# DO NOT MOVE OR RENAME THIS FILE # It must stand in your RAILS_ROOT/config/initializer folder and be named papermill.rb, because it is explicitely early-loaded by Papermill module Papermill # All options here already are defaults. unless defined?(OPTIONS) OPTIONS = { #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ papermill association parameters @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # You can override these parameters here, or in your papermill associations definition. # Associated PapermillAsset subclass (must be STI subclass of PapermillAsset) # :class_name => "PapermillAsset", #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ form-helper parameters @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # You can override all these parameters here, or in your papermill associations definition, or in form-helper calls. # Helper can generates inline css styling that adapt to your gallery/images placeholder. You can use it to scaffold, then copy the lines you need in your application css and set it to false. # :inline_css => true, # SwfUpload will only let the user upload images. # :images_only => false, # Dashboard is only for galleries # You can remove/change order of HTML elements. # See below for dashboard # :form_helper_elements => [:upload_button, :container, :dashboard], # Dashboard elements # You can remove/change order of HTML elements. You can add :mass_thumbnail_reset to add a link to reset all thumbnails, although you shouldn't need it. # :dashboard => [:mass_edit, :mass_delete ], # Attributes editable at once for all assets in a gallery # :mass_editable_fields => ["title", "copyright", "description"], # Attributes you can edit in the form. You can use :type (string or text) and :label (any string) # if you have more complex needs, you should override app/views/papermill/_form.html.erb in your application. # :editable_fields => [ # {:title => {:type => "string"}}, # {:alt => {:type => "string"}}, # {:copyright => {:type => "string"}}, # {:description => {:type => "text" }}, # ], # FormHelper gallery options # If :inline_css is true, css will be generated automatically and added through @content_for_papermill_inline_css (papermill_stylesheet_tag includes it) # Great for quick admin scaffolding. :gallery => { # override calculated gallery width. Ex: "auto" # :width => nil, # override calculated gallery height # :height => nil, # Number of columns and lines in a gallery # :columns => 8, # :lines => 2, # vertical/horizontal padding/margin around each thumbnails # :vpadding => 0, # :hpadding => 0, # :vmargin => 1, # :hmargin => 1, # border around thumbnails # :border_thickness => 2 }, # FormHelper thumbnail's information. # Set :width OR :height to nil to use aspect_ratio value. Remember that 4/3 == 1 => Use : 4.0/3 # You can override computed ImageMagick transformation strings that defaults to "#{:width}x#{:height}>" by setting a value to :style # Needed if you set :aliases_only to true :thumbnail => { # :width => 100, # :height => 100, # :aspect_ratio => nil, # :style => nil }, # Options passed on to SWFUpload. # To remove an option when overriding, set it to nil. :swfupload => { # :flash_url => "'/papermill/swfupload.swf'", # :button_image_url => "'/papermill/images/upload-blank.png'", # :button_width => 61, # :button_height => 22, # :button_text => %{'#{I18n.t("papermill.upload-button-wording")}'}, # :button_text_style => %{'.button-text { font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; }'}, # :button_text_top_padding => 4, # :button_text_left_padding => 4, # :debug => false, # :prevent_swf_caching => true, # :file_size_limit => "'10 MB'" }, #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ thumbnails style parameters @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # You can override all these parameters here, or in your papermill associations definition, or in thumbnail styling hashes. # 1. COPYRIGHT WATERMARKING # Activate with '©' at the end of your geometry string or pass :copyright => "my_copyright" in alias definition # Papermill will use, in that order of priority : # * copyright found in geometry string AFTER the @ # * alternatively :copyright in alias/inline definition hash # * asset's copyright column (if found) # * associated :copyright definition in your Assetable association definition # * below :copyright definition # Set this definition to nil if you don't want a global copyright string (likely) # :copyright => "Example Copyright", # Textilize, truncate, transform... your copyright before integration # :copyright_text_transform => Proc.new {|c| c }, # Watermark ImageMagick command string. # * %s gets interpolated with above transformed copyright string # * DO NOT change the background color!, change the bordercolor instead. (because background color adds to bordercolor I set it to totally transparent) # * for both fill (=foreground color) and bordercolor (=background color), the last two octals control alpha (transparency). FF is opaque, 00 is transparent. # * remove -bordercolor if you don't want any background # * +antialias to REMOVE antialiasing # * font-size is pointsize # * type 'identify -list font' to get a list of the fonts you can use (ImageMagick will default to Arial/Times if it can't find it) # * use -gravity and -geometry for positionning, -geometry +x+y is relative to -gravity's corner/zone # * parenthesis are there to isolate the label creation from the compositing (blending) part. # * don't touch things you don't understand, you'll save yourself some time # :copyright_im_command => %{ \\( -font Arial-Bold -pointsize 9 -fill '#FFFFFFE0' -border 3 -bordercolor '#50550080' -background '#00000000' label:' %s ' \\) -gravity South-West -geometry +0+0 -composite }, # 2. IMAGE WATERMARKING # Activate with "-wm" at the end of your geometry string BEFORE copyright ('©'), or alternatively with :watermark => in your alias/inline hash # If you pass an image_path to :watermark, it will override below : # you can use a relative path from your public directory (see :public_root), a complete path, or an URI # :watermark => "/images/rails.png", # default :watermarking command for image_magick. %s gets interpolated with above image path. # :watermark_im_command => %{- | composite \\( %s -resize 100% \\) - -dissolve 20% -gravity center -geometry +0+0 }, #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Application-wide parameters @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # Default named_scope name for catch-all :papermill declaration # :base_association_name => :assets, # Set to true to require aliases in all url/path # Don't forget to give an alias value to options[:thumbnail][:style] if true! # :alias_only => false, # Needed if :alias_only :aliases => { # :mini_crop => "100x100#", # :cant_touch_this => { # :geometry => "400x>", # :copyright => "You sire, can't touch this", # :watermark => "http://westsidewill.com/newblog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/MC-Hammer.jpg" # } }, # To prevent generation of thumbnails and guessing of assets location through URL hacking # e.g. if you want to protect access to non-copyrighted original files, # or don't want users to browse images by guessing the sequence of ids, # an encrypted hash can be generated for each geometry string/alias and added to path/url. # Please note that all previous assets paths will be lost if you add/remove or change the :url_key generation. # :use_url_key => false, # :url_key_salt => "change-me-to-your-favorite-pet-name", # :url_key_generator => Proc.new { |style, asset| Digest::SHA512.hexdigest("#{style}#{asset.id}#{Papermill::options[:url_key_salt]}")[0..10] }, # added before path/url. Your front webserver will need to be able to find your assets # :papermill_path_prefix => ":rails_root/public/system/papermill", # :papermill_url_prefix => "/system/papermill", # you can set it to false if you don't plan to have too many assets. (dangerous) # :use_id_partition => true, # If you use those defaults, the first asset will end-up in RAILS_ROOT/public/system/papermill/000/000/001/original/my_first_asset_name.ext # You'll access it with my_domain.com/system/papermill/000/000/001/original/my_first_asset_name.ext } end end