require './record/abstract_record' require './record/embedded_record' require './record/mongo_record' require './record/site_record' require './record/section' require './model/model' class Record < SiteRecord collection :records attr_reader :model_record, :model, :mixins attr_accessor :real_record # reference to the 'real' record if this object is a mixin def initialize(model, site, values={}, new_record=true) @model_record = model @site = site @model = load_model(model, values) @mixins = create_mixin_instances(values) super(site, values, new_record) # mixins have their db access methods delegated to the "real record" # (the main object representing the mongo document). To maintain a # transparency between objects, key instance variables in the mixin # are changed to refer to the same instance variables in the real record. delegate_mixins end def to_str "#<#{}: #{id}>" end def default_values super.merge({'model' =>}) end def collection Record.collection end def perform_reload(params) document = load_mongo_document(_id: params[:id]) initialize(params[:model], params[:site], document) end def prepare_reload_params super.tap {|vals| vals[:model] = @model} end # ---------------------------------------- # Permissions # ---------------------------------------- def user_allowed_to?(user, action) model.user_allowed_to?(user, action, self) end def user_allowed_to_view?(user) model.user_allowed_to?(user, :view, self) end def user_allowed_to_update?(user) model.user_allowed_to?(user, :update, self) end def user_allowed_to_delete?(user) model.user_allowed_to?(user, :delete, self) end def user_allowed_to_create?(user) model.user_allowed_to?(user, :create, self) end # ---------------------------------------- # Modelling # ---------------------------------------- def fields @fields ||= @model.all_record_fields end def field_sections if @sections.nil? keyed_sections = do |hash, key| hash[key] = end fields.each do |name, field| keyed_sections[field.section] << field end @sections = keyed_sections.values end @sections end def fields_for_section(section) do |name, field| field.display? && field.section == section && field.default_input_type.present? && field.default_input_type != :embedded end end def inspect_hash {model: model, parent: parent, index: index}.merge(super) end def load_model(model, values) return model if values['eigenmodel'].nil? eigenmodel = site.models.find(values['eigenmodel']) values['eigenmodel'] = nil if eigenmodel.nil? eigenmodel || model end def create_eigenmodel return eigenmodel if eigenmodel? new_eigenmodel = model.create_model("#{id}_eigenmodel") self.eigenmodel = new_eigenmodel @model = new_eigenmodel save end def remove_eigenmodel eigenmodel.destroy if eigenmodel? self.eigenmodel = nil save end def has_eigenmodel? self.eigenmodel != nil end def model_name has_eigenmodel? ? : end def create_mixin_instances(values) return [] if @model.nil? @model.mixins.collect do |mixin_model|, site, values) end.compact end def delegate_mixins extend SingleForwardable ancestors = self.class.ancestors included_classes = [] mixins.each_with_index do |mixin, index| # reassign the mixin object's instance vars %w{@model @new @site @values @typecast @changed @errors @stash}.each do |var| mixin.instance_variable_set(var, instance_variable_get(var)) end # delegate database access to the main object mixin.extend SingleForwardable mixin.real_record = self mixin.def_delegators :@real_record, :save, :save_without_validation, :destroy, :update, :reload, :fields # delegate mixin instance methods (if custom classes are used) to the mixin # so mixing in user to a page makes the page appear to have user methods # such as :reset_password. Delegation of methods continues up the class # hierarchy until the class ancestry of the main object and mixin converge # (only unique classes are mixed in). So mixing a user subclass into a page # would mixin the subclass, followed by user. We stop at record since # both page and the user subclass inherit from it. mixin.class.ancestors.each do |klass| break if ancestors.include?(klass) next if included_classes.include?(klass) def_delegators "@mixins[#{index}]", *klass.instance_methods(false) included_classes << klass end end end # ---------------------------------------- # Callbacks # ---------------------------------------- # extend callbacks to work with mixins Model::CALLBACKS.each do |callback| Model::ORDERS.each do |order| eval " def run_#{order}_#{callback}_callbacks #{order}_completed = self.class._#{order}_#{callback}_callbacks.dup super mixins.collect {|mixin| mixin.class._#{order}_#{callback}_callbacks}.flatten.each do |callback| unless #{order}_completed.include?