namespace :sshd do namespace :monit do desc <<-DESC Install sshd monit hooks. *sshd_port*: SSH daemon port. _Defaults to 22_\n *sshd_pid_path*: Path to mysql pid file. _Defaults to /var/run/sshd.pid_\n *monit_conf_dir*: Destination for monitrc. _Defaults to "/etc/monit"_\n DESC task :install do # Settings fetch_or_default(:sshd_port, 3306) fetch_or_default(:sshd_pid_path, "/var/run/") fetch_or_default(:monit_conf_dir, "/etc/monit") put template.load("sshd/sshd.monitrc.erb", binding), "/tmp/sshd.monitrc" run_via "install -o root /tmp/sshd.monitrc #{monit_conf_dir}/sshd.monitrc" end end desc <<-DESC Create public and private keys for ssh. *ssh_keygen_type*: SSH keygen type. _Defaults to rsa_\n *ssh_keygen_bits*: SSH keygen bits. _Defaults to 2048_\n DESC task :keygen do # Settings fetch_or_default(:ssh_keygen_type, "rsa") fetch_or_default(:ssh_keygen_bits, 2048) run "ssh-keygen -t #{ssh_keygen_type} -b #{ssh_keygen_bits}" do |channel, stream, data| logger.trace data if data =~ /^Overwrite (y\/n)?/ channel.send_data "n\n" logger.important "This key already exists! Aborting." # Use default for file and empty password elsif data =~ /^Enter file/ or data =~ /^Enter passphrase/ or data =~ /^Enter same passphrase again/ channel.send_data "\n" end end end desc <<-DESC Add to authorized keys. Uses .ssh/authorized_keys. *ssh_public_key*: The public key from ssh:keygen. DESC task :authorize_key do fetch(:ssh_public_key) ssh_dir = "~/.ssh" authorized_keys_path = "#{ssh_dir}/authorized_keys" run_all <<-CMDS if [ ! -d #{ssh_dir} ]; then mkdir #{ssh_dir} ; chmod 700 #{ssh_dir} ; fi if [ ! -f #{authorized_keys_path} ]; then touch #{authorized_keys_path} ; chmod 600 #{authorized_keys_path} ; fi echo "#{ssh_public_key}" >> #{authorized_keys_path} CMDS end end