## # AssetManager # # For Managing Assets class outpost.AssetManager @TemplatePath = 'outpost/asset_host/templates/' DefaultOptions: jsonInput: "#asset_json" #---------- constructor: (assets, el, options={}) -> _.extend @, Backbone.Events @options = _.defaults options, @DefaultOptions @el = $(el) @assets = new outpost.AssetHost.Assets(assets) @assetsView = new outpost.AssetManager.Assets(collection: @assets) @el.html @assetsView.el # Register listener for AssetHost message window.addEventListener "message", (event) => # If the data is an object (i.e. not "LOADED"), do things # Also make sure the origin is from AssetHost, otherwise # other messages could trigger this callback. if event.origin == assethost.SERVER and _.isObject(event.data) @assets.reset(event.data) @assets.sort() @assetsView.render() @updateInput() , false #---------- updateInput: -> $(@options.jsonInput).val(JSON.stringify(@assets.simpleJSON())) #---------- @Asset: Backbone.View.extend tagName: "li" template: JST[AssetManager.TemplatePath + 'asset'] #---------- initialize: -> @render() @model.bind "change", => @render() #---------- render: -> if @model.get('tags') @$el.html @template(asset: @model.toJSON()) @ #---------- @Assets: Backbone.View.extend tagName: "ul" events: "click a.popup": "_popup" initialize: -> @_views = {} @collection.bind "reset", => view.detach() for view in @_views @_views = {} @collection.bind 'add', (f) => @_views[f.cid] = new outpost.AssetManager.Asset model: f @renderCollection() @collection.bind 'remove', (f) => $(@_views[f.cid].el).detach() delete @_views[f.cid] @renderCollection() # attach a listener to wait for the LOADED message window.addEventListener "message", (evt) => if evt.origin == assethost.SERVER and evt.data == "LOADED" and @chooserIsAvailable() console.log @collection.toJSON() # dispatch our event with the asset data window.assethostChooser.postMessage @collection.toJSON(), assethost.SERVER , false @render() #---------- chooserIsAvailable: -> window.assethostChooser and !window.assethostChooser.closed #---------- _popup: (event) -> event.originalEvent.stopPropagation() event.originalEvent.preventDefault() popup = url: "#{assethost.SERVER}/a/chooser" name: "chooser" options: "height=1000,width=1000,scrollbars=1" if @chooserIsAvailable() window.assethostChooser.focus() else window.assethostChooser = window.open(popup.url, popup.name, popup.options) false #---------- # Render the full view. This should only be called once. render: -> @$el.html JST[AssetManager.TemplatePath + 'asset_manager'] @collectionEl = $(".collection", @$el) @emptyNotification = new outpost.Notification( @collectionEl, "info", "There are no assets. Click the button to open AssetHost." ) @renderCollection() @ #---------- # Render the collection. This gets called every time AssetHost send a message. renderCollection: -> if @collection.isEmpty() return @emptyNotification.render() @collection.each (asset, index) => asset.set(ORDER: index) @_views[asset.cid] ?= new outpost.AssetManager.Asset model: asset views = _(@_views).sortBy (a) => a.model.get("ORDER") @collectionEl.html( _(views).map (v) -> v.el ) @