# frozen_string_literal: true module Excon module Utils extend self CONTROL = (0x0..0x1f).map {|c| c.chr }.join + "\x7f" DELIMS = '<>#%"' UNWISE = '{}|\\^[]`' NONASCII = (0x80..0xff).map {|c| c.chr }.join UNESCAPED = /([#{ Regexp.escape(CONTROL + ' ' + DELIMS + UNWISE + NONASCII) }])/ ESCAPED = /%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/ def connection_uri(datum = @data) unless datum raise ArgumentError, '`datum` must be given unless called on a Connection' end if datum[:scheme] == UNIX "#{datum[:scheme]}://#{datum[:socket]}" else "#{datum[:scheme]}://#{datum[:host]}#{port_string(datum)}" end end def request_uri(datum) connection_uri(datum) + datum[:path] + query_string(datum) end def port_string(datum) if datum[:port].nil? || (datum[:omit_default_port] && ((datum[:scheme].casecmp('http') == 0 && datum[:port] == 80) || (datum[:scheme].casecmp('https') == 0 && datum[:port] == 443))) '' else ':' + datum[:port].to_s end end def query_string(datum) str = String.new case datum[:query] when String str << '?' << datum[:query] when Hash str << '?' datum[:query].sort_by {|k,_| k.to_s }.each do |key, values| key = CGI.escape(key.to_s) if values.nil? str << key << '&' else [values].flatten.each do |value| str << key << '=' << CGI.escape(value.to_s) << '&' end end end str.chop! # remove trailing '&' end str end # Splits a header value +str+ according to HTTP specification. def split_header_value(str) return [] if str.nil? str = str.dup.strip str.force_encoding('BINARY') if FORCE_ENC str.scan(%r'\G((?:"(?:\\.|[^"])+?"|[^",]+)+) (?:,\s*|\Z)'xn).flatten end # Escapes HTTP reserved and unwise characters in +str+ def escape_uri(str) str = str.dup str.force_encoding('BINARY') if FORCE_ENC str.gsub(UNESCAPED) { "%%%02X" % $1[0].ord } end # Unescapes HTTP reserved and unwise characters in +str+ def unescape_uri(str) str = str.dup str.force_encoding('BINARY') if FORCE_ENC str.gsub(ESCAPED) { $1.hex.chr } end # Unescape form encoded values in +str+ def unescape_form(str) str = str.dup str.force_encoding('BINARY') if FORCE_ENC str.gsub!(/\+/, ' ') str.gsub(ESCAPED) { $1.hex.chr } end end end