include ::PackageCloud::Helper require 'uri' use_inline_resources if defined?(use_inline_resources) action :add do case new_resource.type when 'deb' install_deb when 'rpm' install_rpm when 'gem' install_gem else raise "#{new_resource.type} is an unknown package type." end end def install_deb base_url = new_resource.base_url repo_url = construct_uri_with_options({base_url: base_url, repo: new_resource.repository, endpoint: node['platform']}) Chef::Log.debug("#{} deb repo url = #{repo_url}") package 'apt-transport-https' template "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/#{filename}.list" do source 'apt.erb' cookbook 'packagecloud' mode '0644' variables :base_url => read_token(repo_url).to_s, :distribution => node['lsb']['codename'], :component => 'main' notifies :run, "execute[apt-key-add-#{filename}]", :immediately notifies :run, "execute[apt-get-update-#{filename}]", :immediately end gpg_key_url = ::File.join(base_url, node['packagecloud']['gpg_key_path']) execute "apt-key-add-#{filename}" do command "wget -qO - #{gpg_key_url} | apt-key add -" action :nothing end execute "apt-get-update-#{filename}" do command "apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=\"sources.list.d/#{filename}.list\"" \ " -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts=\"-\"" \ " -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup=\"0\"" action :nothing end end def install_rpm given_base_url = new_resource.base_url base_repo_url = ::File.join(given_base_url, node['packagecloud']['base_repo_path']) base_url_endpoint = construct_uri_with_options({base_url: base_repo_url, repo: new_resource.repository, endpoint: 'rpm_base_url'}) gpg_filename = URI.parse(base_repo_url).host.gsub!('.', '_') if new_resource.master_token base_url_endpoint.user = new_resource.master_token base_url_endpoint.password = '' end base_url = URI(get(base_url_endpoint, install_endpoint_params).body.chomp) Chef::Log.debug("#{} rpm base url = #{base_url}") package 'pygpgme' do ignore_failure true end log 'pygpgme_warning' do message 'The pygpgme package could not be installed. This means GPG verification is not possible for any RPM installed on your system. ' \ 'To fix this, add a repository with pygpgme. Usualy, the EPEL repository for your system will have this. ' \ 'More information: and' level :warn not_if 'rpm -qa | grep -qw pygpgme' end ruby_block 'disable repo_gpgcheck if no pygpgme' do block do template = run_context.resource_collection.find(:template => "/etc/yum.repos.d/#{filename}.repo") template.variables[:repo_gpgcheck] = 0 end not_if 'rpm -qa | grep -qw pygpgme' end remote_file "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-#{gpg_filename}" do source ::File.join(given_base_url, node['packagecloud']['gpg_key_path']) mode '0644' end template "/etc/yum.repos.d/#{filename}.repo" do source 'yum.erb' cookbook 'packagecloud' mode '0644' variables :base_url => read_token(base_url).to_s, :gpg_filename => gpg_filename, :name => filename, :repo_gpgcheck => 1, :description => filename, :priority => new_resource.priority, :metadata_expire => new_resource.metadata_expire notifies :run, "execute[yum-makecache-#{filename}]", :immediately notifies :create, "ruby_block[yum-cache-reload-#{filename}]", :immediately end # get the metadata for this repo only execute "yum-makecache-#{filename}" do command "yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=#{filename}" action :nothing end # reload internal Chef yum cache ruby_block "yum-cache-reload-#{filename}" do block { Chef::Provider::Package::Yum::YumCache.instance.reload } action :nothing end end def install_gem base_url = new_resource.base_url repo_url = construct_uri_with_options({base_url: base_url, repo: new_resource.repository}) repo_url = read_token(repo_url, true).to_s execute "install packagecloud #{} repo as gem source" do command "gem source --add #{repo_url}" not_if "gem source --list | grep #{repo_url}" end end def read_token(repo_url, gems=false) return repo_url unless new_resource.master_token base_url = new_resource.base_url base_repo_url = ::File.join(base_url, node['packagecloud']['base_repo_path']) uri = construct_uri_with_options({base_url: base_repo_url, repo: new_resource.repository, endpoint: 'tokens.text'}) uri.user = new_resource.master_token uri.password = '' resp = post(uri, install_endpoint_params) Chef::Log.debug("#{} TOKEN = #{resp.body.chomp}") if is_rhel5? && !gems repo_url else repo_url.user = resp.body.chomp repo_url.password = '' repo_url end end def install_endpoint_params dist = value_for_platform_family( 'debian' => node['lsb']['codename'], ['rhel', 'fedora'] => node['platform_version'], ) hostname = node['packagecloud']['hostname_override'] || node['fqdn'] || node['hostname'] if !hostname raise("Can't determine hostname! Set node['packagecloud']['hostname_override'] " \ "if it cannot be automatically determined by Ohai.") end { :os => node['platform'], :dist => dist, :name => hostname } end def filename[^0-9A-z.\-]/, '_') end def is_rhel5? platform_family?('rhel') && node['platform_version'].to_i == 5 end def construct_uri_with_options(options) required_options = [:base_url, :repo] required_options.each do |opt| if !options[opt] raise ArgumentError, "A required option :#{opt} was not specified" end end options[:base_url] = append_trailing_slash(options[:base_url]) options[:repo] = append_trailing_slash(options[:repo]) URI.join(options.delete(:base_url), options.inject([]) {|mem, opt| mem << opt[1]}.join) end def append_trailing_slash(str) str.end_with?("/") ? str : str + "/" end