require 'active_support/concern' module SimpleSearchFilter module Controller extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do end def init_search_data(name) # input pg = params[@filter.page_param_name] cmd = params[Filter::CMD_PARAM_NAME] || '' # page unless pg.nil? pg = (pg.to_i rescue 1) = pg end # if cmd=='apply' || cmd=='set' || cmd=='clear' @filter.clear_all end # collect input if cmd!='clear' # input from GET @filter.fields.each do |name, f| if params.has_key? name @filter.set name, params[name] end end # input from form # post - save filter and redirect #if && params[:filter] if params[:filter] && cmd!='clear' @filter.set_data_from_form params[:filter] #(redirect_to url and return) if @filter.search_method_post_and_redirect? else # clean url => set page to 1 if @filter.search_method_post_and_redirect? && request.get? && cmd=='' && pg.nil? elsif cmd=='back' # do not touch filter - load it from session end end @filter.data_save_to_session end # if cmd=='order' @filter.set_order params[:orderby], params[:orderdir] #(redirect_to action: name.to_sym and return) if @filter.search_method_post_and_redirect? if @filter.search_method_post_and_redirect? u = url_search_filter(@filter) raise 'Bad url' if u.nil? redirect_to u #redirect_to main_app.send(@filter.options[:url]) #redirect_to send(@filter.options[:url]) end end end def url_search_filter(filter) opt_url = filter.options[:url] u = nil u = send(opt_url) if u.nil? && respond_to?(opt_url) u = main_app.send(opt_url) if u.nil? && main_app.respond_to?(opt_url) u end module ClassMethods def search_filter(name, options = {}, &block) # raise "You need a block to build!" unless block_given? init_method = "init_search_filter_#{name.to_s}" search_action_name = (options[:search_action] || 'search') define_method(init_method) do prefix = options[:prefix] || "filter_#{params[:controller]}_#{name}" # create Filter object @filter =, prefix, options) # define filter @filter.instance_eval(&block) # set data from params init_search_data(name) end # before_action callback self.before_action :"#{init_method}", only: [name.to_sym, search_action_name] # define_method("#{search_action_name}") do u = url_search_filter(@filter) raise 'Bad url' if u.nil? redirect_to u #redirect_to action: name.to_sym #redirect_to main_app.send(options[:url]) #redirect_to send(options[:url]) #redirect_to '/' end end end end end