[Vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com) provider for VMware vCenter® ============= [Version 0.3.2](../../releases/tag/v0.3.2) has been released! ------------- Please note that this software is still Alpha/Beta quality and is not recommended for production usage. We have a wide array of boxes available at [Vagrant Cloud](https://vagrantcloud.com/gosddc) you can use them directly or you can roll your own as you please, make sure to install VMware tools in it. This plugin supports the universal [```vmware_ovf``` box format](https://github.com/gosddc/packer-post-processor-vagrant-vmware-ovf/wiki/vmware_ovf-Box-Format), that is 100% portable between [vagrant-vcloud](https://github.com/frapposelli/vagrant-vcloud), [vagrant-vcenter](https://github.com/gosddc/vagrant-vcenter) and [vagrant-vcloudair](https://github.com/gosddc/vagrant-vcloudair), no more double boxes!. Install ------------- Latest version can be easily installed by running the following command: ```vagrant plugin install vagrant-vcenter``` Vagrant will download all the required gems during the installation process. If you already have the plugin installed you can use: ```vagrant plugin upgrade vagrant-vcenter``` To perform an upgrade to the latest version. After the install has completed a ```vagrant up --provider=vcenter``` will trigger the newly installed provider. Configuration ------------- Here's a sample Multi-VM Vagrantfile: ```ruby ENV['VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER'] = 'vcenter' nodes = [] [*1..5].each do |n| nodes << { hostname: "centos#{n}", box: 'gosddc/centos65-x64', ip: "10.250.21.#{n}", mem: 1024 * n, cpu: n } end [*1..5].each do |n| nodes << { hostname: "precise#{n}", box: 'gosddc/precise32', ip: "10.250.22.#{n}", mem: 1024 * n, cpu: n } end Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| # Go through nodes and configure each of them. nodes.each do |node| config.vm.provider :vcenter do |vcenter| vcenter.hostname = 'my.vcenter.hostname' vcenter.username = 'myUsername' vcenter.password = 'myPassword' vcenter.folder_name = 'myFolderName' vcenter.datacenter_name = 'MyDatacenterName' vcenter.computer_name = 'MyHostOrCluster' vcenter.datastore_name = 'MyDatastore' vcenter.network_name = 'myNetworkName' vcenter.linked_clones = true end config.vm.define node[:hostname] do |node_config| node_config.vm.box = node[:box] node_config.vm.hostname = node[:hostname] # Let's configure the network for the VM, only the ip changes and is # coming from the nodes array node_config.vm.network :public_network, ip: node[:ip], netmask: '', gateway: '', dns_server_list: ['', ''], dns_suffix_list: ['ad.lab.gosddc.com'] # Let's override some provider settings for specific VMs node_config.vm.provider :vcenter do |override| # Override number of cpu and memory based on what's in the nodes array override.num_cpu = node[:cpu] override.memory = node[:mem] case node[:hostname] # Override the folder name based on the hostname of the VM when /centos/ override.folder_name = 'Vagrant/centos' when /precise/ override.folder_name = 'Vagrant/ubuntu/precise' override.enable_vm_customization = false end end node_config.nfs.functional = false end end end ``` Contribute ------------- What is still missing: - TEST SUITES! (working on that). - Speed, the code is definitely not optimized. - Thorough testing. - Error checking is absymal. - Some spaghetti code here and there. - Bugs, bugs and BUGS!. If you're a developer and want to lend us a hand, head over to our ```develop``` branch and send us PRs!