) { nodes(:opening) } assert_equal ['v_text', 'v_title', 'v_summary'], note.parse_keys end end