(callback) send callback #{order}_completed << callback end end end " end end before_validation :run_record_before_validation_callbacks def run_record_before_validation_callbacks model.run_record_before_validation_callbacks(self) end after_validation :run_record_after_validation_callbacks def run_record_after_validation_callbacks model.run_record_after_validation_callbacks(self) end before_save :run_record_before_save_callbacks def run_record_before_save_callbacks model.run_record_before_save_callbacks(self) end after_save :run_record_after_save_callbacks def run_record_after_save_callbacks model.run_record_after_save_callbacks(self) end before_create :run_record_before_create_callbacks def run_record_before_create_callbacks model.run_record_before_create_callbacks(self) end after_create :run_record_after_create_callbacks def run_record_after_create_callbacks model.run_record_after_create_callbacks(self) end before_update :run_record_before_update_callbacks def run_record_before_update_callbacks model.run_record_before_update_callbacks(self) end after_update :run_record_after_update_callbacks def run_record_after_update_callbacks model.run_record_after_update_callbacks(self) end before_destroy :run_record_before_destroy_callbacks def run_record_before_destroy_callbacks model.run_record_before_destroy_callbacks(self) end after_destroy :run_record_after_destroy_callbacks def run_record_after_destroy_callbacks model.run_record_after_destroy_callbacks(self) end # ---------------------------------------- # Hierarchical methods # ---------------------------------------- # insertion and deletion to maintin the integrity of the 'index' field before_validation :append_to_siblings before_destroy :remove_from_siblings before_destroy :destroy_children def append_to_siblings return unless new? highest_index = siblings.last.try(:index) || 0 self.index = highest_index + 1 end # FIXME: these need to be atomic ops over the whole set of children # FIXME: it also seems weird to perform increments on siblings, but leave the index change to this record unchanged def insert_in_siblings(new_index) original_parent = self.parent remove_from_siblings if index self.parent = original_parent siblings.where(:index.gte => new_index).each do |sibling| sibling.increment!(:index) end self.index = new_index end def remove_from_siblings siblings.where(:index.gte => index).each do |sibling| sibling.increment!(:index, -1) end self.index = nil self.parent = nil end def destroy_children children.each(&:destroy) end # Siblings of this record (other records with the same parent) def siblings unless parent.nil? model.unscoped.where(:parent => parent.try(:id), => id).order('index asc') else # A parent ID of nil indicates this record is the root of a tree. Since there # are multiple trees (including the model tree), a sibling query makes no sense. model.unscoped.where(:nonexistant_field => 'true') end end # All direct descendents of this record, and the record itself def children_and_self [self, children].flatten end # All descendent children of this record, i.e children, grandchildren and so on. def all_children [self, children.collect(&:all_children)].flatten end # An array of parent records all the way back to a root record. e.g calling on # a page two levels deep would return: [page, parent, root] def parents [self, self.parent.try(:parents)].flatten.compact end # True if this record has no parent def root? parent.nil? end # True if record is a parent (ancestor) of this record def parent?(record) parents.include?(record) end # Returns the first parent which is an instance of type def first_parent(type, exact=false) model = site.model_by_plural_name(type.to_s.downcase.pluralize) if exact match = parents.find {|record| record.model == model} else match = parents.find {|record| record.model.parents_and_mixins.include?(model)} end if block_given? yield match else match end end # Finds the first parent which can respond to 'message' and returns the # result. Will return nil if no parents response to the message, however, # keep in mind that nil may be a valid response to this message. def first_response_to(message) message = message.to_s parents.find do |record| return record.send(message) if record.respond_to?(message) || record.fields.keys.include?(message) end end def first_non_blank_response_to(message) message = message.to_s parents.find do |record| if record.respond_to?(message) || record.fields.keys.include?(message) value = record.send(message) return value unless value.blank? end end '' end # ---------------------------------------- # Rendering # ---------------------------------------- def content @content end def set_content(content) @content = content end def get_binding binding end # ---------------------------------------- # Search # ---------------------------------------- before_save :update_search_keywords def update_search_keywords return unless model.searchable? self.search_keywords = search_terms end end