# # ActiveFacts tests: Test the relational absorption by compiling CQL fragments. # Copyright (c) 2008 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'spec_helper' require 'activefacts/support' require 'activefacts/api/support' require 'activefacts/input/cql' require 'activefacts/persistence' describe "Absorption" do AT_Prologue = %Q{ vocabulary Test; DateTime is written as DateAndTime(); Month is written as VariableLengthText(3); Season is written as VariableLengthText(6); PartyID is written as AutoCounter(); ClaimID is written as AutoCounter(); } AT_Claim = %Q{ Claim is identified by ClaimID where Claim has exactly one ClaimID, ClaimID is of at most one Claim; Claim was reported on one DateTime; } AT_Incident = %Q{ Incident is identified by Claim where Claim concerns at most one Incident, Incident is of exactly one Claim; } AT_Party = %Q{ Party is identified by PartyID where Party has exactly one PartyID, PartyID is of at most one Party; } AT_Person = %Q{ Person is a kind of Party; } Tests = [ { :should => "inject a value column into the table for an independent ValueType", :cql => %Q{ #{AT_Prologue} Month is in exactly one Season; }, :tables => { "Month" => [["Month", "Value"], ["Season"]] } }, { :should => "absorb a one-to-one along the identification path", :cql => %Q{ #{AT_Prologue} #{AT_Claim} #{AT_Incident} Incident relates to loss on exactly one DateTime; }, :tables => { "Claim" => [%w{Claim ID}, %w{Date Time}, %w{Incident Date Time}]} }, { :should => "absorb an objectified binary with single-role UC", :cql => %Q{ #{AT_Prologue} #{AT_Claim} #{AT_Party} #{AT_Person} Lodgement is where Claim was lodged by at most one Person; Lodgement was made at at most one DateTime; Person has exactly one birth-DateTime; }, :tables => { "Claim" => [%w{Claim ID}, %w{Date Time}, %w{Lodgement Date Time}, %w{Lodgement Person ID}], "Party" => [%w{Party ID}, %w{Person Birth Date Time}] } }, ] Tests.each do |test| should = test[:should] cql = test[:cql] expected_tables = test[:tables] it "should #{should}" do @compiler = ActiveFacts::CQL::Compiler.new(should) @vocabulary = @compiler.compile(cql) # puts cql # Ensure that the same tables were generated: tables = @vocabulary.tables.sort_by(&:name) tables.map(&:name).should == expected_tables.keys.sort # Ensure that the same column descriptions were generated: tables.each do |table| column_descriptions = table.columns.map{|col| col.name(nil) }.sort column_descriptions.should == expected_tables[table.name].map{|c| Array(c) }.sort end end end end