# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe SEPA::Transaction do describe :new do it 'should have default for reference' do expect(SEPA::Transaction.new.reference).to eq('NOTPROVIDED') end it 'should have default for requested_date' do expect(SEPA::Transaction.new.requested_date).to eq(Date.today.next) end it 'should have default for batch_booking' do expect(SEPA::Transaction.new.batch_booking).to eq(true) end end context 'Name' do it 'should accept valid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).to accept('Manfred Mustermann III.', 'Zahlemann & Söhne GbR', 'X' * 70, for: :name) end it 'should not accept invalid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).not_to accept(nil, '', 'X' * 71, for: :name) end end context 'IBAN' do it 'should accept valid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).to accept('DE21500500009876543210', 'PL61109010140000071219812874', for: :iban) end it 'should not accept invalid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).not_to accept(nil, '', 'invalid', for: :iban) end end context 'BIC' do it 'should accept valid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).to accept('DEUTDEFF', 'DEUTDEFF500', 'SPUEDE2UXXX', for: :bic) end it 'should not accept invalid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).not_to accept('', 'invalid', for: :bic) end end context 'Amount' do it 'should accept valid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).to accept(0.01, 1, 100, 100.00, 99.99, 1234567890.12, BigDecimal('10'), '42', '42.51', '42.512', 1.23456, for: :amount) end it 'should not accept invalid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).not_to accept(nil, 0, -3, 'xz', for: :amount) end end context 'Reference' do it 'should accept valid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).to accept(nil, 'ABC-1234/78.0', 'X' * 35, for: :reference) end it 'should not accept invalid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).not_to accept('', 'X' * 36, for: :reference) end end context 'Remittance information' do it 'should allow valid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).to accept(nil, 'Bonus', 'X' * 140, for: :remittance_information) end it 'should not allow invalid value' do expect(SEPA::Transaction).not_to accept('', 'X' * 141, for: :remittance_information) end end end