class Muck::AggregationsController < ApplicationController unloadable #before_filter :adjust_format_for_iphone require 'cgi' before_filter :login_required, :except => [:index, :show, :preview, :rss_discovery] before_filter :get_owner, :only => [:index, :preview, :new, :create] before_filter :check_user_permissions, :only => [:create] before_filter :get_aggregation, :only => [:destroy, :edit, :update, :show, :rss_discovery] before_filter :has_aggregation_permission?, :only => [:destroy, :edit, :update] before_filter :setup_feed_display_variables, :only => [:preview, :update] def index if @parent @aggregations = @parent.aggregations.by_title else @aggregations = Aggregation.newest end respond_to do |format| format.html { render(:template => 'aggregations/index') } format.iphone { render(:template => 'aggregations/index') } end end def rss_discovery @feeds = @aggregation.feeds render :template => 'aggregations/rss_discovery' end def show @page_title = @aggregation.title @photo_feeds = @aggregation.photo_feeds @video_feeds = @aggregation.video_feeds @bookmark_feeds = @aggregation.bookmark_feeds @music_feeds = @aggregation.music_feeds @general_feeds = @aggregation.general_feeds if GlobalConfig.render_feeds_client_side elsif GlobalConfig.render_feeds_server_side @feeds = @aggregation.feeds else @entries = @aggregation.feeds.entries.paginate(:page => @page, :per_page => @per_page) end respond_to do |format| format.html { render(:template => 'aggregations/show') } format.opml { render(:layout => false) } format.rss {} end end def preview if params[:terms].blank? flash[:error] = I18n.t('') redirect_to new_polymorphic_url([@parent, :aggregation]) else terms = params[:terms] terms = terms.join(' ') if terms.is_a?(Array) #@feeds = Service.build_tag_feeds(terms, current_user, params[:service_ids]) @photo_feeds = Service.build_photo_feeds(terms, current_user) @video_feeds = Service.build_video_feeds(terms, current_user) @bookmark_feeds = Service.build_bookmark_feeds(terms, current_user) @music_feeds = Service.build_music_feeds(terms, current_user) @general_feeds = Service.build_general_feeds(terms, current_user) @discovered_feeds = Overlord::GoogleFeedRequest.find_feeds(terms) @title = terms.titleize @terms = terms @aggregation = => @title, :terms => @terms) respond_to do |format| format.html { render :template => 'aggregations/preview' } end end end def new @page_title = I18n.t('') @service_categories = ServiceCategory.sorted.find(:all, :include => [:tag_services]) respond_to do |format| format.html { render :template => 'aggregations/new' } end end def create @aggregation = Aggregation.create(params[:aggregation]) @parent.aggregations << @aggregation if @parent # associate the parent if present # build a list of feeds and associate them with the aggregation @aggregation.add_feeds(current_user, params[:service_ids]) @aggregation.add_feeds_by_uri(current_user, params[:uris]) respond_to do |format| flash[:notice] = I18n.t('', :title => @aggregation.title) format.html { redirect_to(edit_aggregation_path(@aggregation)) } format.xml { render :xml => @aggregation, :status => :created, :location => @aggregation } end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => ex respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => "aggregations/new" } format.xml { render :xml => @aggregation.errors } end end def edit setup_edit respond_to do |format| format.html { render :template => 'aggregations/edit' } end end def update if params[:aggregation] @aggregation.update_attributes!(params[:aggregation]) flash[:notice] = I18n.t('') end @feeds = [] if params[:uri] @feeds = Feed.feeds_from_uri(params[:uri], current_user) @aggregation.safe_add_feeds(@feeds) elsif params[:service_ids] @aggregation.terms = @aggregation.terms + ",#{params[:terms]}"! @feeds = @aggregation.add_feeds(current_user, params[:service_ids]) end message = I18n.t('') if @feeds.blank? respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to edit_polymorphic_url([@aggregation.ownable, @aggregation]) } format.xml { head :ok } format.json do render :json => { :aggregation => @aggregation, :feeds => @feeds, :message => message, :success => true, :html => get_google_feed_html }.as_json end end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => ex respond_to do |format| format.html do setup_edit render :template => "aggregations/edit" end format.json { render :json => { :aggregation => @aggregation, :feeds => @feeds, :message => ex.to_s, :success => false, :html => '' }.as_json } format.xml { render :xml => @aggregation.errors } end end def destroy @aggregation = Aggregation.find(params[:id]) @aggregation.destroy respond_to do |format| flash[:notice] = I18n.t('', :title => @aggregation.title) format.html { redirect_to polymorphic_url([@aggregation.ownable, :aggregations]) } format.xml { head :ok } end end protected def setup_edit @feeds = @aggregation.all_feeds setup_feed_display_variables @service_categories = ServiceCategory.sorted.find(:all, :include => [:tag_services]) @page_title = I18n.t('', :title => @aggregation.title) end def get_owner @parent = get_parent end def check_user_permissions unless has_permission? permission_denied end end def get_aggregation @aggregation = Aggregation.find(params[:id]) end def has_aggregation_permission? if !@aggregation.can_edit?(current_user) message = I18n.t('') respond_to do |format| format.html do flash[:notice] = message redirect_back_or_default current_user end format.js { render(:update) {|page| page.alert message} } end end end def has_permission? if @parent.blank? admin? else @parent.can_edit?(current_user) end end def setup_feed_display_variables @show_controls = show_controls? @number_of_items = 4 @number_of_images = 6 @number_of_videos = 6 end # determines whether or not to show admin controls (ie save aggregation) def show_controls? logged_in? end def get_google_feed_html render_as_html do render_to_string(:partial => 'aggregations/feeds') end end end